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Tag: retirement

Viewing 6 - 10 out of 14 Blogs.
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Occupation: Retired.
Posted On 04/14/2020 09:28:24 by texasjane
When my grandmother retired she became a full time baby sitter for me. She had sold girdles door to door after divorcing her first husband for infidelity. Back in her day divorce was rare and divorcees were sometimes shunned. Finding work as a divorcee was hard.  She retired from that to manage her own flower shop in the lobby of a large downtown hotel. When I arrived, she became my babysitter.I knew she chatted on the phone with friends, but she also did a lot of going shopping or out... Read More

Time to Learn Something New
Posted On 03/06/2020 22:55:30 by texasjane
Someone asked me the other day what I liked the most about retirement. I answered that now I have time to learn anything I want to learn. I can even learn to speak another language if I want. Then I was reminded of the last time I tried that.
Have you ever done something that proved without a doubt that you were just a bit crazy. You never told anyone because you were afraid they might mistake crazy with really dumb. Well, like I said many times before. I was not the sharpest crayon in the bo... Read More

Picturing Your Retirement
Posted On 03/06/2020 10:03:04 by texasjane
How do you picture your retirement? How did you picture it before you got there? I am sure very few of us had the same picture for both questions. retirement itself has nothing to do with age. It is merely going from one life style to another.I have a nephew who had enlisted in the army right out of high school.By the time he was 30 he retired from the service and went into business for himself doing a lot of what he had learned while in the service. I have known those who have retired from more... Read More

How Do You Picture Your Retirement
Posted On 02/02/2020 00:48:21 by texasjane
How do you picture your retirement? How did you picture it before you got there? I am sure very few of us had the same picture for both questions. retirement itself has nothing to do with age. It is merely going from one life style to another.I have a nephew who had enlisted in the army right out of high school.By the time he was 30 he retired from the service and went into business for himself doing a lot of what he had learned while in the service. I have known those who have retired from more... Read More

A Day At The Lake
Posted On 01/31/2020 17:47:33 by texasjane
I lived with 3 dogs and a cat. When I lived on the lake my day was never typical or routine. One such day went something like this:Baby Girl (my big yellow dog) had gotten real good about bringing me turtles at night when I'm not paying attention to her. The gifts had become a daily thing for her. Each morning (with Baby Girl following) I would take my precious little gifts down the back steps and place them in the opening leading under the house. This seemed to be the safest place to put them.... Read More

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