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All creatures react differently the first time they see their reflection. When I first saw myself in a mirror, I screamed my head off. That kid in the wall did everything I did and would not stop. That kid in the wall screamed just as loud as I did. What did I do? I hid and peeked out. My new foster mom gently took me by the hand and lead me back to the mirror. I saw another her there too. My mouth flew open and my eyes got wide. She said, "That is you. I grinned, the kid grinned. I suddenly got excited. I put my hands in front of my face and peeked out from between my fingers and said, "Peek a Boo, I see me." I laughed... the kid laughed. This was fun. I look back on the experience now and remember my mother always made me look at myself before any disciplinary action. My grandmother made me look at myself when ever I could not make up my mind about what to do. She would say, "That person right there looking back at you is the one who has to live with... what ever you decide. There may be other people; but the person in the mirror is someone you live with everyday." The practice of looking at myself before making decisions helped me through many, many, life altering experiences. Through the years I loved to see children and animals also discover themselves for the first time. Becoming self aware was one thing but to see proof of ones own existence was something else. My sister's first sight of herself made her laugh and point at the kid in the mirror and then at herself. She was three. She actually danced with the reflection she saw. Then while Grandmother sang the Patty Cake song my sister sat down in front of the mirror and played patty cakes with her reflection. Once I asked Grandmother what she saw when she looked into the mirror. She would grin and bat her eyelashes at her reflection and always say, "You are pretty foxy to be retired." According to the cartoons of the day a fox was sly and sneaky. I had no idea at the time what retired was but according to my grandmother it meant she could spend lots of time with me. I asked my mother once what she saw in the mirror? She would look at her reflection, pluck at her hair line and say, "It is time to get out the peroxide. It is time to become a natural blonde again." I asked my daddy the same question. He rarely ever looked at himself in the mirror except to see if all his clothes lined up. He had a burr haircut that was started when he went to his barber the morning after a party and the barber was still drunk. My father came home with a burr and it stayed for many years but he did change his barber. When I asked Daddy what he saw in the mirror he would always say, "Someone who needs a haircut." All in all humans all react to their reflection according to how they felt about themselves. 
My cat was too clever... she looked behind the mirror trying to find the other cat. I have seen birds peck at the side mirrors on cars. As if to try and warn the other bird that they needed to escape while they could. I have seen other creatures discover themselves including a squirrel in my own yard. He had been raised by a cat and did not learn he was a squirrel until he saw his own reflection in a puddle of water. 
I had thought on all these things as I tried to prepare Hamlet to see himself for the first time. He was to do a TV commercial or public service spot about teen suicide. Hamlet had to get it right. The spot was about a kid who saw herself as a pig because her mother had continually criticized her about her weight. Her mother called her a pig so that is what she saw when she looked into the mirror. It was a very important commercial and I wanted Hamlet to do it. Now, Hamlet had to dress up like a girl. Pink ribbon, pink hue to the lens, the whole pink for girl outfit. No camera angel let out Hamlet's secret of being a fella. He played the part of a little girl just right. He also played the part of being a "delight" perfectly. I was so afraid he would run from the reflection. How would I help him understand he was seeing himself? Now, you must understand... I never told Hamlet he was a pig. He was always my "Delightful Hamlet." I am sure he knew he was a "delightful" what ever that was. He also knew his name and identified with it and all the attention "Hamlet" got. 
Hamlet loved the spotlight any time he could get it. He always had to be the center of attention. He was sure everyone was there to see him. I was worried he would not like dressing like a girl. No problems there... it was just another costume to him. It was time. I had a full length mirror along one wall in living room. I opened the door and let him inside the room. Hamlet was not sure of what he saw in the mirror. He grunted and looked back at me. 
The camera men got ready as Hamlet saw himself for the first time. He did not squeal... he squeaked, walked slowly up to the other pig and kissed it. Needless to say, he did not get the part. He was thrilled at being a "delightful" Hamlet, he thought being a delight was wonderful. He even squeaked again when he saw his tail wiggling in the mirror. He checked his behind and sure enough his tail was wiggling. After that, Hamlet never passed a mirror that he did not stop and kiss the "delightful" staring back at him. 
When you look in the mirror do it with love. What you see was created by God and is Loved by God. Make sure you tell yourself that and pass the secret along to anyone else looking in the mirror, especially a child.
