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Viewing 6 - 10 out of 67 Blogs.
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G - Gorgeous, Gigantic Gus; What A Gentleman!
Posted On 02/03/2021 20:57:23 by yourchoice
I decided, because of past events that have recently popped up in my memory, to share this blog that I wrote in the A-Z Alphabet Challenge a couple of years ago. I guess this is my "Throwback Thursday" story...______________________________ _______________________
I would like to introduce you to a guy I met many years ago. He was a lot older than me, but the first time I laid eyes on him, I knew I wanted to get to know him better. He was gorgeous, and to me, he looked like a giant with a gr... Read More

My Quest for Citizenship
Posted On 12/01/2020 17:11:47 by yourchoice
In the mid-1980s, our two children were both completing their high school education and were trying to decide what they wanted to do as an adult. There were a few ideas, but the question was, “Would Dad and Mom agree?” Our son wanted to sell real estate, like his father did, but had to be convinced that he was too young. Where would he find a customer who would be willing to work with an 18-year old Realtor? Our independent daughter wanted to get a business degree, but not anywhere near hom... Read More

A Treasure Trove of Photos - Part 2
Posted On 11/05/2020 23:54:09 by yourchoice
When I was writing my latest blog, sharing my passion for photos and photography, my mind was all over the place. Why am I so hooked on photos? Are others in my family just as 'hooked' on photos? Has my love of photos opened other avenues of interest for me? I decided that if I included everything that I wanted to say, the blog would be too long, and it would be boring. But it is hard to keep me quiet!!!!!For me, my photos are my version of a personal journal. I never kept a diary or wrote a jou... Read More

A Treasure Trove of Photos - Part 1
Posted On 10/30/2020 03:35:19 by yourchoice
I have always had a passion for photographs. When I arrived in our family, my mother purchased a box camera. I still have quite a few photos of myself, starting as a babe in arms, and my growing up years on the farm. I don't have any siblings so I was the 'star'! When we moved to the city, and I was attending school, Mother used a Brownie camera, with the glass view finder, which I still have in my collection. The definition of a trove, according to Webster, is a collection or store of valuable... Read More

About this Vintage Collection...
Posted On 09/20/2020 20:05:41 by yourchoice
I'm still finding boxes of 'stuff' that I've forgotten that I still have. I have to admit that I have  been distracted quite often, when started to sift through a discovered box. When the family tells me that I never throw anything out, I think they are right at least part of the time. One box was very heavy... no wonder it hasn't been moved in years. It is filled with newspapers and magazines. The Star Weekly was known for the photos included in their stories, and I have the issue in honor... Read More

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