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Viewing 6 - 10 out of 95 Blogs.
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We've Done It ... And We're Still Here!
Posted On 05/17/2022 11:56:05 by yourchoice
Warning: this is a long one!!!Some of us had been planning and anticipating the 61st anniversary of our graduation from nursing school. The second weekend of April 2022 finally arrived and it was even better than what we were expecting. Whoever thought we were getting too old to have a party just don’t know any nurses! We’ve had a lot of practice!We were able to check into the hotel on Friday afternoon, and Marj., one of our classmates, did a wonderful job of booking the suite on the 12... Read More

The Face of Sisterhood
Posted On 04/17/2022 15:26:23 by yourchoice
It was 1958 when a group of almost one hundred young girls, most having just completed high school, met for the first time. It was the beginning of a three-year adventure… living and working together. They often socialized together, shared some tears together, and enjoyed daily fun times. In 1961, they graduated as Registered Nurses, and the ‘Sisterhood’ was well established. Many moved to far and near destinations, some to further their education, some to new employment opportunities, an... Read More

Number, Please?
Posted On 02/10/2022 22:09:53 by yourchoice
While watching the news this evening, it gave me an idea for a new blog from me. I do enjoy writing but the last couple of months have been filled with ‘other things’, and my list of ‘no-no’ topics that won’t be entertained by me is getting longer. I try not to be a ‘negative’ person. There is too much of that these days.Back to the news this evening… a town in the northern part of our province has announced that the last pay telephone in town will be retired, because it had only... Read More

Diaries, Journals, and Newsletters
Posted On 01/09/2022 18:08:11 by yourchoice
It’s been quite a year, and I wish you all a Happy and Wonderful New Year! I’m sure that the past year has been similar for most of us… some ‘hav- to’ jobs, some happy moments, and lots of spare hours. As I wrote in our year-end newsletter, I did a bit of cooking, a bit of cleaning, a bit of napping, and spent many hours refreshing memories through boxes and albums of photos, writing letters, sending emails and text messages, and talking on the phone. I use my computer every day, but I... Read More

Posted On 08/27/2021 08:48:09 by texasjane
What a day I had, yesterday.  When I woke up I did as usual.  I made coffee and looked out the window to see the traffic and weather.  My house fronts out onto a major highway in East Texas.  I can pretty much tell the news of the day by watching our traffic.  I also have a railroad track on the other side of the highway.  I watch the rail cars to find out what industries are shipping.  I watch the big trucks rushing by for the same reason.  Yesterday I wa... Read More

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