Tags: Pets Life Memories
About a year ago I moved to this tiny town. Little did I know at the time the town had its characters as my grandmother would call them. People with reputations the whole town knew about... everyone but the new comers. I met one such person on my first trip to the local grocery store. I had my buggy and my list. I went up and down each isle at first just to get the lay out of the store. Then I got serious about my shopping. I was concentrating on my list. I was not paying any attention to anyone else or anything else for the matter. I went to the big bin for cheeses, etc. and bent in to pick up a block of cheddar. Suddenly, without any warning a man scooted up behind me and whispered in my ear, "Want ta' spoon, Honey?" I was so startled I straightened up and spun around to see who was so forward. It was a man with a mustache and a very devilish grin on his face. I am sure my cheeks were flushed as I tried to regain some composure. I looked at him and said, "Please, Sir, leave me along. I am not buying anything you got to offer." I then quickly grabbed my buggy and walked swiftly away to another isle. I continued without incident for a couple more isle and finally shrugged it off. I told myself he probably had dementia of some sort. I turned to go down the row that had eggs, milk, butter, etc. Out the corner of my eye I noticed he was following me. There was a store mirror at one end that showed him slowly coming up behind me again. Just before he got close enough to touch me again I turned to confront him. I was calm. I felt this situation did not call for hysteria. He started to say something to me, and I put my hand up, palm out and said, "Sir, have you ever had egg all over your face?" His eyes widened and he was so surprised at my response. He cleared his throat and grinned a bit. He stroked his mustache, wagged his head a bit and said, "No, lady, why do you ask?" I pulled an egg out of the carton in my buggy and smashed it on his nose. Then very evenly, said, "Now, you have. Please leave me alone. I am going for the bug spray next." He giggled a bit as he tried to stop the egg running down his face and into his mustache. I walked away without looking back. Nothing else happened during the rest of my shopping. I got ready to check out and saw the man standing just inside the door. He tipped his hat to me and bowed. The cashier was laughing under her breath. She ask me, you the one who smashed an egg on Romeo's face? I confess with an affirmative head shake. She went on to say he has been here for a few years and stands there at the door looking for new comers. You must be the new widow in town. I simple answer; "I'm new to town and I am a widow." She said I told him one of these days someone one is going to do something about one of your passes on our older female patrons. He always seems to disappear so quickly no one can catch him at it. She ask, "How did you do it?" I looked at her and replied "Once you get the egg; "It is all in the wrist." I have seen him several times since on my trips to the grocery. He always tips his hat but never approaches.
Tags: Life Dating Memories Humor
A few weeks ago when we had some storms come through here my constant volunteering really caught up with me. There was a family that had moved into town who had 3 children with down syndrome. During the storm we lost power for several hours. I sat here in the dark talking to the dogs and directing my prayers to the ceiling as if I could see it. I said, "ok... now what are we going to do? We have no electronic magic to entertain us so tell me where you need me." I really should work on my prayers, I always get a response. A banging at my front door alerted me to the first disaster. A neighbor was checking on me and knew I always had something in my crock pot. I really should try not to be so predictable. I had a crock pot full of a chicken vegetable stew that was still warm. The neighbor told me about the little family with the kids. Their roof had been struck by lightening and they needed help. I grab the crock pot and a whole package of plastic bowls and joined him. When we got there the kids were screaming in fear every time the the thunder roared and the lightening cracked. There was a hole in the middle of the kitchen ceiling and the whole house was getting flooded. The men who had come to help were patching the hole in the ceiling so I went to work. I opened the back door and started pulling everything I could find to create a path for the water to be funneled back outside. The mother saw what I was doing and realized that the flooding was fixable. I told one of the guys to attach some shower curtains to the ceiling and funnel the water into the path we had made. I had lined the floor with plastic trash bags and the clothes and stuff lining the sides kept the water going right back out the back door. I asked the little mom to continue creating the pathway while I took care of the kids. I then said a little prayer for God to show me the way into their little hearts. The thunder stopped for a while. I started laughing and clapping my hands. The kids asked me why I was doing that. I asked it they knew about God. They all shook their heads yes. I then went on to explain that just as humans make noise when they clap their hands together that God made noise when he clapped his. That is why the weather man calls it a "Clap of Thunder". I let them in on the secret that God was just trying to warn them that he was going to take their picture. Their little faces lite up. I said you have seen it when someone takes your picture ... the flash of the camera. Well, that is all the lightening is. God is taking you picture. He claps to let you know to get ready then the flash tells you he has taken your picture. There is nothing to be afraid of at all. The kids instantly started clapping their hands and smiling every time the thunder roared. After that; we all sat in the dark eating the stew I had brought. It was truly a blessing in action. I fed 18 people out of that one crock pot. I knew it was God working the loaves and fishes again. It got to one point when the kids were getting edgy about being in the dark. Flashlights were passed out then I told them I needed their help. I told them that on my way to their house I had seen a magical dog that was lost in the storm. I went on to tell them he was magical because he got to experience what ever someone made up about him. I went on to give examples of how I had given him the ability to shake the water out of his fur and hear in the dark. I said what I needed was for them to each give him either a power or an adventure so he would not be afraid in the storm. I said each one of them could talk and add to his adventure for 5 minutes then they had to pass the story onto the next person. The adventures and powers they sent that little dog on during that power outage was wonderful. They all got so busy with the story they never realized when power actually got restored. What excited me was when power came back on they did not run to their electronic devices ... they stayed together and finished the story. The chief of police was a friend of mine. I knew that he had dropped by to check on things. The kids started telling him about the magical dog. Had he seen it? He talked to the parents in another room for a few minutes. I also knew he had gone to check on the animal shelter while we were there and he showed up with a wonderful puppy. They all decided it was the magical dog I had seen on the way over. They named him Magic. The chief had checked with the parents first. When he winked at me I knew something wonderful was going to happen. Magic is in very good hands, and hands, and hands. They all take turns letting him sleep with them. The story game, as they call it now, is something the whole family does each evening during dinner. The mother said sometimes they get so involved with a story they forget to watch TV. The kids love it. They also passed along the secret about thunder and lightening to the preschool class. When another storm hit and they lost power in the school the kids told the whole class and the teacher was thrilled. Instead of screaming in fear... all the kids were clapping and smiling so God could take their picture. A follow up: The mother told me that one of her little girls said they had a substitute teacher about ten days ago when we had more storms. The little girl had of course let all the kids know what a "clap" of thunder meant. When the thunder clapped real loud.. all the kids started combing their hair and straightening their clothes. When the teacher asked why they were doing that they told her it was so they would look nice when God took there picture. It turns out the teacher was an atheist. She tried to explain to the kids that the thunder came when two clouds bumped each other... that in reality there was no God. The little girl looked at the teacher and said, "Well even if you don't believe in him... he is going to take your picture. So, you best get ready." I got a big kick out of that one. The family also followed my suggestion and put a skylight in the kitchen ceiling where the whole was made by the lightening. It is truly beautiful. The children play under it when the moonlight shines through and of course during storms... just in case God wants to take their picture.
Tags: Children Life Home Volunteering Storms
After visiting with friends that lived across the street I decided to go home for a quiet evening alone. My drive way was covered with acorns that had fallen from the trees that surround my little house on the lake. I made it through all the marbles on my drive, up my steps, and across the porch just fine, no problems. I came through the front door and faced instant chaos. The fur people were all over my feet, Baby Girl was tugging at one arm while Freddie tugged at the other. Ashley, the cat, laid on the pillow on the sofa, looked up, meowed as if to say, "Oh, its just you." Sweet Pea was stretched out across the sofa sound asleep. Thank God I had not been drinking. With my dog's help, I made a very drunken style walk across the living room floor only to land in the kitchen, in the water pan that had been moved. The house was really in good shape, after leaving them inside while I was gone. But, the booby traps did not end with the moving of the water pan. I sat down the sack in my hand on the kitchen table and headed for the bathroom. I was looking down, trying to untangle my feet from Freddie and headed straight into the kitchen chair that had been moved into the bathroom, on its side, on the floor. The dogs were so thrilled that once again I was joining them on the floor. I carried the chair back into the kitchen. I mopped up the water that had spilled from the moved water pan. I then put away the mop. I made myself a large glass of ice coffee and headed for the sofa. I could not find the remote. I looked everywhere. I finally found it behind the big green chair. I have no idea how it got there. The batteries where much easier to spot, they were in the bottom of the water pan. I found dry batteries, put the remote back together, and once again proceeded towards the