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10/03/2023 10:45:19


10/03/2023 09:44:22

Hi Allana 🧡 Terrific Turesday to you! Here's a true Alice In Wonderland item. A window/mirror--one of my estate sale finds; I like how it reflects the kitchen. 🍁

10/03/2023 08:57:02

10/03/2023 08:40:31

10/03/2023 08:15:37

Hello, good morning friend, waiting

  have the sweetest day. on this tuesday

Hugs - Friendship and friendly kisses

smile to life,((((((robert)))))

10/03/2023 08:13:18


Taco Tuesday is here!  Our neighbors are back home and now we only see Gus when the kids are in school.  


It's OK.  There are lots of other creatures that will grab our attention today.  That is a dragonfly but it looks like a fairy!  


We don't have too many eagles in our trees but it is always an "ah ha" moment when I do see one, especially taking off in flight.  


There are so many things in this world to see and I thank God for all the photographers!  And yes for the different seasons!  


We have the promise of cooler temperatures and rain in our forecast.  I think we are catching up with the rest of you soon.  


10/03/2023 07:05:19

10/03/2023 06:38:08

Szép őszi napot kivánok,hála szépen süt a napocska,,,de éjszakára eléggé lehűl a levegő....millió puszim...Éva

10/03/2023 02:53:30

Hello, Happy Tuesday of new opportunities,

of new strength and renewed courage

to continue on the path that has been given to us in this

new, day you have a blessed Tuesday,

happy, productive, have a well planned day,

Projected towards your goals. Take advantage of

this new day,take care, kisses, maria

10/03/2023 01:30:40

Hello my dear friend, happy tuesday!    kisses and hugs for you.

10/03/2023 01:13:30


10/02/2023 14:36:18

Lovely new week dear friend.

Peaceful night and Good night.

10/02/2023 07:50:39

10/02/2023 07:29:58


Coffee Time!  Monday is already here and October is here!  What will this month bring to us?  


Every day when I go outside, I look up at the sky!  This morning the moon was big, white and round in our blue sky.  


Isn't it amazing how each day is different and very unique.  I never get tired of looking around me.  


The amazing things that happen way up above us.  God's handiwork!  


The creations that change every day, sometimes in an hour.  He is truly amazing.  Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!  


10/02/2023 04:27:40

A new week has arrived, have the best time you can ... Happy Monday! Many kisses

10/02/2023 02:54:57

Hello, Start MONDAY and the WEEK with good vibes

because facing life with OPTIMISM and ILLUSION

everything becomes easier. I wish you a GREAT MONDAY

Don't let anything or anyone extinguish your JOYS

Let's start MONDAY FULL of smiles and happiness,

With ,friendship,Maria, take care

10/02/2023 01:31:03


10/01/2023 23:04:33

Happy Monday dear friend, enjoy your new week, take care.

10/01/2023 17:36:18

10/01/2023 12:46:49


Welcome October.

October had tremendous possibility.

The summer's oppressive heat was a distant memory,

and the golden leaves promised

a world full of beautiful adventures.

They made me believe in miracles.

May this month bring you all joy,peace and serenity.



10/01/2023 12:22:26

10/01/2023 11:48:36

Enjoy the gifts of this new month... pumpkin
patches, hayrides, festivals, apple cider,
scarecrows, roasted marshmallows,
jack-o-lanterns, colorful dresses on trees,
country drives, trick-or-treaters,
sweaters, plaid blankets, ... on and on.
Enjoy your October!  *hugs* -di

10/01/2023 11:24:00


It was another win for the Texas Longhorns even though the first half wasn't pretty.  So I am happy today!  


That's what I look like every day when we feed Gus the cat and give scraps to the chickens.  


They just pull at my "heart strings"!  Our neighbors will be home sometime Monday so today will be our last evening to gather eggs.  


Nothing like being a Mother Hen!  But we love taking care of their animals.  It was so cute when we "call" Gus and he comes running to us.  He knows we love him.  


The most fun thing each day is to share your love with someone else.  Sometimes it is a hug, sometimes a smile, sometimes just a call.  Let's make it a great week and share our love!  


10/01/2023 08:30:33

hello, they may dream a dream, but those whose dreams come true, Have a wonderful, Sunday, (((((robert)))))

10/01/2023 08:09:10

Hope you're off to a great week! I'm headed to Motor City Antiques today. Been looking for 60s/70s mossy green 8 oz drinking glasses. Etsy & Ebay always need too much for shipping dishes or glasses. Not desperate . . . yet!🪵

10/01/2023 08:02:11

10/01/2023 02:18:50

hello,HAPPY SUNDAY. May God bring a RAIN,

of blessings, to your LIFE. to you and your entire family,

today SUNDAY, and every day. Enjoy a BEAUTIFUL,

day, may your heart, and you will always have its

LOVE, and PEACE,and joys, with all my 

friendship, big HUGS,Take care, MARIA,

10/01/2023 00:48:39

09/30/2023 11:40:08

I wish you a happy weekend dear friend

Thank you for your friendship and posts on my page.

Hugs from my ♥ to you ♥

09/30/2023 10:23:42


Caturday Greetings!  Would you like a cup of coffee?  Come on over and I'll introduce you to some of my friends.  


Several friends are already here.  Today we are talking about flowers!  We would love for you to join us.  


We already have a spot for you at the table.  Do you know the name of these flowers?  No one that is already here seems to know.  


If it gets too windy or cold or begins to rain, we can always move inside for a while.  


And please, don't worry about being shy or the "odd" one in the group.  We have several like that.  We just like to gather to share things that put a smile on each other's face!  

Meet Gus, the cat next door!  


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