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Viewing 41 - 45 out of 95 Blogs.
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F – Finding Funny and Fascinating Facts
Posted On 08/16/2017 10:27:12 by yourchoice
When we purchased our first computer in 1983, it was considered a business tool. If I learned how to use it, I would be able to help my husband in his business by creating ad files and financial records. I read the tutorials, learned the meaning of a bunch of new words, and have never lost my fascination with the technology. Now, in my retirement, I still use my computer every day to communicate with friends (all over the world), create new friendships with people I probably will never meet in p... Read More

W - Wordsmiths
Posted On 04/10/2017 23:37:48 by yourchoice
First of all, did you know that the term ‘wordsmith’ is an English language word that was created in late 1800s to describe a person who works with words, and is especially a skillful writer. The word ‘skillful’ in the last sentence leaves me out; I’m not skilled but I love words. I talk a lot, at time too much, but I also remind myself that I need to listen to other people’s stories. They are very interesting too… well, most of them! I don’t like to listen to gossip, o... Read More

Love Unmerited
Posted On 03/08/2017 12:54:02 by kristine
This was shared with me, so I am passing it along.  I hope all enjoy the read.
Franklin Graham regrets it now, but in his youth he was wild and rebellious. One day he went roaring up to his dad's house on his Harley Davidson motorcycle to ask for some money. Dressed in his leathers, dusty and bearded, he burst into his father's living room---and walked right into a meeting of Billy's executive board.
Without hesitation, Billy Graham indentified Graham as his son. Then he proudly intro... Read More

S - Secret Sisters
Posted On 02/12/2017 12:29:26 by yourchoice
When I was reading the most recent blog from Sherry, and thinking about her questions, it made me think of my experiences that developed through a ‘Secret Sister’ program, both in our church and in our kids’ school. Everyone who wanted to participate would write their name on a piece of paper, fold it at least a couple of times, and place it in some sort of container. Next, the container was passed around and everyone in turn would close their eyes or reach in the container that was held h... Read More

R - Remembering my Residence Room
Posted On 02/06/2017 23:10:34 by yourchoice
It was the last week in August, 1958 when I entered the School of Nursing. I experienced a mixture of happy anticipation and almost paralyzing nervousness as I rode in the back seat of my parents’ car. My best friend from middle school would be there. I had seen very little of her during our high school years because she attend a church school for her high school years. I had already decided that if we had to share a room with someone, it would have to be her because I didn’t know anyone els... Read More

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