sofa. I set my glass down on the little table, clicked the TV on and started to sit down. I nudged Sweet Pea off the sofa, as she stepped on my foot tripping me which caused me to land right on top of the pile of knuckle bones that Freddie had gathered and put Ashley in charge of guarding. I was trying to persuade Ashley to surrender "the pillow" by letting her know I had brought home fresh cat food. While I was up moving the bones, I shook the sack, opened it, and took a handful of the little morsels and placed them in her bowl, on the table. She looked at me and said, "No, Thanks; I ate just before you came in-- I'll check it out in a little while." I replied, Ashley, MOVE! She yawned, stretched her body across the entire pillow and closed her eyes. Not wanting to be the loser in this argument, I physically lifted her body and took it to the table. I went back, claimed my pillow, and clicked on the channel I wanted to watch. I should have watched Ashley instead. She had proceeded to dangle her paws over the edge of the table and make little meow sounds. I did not pay any attention because she is always talking about something. I was sure she was just giving me another argument about the pillow, complaining about the food, or something else I did not care about. She got Freddie so excited, he jumped on the table. Cat food went every where. The dogs are now frantic trying to gobble up as much as they can. I yell, jump up and run to the kitchen to catch the table before it falls sideways as Freddie is jumping off. I get everything cleaned up. I looked for Ashley to make sure she is was all right. I found her, she is back on the pillow stretched out playing possum. I grabbed the pillow, went to the other end of the sofa, changed the channel on the TV and drank about half my coffee down. Ashley just kept sleeping---- right. I noticed that during the confusion that the two Baby Girl and Freddie had stolen one bone each from Sweet Pea's pile. I was settling in to watch TV when Sweet Pea decided to recollect her bones. Since the other dogs were eagerly working on one each it was interesting to see how she was going to handle it. She all of a sudden started barking and ran to the back door. Both bone thieves rushed out the doggy door, into the night. She quietly walked back to the bones and moved them back to the sofa with the others. My evening, I thought was finally going to quiet down. The two dogs came bursting into the house. They were invigorated from the cold and ready to rumble. They rumbled right into my little table. My half glass of ice coffee simple slipped to its side while depositing its contents across my lap. I yelled and jumped up at the same time. The dogs were so startled, they instantly ran between my legs and once again we all got to celebrate me getting on the floor with them. I braced myself on the sofa to pull myself back up. Freddie decided since I was busy, it was a good time to check out the "sleeping cat". He jumped in the middle of Ashley, she jumped on my head, and we all once again sat in the floor. By that time the dogs were the only ones thrilled about the idea of me being on the floor. I had not been able to do the splits since drill team. I do not recommend it to those who have been declared "disabled". I had one sip of water left on the other little table. I used it to take two pain pills and two potassium tablets. I realized I had pulled a ham string and my leg was really going into a bad cramp. While I was cleaning up, Freddie opened the back door again and Ashley went out. I tried to stretch out on the sofa, but the ham string hurt too bad. So, I decided to sit up for a while and watch TV. I had recorded a wonderful little Christmas movie earlier. Everyone got quiet and we started to watch the movie. My friend, Travis, knocked on the front door. Once again chaos ensued. He had seen a lot of commotion and heard me yell when he was out letting his dog do his business. He came by to see if I was all right. I tried to click off the TV quickly so we could talk for a minute and I hit the wrong button. I had gotten a second of Animal Planet before the TV went blank. Baby Girl loves Animal Planet and starts barking the minute she hears it. The rest of the group instantly join her and they sit as a gang stalking prey in front of the TV. If I turn it off before a commercial comes on, all sitting in front of a blank TV screen and instantly the barking starts all over again. Travis gave up trying to talk and left. The dogs are watching Animal Planet; Ashley is out for the evening; and I'm in here, now having a quiet evening. I should have believed my fortune cookie at the restaurant. It said, "Chaos is easy to overcome if you keep your sense of humor." You think if I laugh myself to sleep it would help? How was your evening? I'll let you go. Thanks for listening. My fur people keep my sense of humor in tact which guarantees a successful retirement.
Tags: Pets Retirement Home Memories
Ashley was one of several kittens born to a dying mother. An opossum had killed the mother and was after the kittens. There were 3 beautiful kittens then there was Ashley. I named her Ashley because she was so ugly I wanted her to have something pretty. Ashley was the last of all the kittens and came to be my sleeping buddy. When I gave up my mother's family home and moved to the lake... Ashley went with me. Ashley, besides being a bit of a queen bee, was notorious for helping other animals. I never knew what Ashley was going to bring home or invite into the house. I have more stories that include Ashley so make sure to look for them. 
