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Viewing 6 - 7 out of 7 Blogs.
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Posted On 08/24/2014 17:41:35 by oppsgal
HERMITS ....sechandler 8 24 14
What is a hermit?  Usually it is someone who chooses to close themselves off from society as much as they can.  Only associating with people to buy necessities. 

Today in my local paper there was an article about two Hermits that lived near by my town, They lived in Plymouth Ohio even today it's a small sleepy country town with not much action. Except when the flyer comes out on Tuesdays for the local grocery store then the pick u... Read More

The Angels Come to Visit Us
Posted On 03/07/2013 21:23:53 by Thundercloud
“The golden moments in the stream of live rush past us, and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone” ~ George EliotToday I did something I try very hard never to do – I glanced over my shoulder and looked at the road behind me. I don’t like to do this because when what’s behind me is better that what’s ahead of me, it only makes me feel worse. I suppose we all get to a point in our lives when that’s true; the road ahead becomes... Read More

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