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Viewing 66 - 70 out of 95 Blogs.
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We're prepared ... and having fun!
Posted On 11/24/2014 21:20:45 by yourchoice
I've been on a learning curve this past weekend, and I decided that I would put together a video (without music) that I could upload to YouTube, and try out the tip I read in a Group here on The Hill. The tool that I learned about is online, and it creates embedded code that can be copied and pasted on a website or blog. That sounds like fun.  Here is the link:http://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/youtube_xhtml / I posted a music video on my page, and I also wanted to try a personal... Read More

It's all about Surprises!
Posted On 11/04/2014 21:31:58 by yourchoice
We received an Evite today from our daughter-in-law, telling us that she is planning a surprise birthday party for her husband... our son! He will be 50 years old in December. My first thought was, "Wait a minute. I'm not old enough to have a 50-year-old son!" But when I counted on my fingers (and toes), I realized that she was right. I AM old enough!It got me thinking about surprise parties that have occurred in our family, and a flood of memories entertained me all afternoon. I don't recall an... Read More

Posted On 10/30/2014 13:18:14 by Notgrnyyet
   I used to write lots of blogs. I stuck to the rules, just wrote about my childhood,sweet and honery things. I quit writing because the rules got too strict for my taste. I felt that my freedom of speech was being taken away..I very seldom comment on a blog. I read some with interest and agreement. Others I don't read because I'm either not interested or I don't agree. Recently one I strongly agreed with I felt I wanted to comment on, agree with.   I went about my way... Read More

Who is my neighbor?
Posted On 10/29/2014 23:24:08 by yourchoice
I have been mulling over the very active "discussion" as a result of one of the posts this past weekend. Even though I am a dual citizen of Canada and U.S.A., I try not to get involved in discussions that become a 'war of words' instead of a friendly sharing of personal opinions. Every single person, no matter their age, has the opportunity to learn from others if they take the time to listen at least some of the time. Everyone who declares they are 'Christian', must surely know the simple vers... Read More

One Writer's Journey--Rejection
Posted On 09/26/2014 19:41:03 by TheresaS
Another one of my old post about my writing journey. I wrote this one in January of 2008. I never did get this particular book published, but it was the beginning of a series I did get published with a different publisher, The Sisters Callaway. Want to see more about the series? You can go to my blog here.

This Time it Really Hurt I checked my e-mails and found one from The Wild Rose Press.  A rejection. Of course it’s not my first, yet this one really hurt. &n... Read More

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