After we moved from the lake house to my new house Ashley discovered a yard full of pecan trees. No matter what I did she would always find a way to get out and perch herself on a low lying branch to watch the squirrels. One day without even asking she scampered in through the doggy door and straight into my bed. She dropped her prize. I thought it was a mouse at first then realized it was a baby squirrel. OMG. I went outside to see if I could spot a frantic mother somewhere. I saw nothing, except an empty nest on the ground just outside the fence in the front yard. The dogs could not get to it nor were they responsible the tragedy. Then I spotted two kids proudly carrying their hunting trophy... the mother. I went back in the house. How to care for a baby squirrel? I started by taking bird seed and grinding them up with some drops of canned milk and honey. The little fellow really liked that. Peanut butter was also a hit. I named him Oscar and left Ashley in charge of watching him. 
Oscar and Ashley played all day long. They chased one another and Ashley even trained Oscar to use the kitty box. Peanut butter was one of his favorite things to eat. By the time Oscar became full grown he acted more like a cat than a squirrel. This was no problem as long as they stayed inside the house. Oscar and Ashley ventured out into the yard and up one tree. There were other squirrels there but Oscar ignored them... he did not know he was a squirrel. He followed Ashley everywhere. This was fine until the day Ashley died. She was almost 22 years old and started to moving a little slower. The vet said it may have been some arthritis. I think she had reached retirement but not told anyone. I have other stories of when she was younger but this one is my favorite. She was doing what she did best... taking care of another one of God's creatures. I really think she knew she had been rescued and spent her life paying it forward. I had fixed her up with a bed and heating pad. Then one night she went to sleep, Oscar right beside her, and died. The next morning when I discovered Ashley I quickly scooped her up and gave her a proper burial. She had been a wonderful companion for almost 22 years. The dogs even respected her and would back off if she wanted a particular spot on the sofa. She always waited till Sweet Pea had finished kissing her before meowing and walking away or laying down. Oscar was lost. He had no idea what to do. I had my hands full. How was I going to teach this little guy how to be a squirrel? I prayed about it. Oscar was one of God's little creatures and each one of them had instincts built right inside of them. I just had to wake Oscar's up a bit. I felt sure that nature would take over if I could just make Oscar realize he was a squirrel. I started out by hiding nuts in Ashley's cat tree. Oscar would find them and gobble them up. I knew I had to help him understand he was supposed to live outside in a tree. I tried putting him on a low branch. He would beat me back into the house. The dogs took no notice of him coming in and out of the doggy door. Ashley had batted a couple of noses; so they associated hurting squirrels with a bruised snout. I was beside myself. I felt it was the right thing to do. He did not belong in the house even as a pet. I kept putting him out into the low branches of the trees in the yard. I actually got down on my knees and prayed for an answer to help this wonderful little guy. 
While I was on my knees it began to sprinkle. It was not long before Oscar and I were being gently rained on. I was getting wet but I did not care. I knew the answer was coming today. We stayed out there until the shower stopped. I would put Oscar onto the low branch and then sit back down. He would scamper down to me. We repeated this exercise several times. Then Oscar stopped. 
He looked down into the puddle that had formed from the rain. He could see his reflection. He stretched out his arm trying to touch the squirrel he saw there. Another little squirrel came and sat beside him. He jumped. He backed up and looked again at the reflection then at the other little squirrel. He glanced at me and chattered a bit and ran off with the other squirrel. 
I was so proud of him and so grateful. I realized it does not matter how you started out in this world. God knows exactly who and what you are long before you do. He will help you fulfill your destiny. I still watch Oscar and his family from the porch. He has never once tried to come back into the house. He likes being a squirrel. 
