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Viewing 16 - 20 out of 95 Blogs.
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What About Our Christmas Traditions?
Posted On 12/06/2020 21:25:29 by yourchoice

  Most people here on The Hill know that we live in the Foothills of the Canadian Rockies. They understand that we have four distinctive seasons, represented by blooming trees and beds of bright flowers, bright cloudless skies and much warmer days, colorful tree leaves and food-producing gardens, and piles of snow and ice-covered rivers and lakes. So… why have I started this blog with that photo? We’re almost through the first week of December, supposedly getting ready for Christma... Read More

Saying 'Thanks' On A Bad Day!
Posted On 10/25/2020 15:11:21 by yourchoice
We've just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving... and I even wrote a blog about it. It has been a busy time in our household... birthday celebrations, a bit of travel, thanksgiving with some of the family and missing the rest, plus the daily activities that hopefully keep us out of trouble. October 22/20 didn't seem to fit in those categories. It has been said that "life is the sum total of all experiences...", and for me, it was a 'dousie'! I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry, but it happe... Read More

Songs in my head during a crazy time in 2020
Posted On 08/18/2020 16:09:56 by momtocam

Recently, I have found myself waking up (most mornings) in the last few weeks with a tune playing in my head. Consequently, these songs were from my younger days. Some have been rock beats..others, a classic country melody....and even a few Ozzy hits from the 80’s. I tend to think the younger child inside of me is tapping my shoulder to remind me of days gone by. Days when my only care in the world was meeting up with friends, or simply deciding on what I would order with a h... Read More

What Would You Do With A 'Time-Out?'
Posted On 08/02/2020 17:46:59 by yourchoice
With all the reading that I’ve been doing this past few weeks, I have been tempted to revert back to ‘the way things were’ before the global endemic has tried to stop us in our tracks. There was always some place that I wanted to go, someone to visit, do some travelling, go shopping, etc.  The media tells us to ‘carry on’ and follow the rules, don’t worry, we’ll get through this, or they tell us that it’s going to get worse, no matter what we do. I don’t want to hear the n... Read More

A Tale of the Toasted Buns – A Throwback
Posted On 03/26/2020 05:10:37 by yourchoice
My mother's family were of German decent, with several major moves in their history. There are few details of her grandparent's move from Germany to southern Russia, during the reign of Catherine The Great, but we were told of the importance of the toasted buns which were, and still are, a special treat. In preparation for their long journey, they believed that to stay healthy, it was importance to bring a supply of drinking water with them as well as an abundance of homemade buns, toasted so th... Read More

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