Welcome to the first week of the new year. It started out with rain but now the sun is shining and it's beautiful. Beautiful and chilly. Yesterday it was 65* at this time, today it is 45*. We had high winds and storms overnight but, thankfully, never lost power. Our mountains have gotten snow but none down here in my neck of the woods. How is your day going, Nancy? Enjoy what's left of today and have a peaceful evening.
Enjoy a relaxing first Sunday of the new year, Nanc! It has been raining off and on. We need it! Had some strong winds that took our swing down on the porch in the wee hours. Didn't take out our power, though, like some folks. Thinking about you and always saying prayers. Love you, Nancy!
Nancy, your friendship here has been a most wonderful gift. I'm not going to say goodbye, for I know our paths will cross again one day. This journey we call life is a short one, but we know it's just the first chapter. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers my friend as you prepare to enter the next chapter of your beautiful life. God bless you always...Lisa
It is a gray and drippy Thursday here but we have been busy and gotten some things accomplished. How is your day? Do you have New Year's Eve plans for tomorrow night? We gave up all that years ago and now we just enjoy being at home. Plus, with fireworks going off, Our poor Maddy dog needs us to keep her comforted b/c she freaks out with any loud noise. She is pitiful. Anyway, have a great rest of the day and a quiet, peaceful evening, Nancy. Love ya!!
It's a warm and cloudy/misty sort of day at my house. So I've been doing indoor stuff while Dave is doing some outdoor things between raindrops. I have made a pot of vegetable soup for our supper and have cornbread baking to go with. How is your day? Can't believe we are almost ready to begin a new year. Praying and hoping it will be a great one for us all! Especially for YOU, Nanc. Love you!!
A good mid week my friend and the closing of another year. Know the new year will be better than this year which was rough for many of us but God always sees us through all. Getting ready for cold spell coming in and what a change from the warm weather we've had. In case I don't get back before wishing you a very happy healthy new year.........George
Thought I would take a minute to stop by with flowers for you. As I am home and writing this, we are 79° and will be for a couple more days. But ole man winter is coming. Saturday we will drop from the 70's into the 20's.
So our new year will start with several nights of freezing temperatures. I can only hope we don't get snow flurries or freezing rain or sleet because Texans don't drive well in bad weather.
Even South Texas will probably get close to freezing. So the first week in January I will wear sweaters to work. Not sure when Kelly will get someone hired and trained but that's OK. I love working for her and helping our precious clients.
Hearing from you means a lot to me and I will be back to check on you when I have time. Remember, I am sending you Blessings and Hugs. Now I am heading outside to check my plants.
How has your Tuesday been? Mine has been great. We worked outside a bit; took down the Christmas lights and wreaths, cut back some plants, transplanted a dogwood tree, refilled the bird/squirrel feeders...and enjoyed the 68* temps. Supper is leftovers from last night so that's easy. Have a quiet evening and relax. Nanc, how have you been feeling? Were you able to enjoy Christmas and its festivities? I love you, Sis.
Enjoy the lull between holidays. I'm relaxing; Christmas decor here stays up just past New Year's day. The gingerbread collection stays out through Valentine's Day so the task is lightened. 🍨
Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Enjoy every moment. Nancy, have fun with the family tonight and tomorrow. I know that you will all cherish this time. I love you, Sis, and I'm still holding out for your miracle. Praying for my favorite far-away friend.
Nancy, you are always in my thoughts and on my heart as I pray for you every day and again when I visit your page. Please know you are loved by me and loved by God.
Here it is Christmas Eve. I hope your tree is decorated, the presents are wrapped and you can relax with something warm to drink.
As I share this Christmas Story with you that I found years ago. I do hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
From our home to yours, I thank you for your friendship near and far because heart to heart we are close.
And he shares it with you so that you can shine your light and share it everywhere you go! Blessings & Hugs!
"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat Please do put a penny in the old man's hat If you haven't got a penny, a ha-penny will do If you haven't got a ha-penny then God bless you!" -John Denver & The Muppets
Good day and wishing you and yours a truly merry and blessed Christmas. Really warmed up here and for Christmas day in the low 80's. Going to my sons for Christmas so I will have family for the day. Know my wife will be with us in the hearts and spirit. Enjoy the rest of the week and take care.....George
Happy winter solstice! Will you be having a white Christmas at your home? It will be pushing 70* in my area so there will be no snow here, for sure. I am 100% ready for the big day and, with it just 4 days from now, it's a good thing! Have a peaceful evening. Watch some Christmas movies and drink hot chocolate....that's what I've been doing! Nanc, I am so very sorry for the recent deaths in your family. There is never a good time but Christmas is the worst. I pray you all will feel God's comfort and a sense of peace. Keep munching that Chex mix. That stuff is so addicting. We will have some Saturday. I'm going to make a charcuterie board and buy small rolls if anyone wants to make a sandwich. I know those meds keep you sleepy but, when you are awake, just absorb it all, Nanc. Take it all in and know that I'm with you in spirit and we are drinking hot chocolate, watching sappy Christmas movies, and nodding off...me on one end of the sofa, you on the other. Love you so very much, Sis!