Tags: Pets Memories Home Life
I have retired twice. I retired from teaching many years ago. Went back to school and became an auditor and designed conveyor systems for a national chain. I took an early retirement from that career. My early days of retirement were busy taking care of my mom, her sister, and my many critters and responsibilities. After my husband, my mother, and her sister passed away I was suddenly left with no one to take care of but me and my remaining animals. I allowed depression and laziness to move in and rob me of some precious time. I died on March 11, 2016 from a pulmonary embolism. Since I am an organ donor I was kept on life support until my organs could be harvested. I woke up within an hour of the surgery to remove my organs. I woke up just long enough for everyone to know I was still alive and then went into a coma for 2 months. When I finally got back home I spent 2 years frightened to leave my house. I had been playing on my computer one minute and suddenly woke up 2 months later in a hospital almost 100 miles from my home. It scared me. I ordered everything on line. I did not talk to anyone except a very pushy neighbor. She really just wanted to make sure I was all right but to me, at the time, I thought she was pushy. Long story short my death had made me retire from life. I was grateful to be alive but had not yet tried to understand the meaning of it all. I did not even go out on my front porch. I watched TV, I played on my computer. I got so involved in not being involved I began to get tired of everything. I was too tired to stay up very long. I started sleeping almost all the time. My energy level went down. I did less each day. It started effecting my balance. My legs trembled when I walked. I was so far down, wallowing in depression, I did not realize I was even there. I thought I was happy. I played with my animals and talked to them all day long. You would be surprised how many arguments I lost because I just got tired of trying. I even slept in a chair one night so the dogs could have the sofa. All I knew was... I was tired and I got tireder the less I did. My pushy neighbor called some people. A volunteer came by to bring me lunch one day. My neighbor called me and told me she had set me up with an agency. I took the lunch. I thanked them and closed the door quickly. My house was a mess and I wanted no one inside. Time passed. This individual came by everyday for 4 days each week and brought me something to eat. Then I fell and hurt my ankle. I could not answer the door. I decided I would make my way to the front door, unlock my it and yell for them to come inside. I would just make a joke about the maid's day out and they would give me my lunch and then leave. That was the plan I had in my head. The knock came at the door, I yelled for them to come inside. A very nice man came in holding my lunch. I was sitting on the sofa with a TV tray setup in front of me. He asked me where I kept my flat ware. I told him. He made no facial signs that he even noticed the mess the house was in but just went to the kitchen and brought me the fork and spoon I would need to eat. He sat down without being asked. We started chatting. This practiced continued for well over six months. He and his wife even came one day and visited with me while they cleaned my house and took out all the trash. I did not ask them. They did not ask me. I met his wife and everything just unfolded from there. No judgments. Just the help and company I so desperately needed. I got to where I looked forward to him coming by to visit with me. When I asked him to he even prayed with me. It was not a big thing to him but was a really big thing to me. I had been drowning in a hopelessness that had grown like a cancer and spread into not caring about much of anything except my animals. 
My visits from the volunteer turned the light on for me in the darkness I was living. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and it was not a freight train. I started writing down some of the stories I had been telling him. My memory started coming back. Not that I had lost actual memory but I had forgotten all the goodness that I had been blessed with throughout my life. The more I shared it the more I remembered. I have been totally retired since I was 58. I am 68 now so it has taken me 10 years to finally get the hang of it. Don't let it take you that long. Learn from my mistakes. I started volunteering to help others and suddenly my life became very busy. I had more energy because my focus was not on myself. I had friends. I had people who actually cared. It did not take much a few minutes of my time. Then again... what else did I have to give them. I was in reality giving myself more time because I was no longer just watching it go by. My life had been spared but it took a volunteer, who wanted nothing from me; to wake me up. I found the more I did ... the more I could do. I went from needing a walker and motorized carts and hauling around an oxygen machine to total independence from both. I don't even use a cane any more. I push my own buggy at the grocery store.. that I drive to .. by myself. I still order things on line but it is things I do not want to carry from the car to the porch like 50 pound bags of dog food. If you are bogged down with the thought of retirement, volunteer some where. Read to the blind, visit nursing homes and talk to tenants at a senior citizen center. Participate in life. That little visit could change your ending as well as someone else's. It makes no difference what you talk about, just being there is the key. You now have the time to live and appreciate the life you have been given. Show others their life matters too. Don't take ten years to learn that you have only retired from work. Do not retire from life.
Tags: Life Retirement Aging Volunteering
Hamlet loved playing with my dogs in the yard and even the cats when they were out. But, no one wanted to curl up with him. He was a snuggle bunny in a pigs body. Now, I did have a cat named Tom Thumb because he had too many toes. He loved Hamlet. When ever Tom Thumb was trying to impress one of us he would tease a field mouse into the house. Now, Hamlet was a real mouse catcher. He would kill the mouse and walk away. Tom Thumb would lay by the mouse as if he was the hero. This worked on me a few times until I actually witnessed the routine in action. Tom Thumb would let Hamlet snuggle with him on occasion, but not when anyone was looking. Tom Thumb got out one night and the coyotes got him off the front porch. I heard the cry but was to late to save him. Hamlet was very blue. I could tell (this was before Idabell came to live with us) he needed someone to be his buddy. The dogs would run away because his hooves hurt when he tried to climb on their backs. The hooves were his problem. I put booties on him and that helped. It also helped him cross slick floors. I went to a flea market one day and found a beautiful lamb. I bought him and brought him home. He instantly took to Hamlet and the feeling was returned. They romped and played inside and outside for hours. Then they would curl up together in a little shed I had put in the backyard. I only left them out when I was home. I did not trust the coyote situation. 
