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Viewing 11 - 15 out of 95 Blogs.
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There Is No Such Place
Posted On 08/25/2021 04:38:12 by texasjane
"There is no such place."  Billy was shouting at little Becky.  He was playing his usual Bully Billy routine again.  I had to find away to stop it.  I said a little prayer for help.  How do I reach these wonderful little minds?"Billy, can you come here a minute." I motioned for him to come to me.  He shuffled his feet as he prepared himself for another lecture about being a bully.  "I think I am going to need you to help me today."  That made him go a litt... Read More

Surrounded by Integrity
Posted On 07/17/2021 22:00:37 by yourchoice
Speaking for myself, I'm getting sick and tired of 'know-alls' who seem to be dominating the media. It seems that the only news we now want to check on is local news, in case there is something that we need to be aware of that has changed, even in the last 24 hours. The national and international news seems to be a different matter, and we don’t want to get into any unhappy conversation with friends and family, when we really don’t know the ‘facts’, particularly in the political world. I... Read More

Golden Nuggets Plus 10 - Part 2
Posted On 02/23/2021 06:29:57 by yourchoice
Following graduation, the class of nurses went their separate ways, to find their first job as a Registered Nurse (known as an RN), continue their education, or to finally marry the love of their life (which was not allowed during training days). They were now members of the Hospital Alumnae, and made concerted efforts to travel back to attend the annual Alumnae Banquet. Traditionally, each class planned their own class reunion every five years, which included attending the Alumnae Banquet. The... Read More

Always the Lure... of Books - Part 2
Posted On 01/23/2021 12:53:21 by yourchoice
Last week, I posted a list of books that I “rediscovered” on the shelves of our personal library, books that I know I’ve read but I can’t remember the contents or what I liked about a book. I must have liked it or I wouldn’t have kept it. This week, I want to tell you about the lasting impact that several books have had on my life. The first book that I daily enjoy reading and re-reading, starting in print and now on my Kindle, is ‘The Voice’ (‘ a modern language, dynamic equiv... Read More

Always the Lure... of Books - Part 1
Posted On 01/18/2021 16:14:41 by yourchoice
We’ve said our final farewell to 2020… such a memorable year! Have you kept an updated journal, did as much as possible for yourself, and followed the rules as best you could? Have you remembered to have a thankful heart when you wake up every morning? We don’t have a big house, but during of weeks of ‘isolation’, I started to visit the room at the end of the hall that isn’t used very much, except to stash items that I won’t often need or even look at. It is our ‘Library’, in... Read More

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