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Tag: photos

Viewing 6 - 10 out of 12 Blogs.
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About this Vintage Collection...
Posted On 09/20/2020 20:05:41 by yourchoice
I'm still finding boxes of 'stuff' that I've forgotten that I still have. I have to admit that I have  been distracted quite often, when started to sift through a discovered box. When the family tells me that I never throw anything out, I think they are right at least part of the time. One box was very heavy... no wonder it hasn't been moved in years. It is filled with newspapers and magazines. The Star Weekly was known for the photos included in their stories, and I have the issue in honor... Read More

The Treasure of Memories
Posted On 07/22/2020 23:34:43 by yourchoice
You may not believe this, but you haven’t heard from me this past month because I couldn’t come up with a topic that would be even slightly interesting in a blog. We’ve been staying close to home these days, except for necessary trips to town for groceries and medical appointments. Our favorite dining spots have been closed, except for curbside service, and the food would be cold before we got back home. A treat in town would be a drive-thru for donuts or hamburgers, but eating a meal in o... Read More

I Can't Win...
Posted On 07/13/2020 23:03:24 by yourchoice

I have received some wonderful private messages from friends here on The Hill, and other sources. I thought I was giving everyone a “break”, because I’ve been known to be an adamant and frequent user of words, both in live conversations, text messages, emails, and blogs. However, the messages are checking to see if all is well at our patch of land, has our ‘isolation’ become a ‘seclusion’, or have I been distracted by more interesting activities. Well, here comes a ‘deluge’... Read More

Photos Tell the Tale...
Posted On 11/20/2019 13:05:22 by yourchoice
Being that I have a bit of time this morning before our wheels start turning on our road again, I thought I would show my dear friends here on NOTH that I CAN write a short blog... sometimes! I thought I would post two photos that were taken from my favorite spot on the 'warm side of the glass'! Today we have clear blue skies and bright sunshine.
Please take note of the dates on this photo...! ... and this one
No... we don't have snow all year...No... we don't mind the snow... it's Novem... Read More

Armchair Travels
Posted On 07/25/2018 00:44:30 by yourchoice
Years ago, my Dad did a lot of traveling with his widowed sister, and they were in many places in the world. He wasn't much for taking pictures until after my Mom passed away because she is the one who carried a Kodak box camera. When my Dad retired, his company gave him a movie camera, a 35 mm camera, 2 projectors, and a screen (you can tell that his work was with the "government"), so he decided to learn how to use "that stuff"!He moved into a Seniors' Residence so he wouldn't have to worry ab... Read More

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