Things went along swimmingly until the day the lamb was snatched right out of the back yard by a neighbors dog. He was killed instantly. I was crying and trying to console Hamlet when there was a knock at the door. It was my sister with a baby duck. Someone's pet duck had babies and they were going to have to move or something so she volunteered to find a home for the babies. Quack Quack arrived. I called her that because she never just Quacked, she always, repeated herself. Now, you have to understand I had a pot bellied pig, a duckling, 3 dogs, 4 cats and two parrots in my living room the day my new mother-in law arrived. Brutus (a 250 pound great Dane) was on his sofa in the den taking a nap. She was my husband's father's new bride. She came without calling first, without notice of any kind. I did not even know they had gotten back from the honeymoon yet. Low and behold the door bell rang and everyone stopped and looked at me. I am alone in the house with my zoo. And we were having such a good time too. I answered the door without opening the screen. I did not want to take a chance someone would get out. I recognized her from the picture we had from their Vegas wedding. I told her that' "the animals were in the house so if you would"..that is all I had time to say. She opened the screen door and came inside. Well, the welcoming committee went to work on our new guest. Tilly, my husbands African Gray parrot, flew over and sat on her shoulder, then George the Yellow Headed parrot landed on top of her head. The dogs instantly ran over to lick her hands and Baby Girl even grabbed her by the wrist and lead her to the sofa. Winston jumped on her which pushed her down on the sofa. Then two cats meowed at her, like we were going to sit there lady. They did not move they just stared at her. The real problem came when Quack Quack came in and started yelling at her and Hamlet came in and started untying her shoe. All of this greeting took place within 90 seconds after she came in the door. She gasp for breath. Her eyes were about to pop out of her head. I was trying to get control of the situation when she suddenly jumped up. I said, "Please, give me a minute." She would not hear of it. She started to run but couldn't. She was blocked. She screamed again. You would have thought this was the only Indian and the wagons had surrounded her. About that time Tilly yelled out... "Brutus". Instantly, our great Dane jumped over the back of the sofa and landed right beside her sending two cats scattered to the floor. Now, if you remember, Brutus is cross-eyed. He sees two of everything. He kept twitching his head back and forth trying to figure out which screaming lady was the real one. The poor thing was in shock. The lady was in shock, not Brutus. I clapped my hands real loud and everything stopped. I held up my arm up and Tilly landed on it. I yelled, "George. Go Home." George flew back to his perch. I pointed at the back door and yelled "Out." All the dogs, including Brutus one by one walked quietly out the back through the doggy door. The cats went under the sofa. "I said I would introduce you but I think you have met enough of my children." She looked down at Hamlet and said, "And what about your"...she paused.. cleared her throat and said, :Pig and your.. another pause.. Duck?" I said, "It is OK, they don't mind." She looked at me like I was crazy. I said in a very nice voice, "You should have called, I ...pause (thinking fast) would have made some coffee cake for us. Let me make some coffee." She bent down to try and retie her shoe. Hamlet looked up at her and gave her a lick on the back of her hand. Quack Quack waddled over and introduced herself again. I saw the woman let out a tiny smile. Hamlet caught it too. He instantly flopped over for his belly rub. She looked at me. I said; "It is how we initiate all new members of the family. You must rub the pig's belly." Without saying a word she smiled and did. Hamlet smiled. The lady signed. Quack Quack again introduced herself again and stretched her head up so she could be stroked too. After about 5 minutes, Hamlet had won the day. Bernice, finally told me her name. I chatted with her for a while and then she got ready to leave. I did remind her that in the South it is best to call first to let someone know you are coming..just in case the welcoming committee gets out of hand. I guess they do not do that in New York. Poor thing was a Yankee... I should have known... she just did not know any better. I really am just joking about that. That is something my grandmother would have said. To her you were from Texas or you were a Yankee. No, matter. Lucky lady is in the South now. She came back the next day to get pictures of Hamlet and Quack Quack so she could tell the girls at the bridge club all about my welcoming committee. She called first. Hamlet and Quack Quack greeted her properly. She sat on the sofa and rubbed Hamlets belly.. stroked Quack Quack's head and then took pictures. 
It was not long after that the Coyotes got Quack Quack. Hamlet was beside himself with grief. I finally got a toy duck. He carried it every where. He slept with it and it had to go with him on all commercial gigs and all parties. I just called it Hamlet's Quack Quack. 
Now you understand why we got Idabell... that as you know by now is another story.
Tags: Pets Memories Life
I once had a plumber show up in pink jeans and a pink shirt. He was over six feet tall with a beard. His figernails were painted pink to match his lip stick. I have some very dear friend who are Gay, but this guy took my breath away. He was a Nelly and wanted everyone to know it. He had the swish in his walk and an I dare you to say anything attitude. He talked a lot with his painted fingernail hands twirling through the air like gay flags saying look at me. He made it very plain from the git-go that he was proud of being a Queen. He also had no tolerance for my opinion of what the problem was with my plumbing. He insisted on being shown how to get under the house immediately. I tried to warn him/her that there might be a problem. It was clear he/she did not think I had a brain. So I led "the plumber" to the opening which was very small and "her" fanny was not going to fit. The plumber insisted I was not to worry he would manage. After disregarding my warning I shut my mouth and just watched. He got stuck. I had forgotten Hamlet was in the yard. He heard screaming and came running around the corner of the house. My pot bellied pig Hamlet fell in love when he saw that big pink fanny just sitting there. Hamlet had been ousted to the backyard until after his appointment with the vet because he wanted to love everything and everybody in the house. He squealed with pure delight and headed straight to claim his bride. He was squealing, the plumber was yelling under the house as Hamlet kept stomping all over his legs with his hooves. Hamlet only weighed 10 pounds so could not reach his trapped bounty. Hamlet was stomping all over his own little cork screw and squealing even louder. I was on the back deck, laughing my head off. Just as Hamlet had tugged on those pink jeans just enough to show a butt crack.. I rescued the plumber. He/She huffed and puffed her way all the back to her pink truck and drove away. The landlord sent a very skinny plumber to fix my problem. He also made me promise to post signs about my attack pig.
Tags: Pets Memories Life
Looking out my window today at the pecan tree with the blue sky and sunshine reminded me of another day just like this one. Today reminds me of a day when I was searching for a special blue bird. My grandmother had a huge pecan tree in the middle of her back yard. That looked like the place to start my search. I was about half way up the pecan tree looking for a bird. Not just any bird would do. This one was blue bird had been talking to my grandmother about me. This bird was a tattle tale. The day before she asked me to go to the corner store (4 blocks away) and pick up some bread. I got the bread then on the way home I saw a dog. She was solid black and very sweet. I opened the bread and she gobbled up 4 slices. I talked to her and coxed her with the bread all the way home. I knew if I just walked in with her I would be told to take her back where I found her so the owner could get her. Since I found her nowhere near any homes, I knew she had no owner. So, what to do? I finally decided I would go through the alley behind our block. I got to our back gate. I proceeded (with the lid of the trash can) to carefully dig a hole under the fence. I then left the rest of the entire loaf of bread right at the hole and tossed a few pieces through the chain link to the inside of the yard. I ran as fast as I could around to the front of the block. I did not bother going in the house. Instead, I went down the drive and through to the back yard. I got there just in time. She was trying to reach the bread on the inside of the yard. I got a hold of her front paws and pulled her through. She gobbled up the bread and I was delighted that my idea had worked. I gave her a quick kiss and ran back through the gate to the front of the house. I was huffing and buffing when I got inside. I told my grandmother (before she could ask) that I had dropped the bread and it had gotten eaten by a stray dog. I was very pleased with myself at not having to lie. We suddenly heard scratching and whining coming from the back door. My grandmother took me by the hand and we both went into the kitchen to the laundry room, to the back door. There was my new little friend smiling on the back step. Grandmother asked me; “Where did that come from?” I again was pleased that I did not have to lie. I proceeded to point out the hole under the back gate. “She must have come in under the gate.” Grandmother proceeded to tell me that she thought I brought the dog home, fed her the bread, and pulled her through the hole. She was going to report to my mother when she got home from work. I looked at my grandmother’s face. I then asked, “How did you know?” A little bird told me, a little blue bird told me. You will be punished. I reminded her I had not told a lie. She grinned and said, “No you did not lie but the truth you told was not the whole story either.” Years later I found out that Grandmother had been looking out the breakfast room window and watched me dig the hole, run back into yard and pull the dog through. She and my mother laughed about it. I was punished. We kept Lucy (even after she delivered 13 puppies) until she passed away with snow white on her snout and around her eyes. Yes, the pecan tree takes me back.
Tags: Animals Life Memories
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