It is a long weekend for a reason. Please remember what it is all about. Talk about it to your kids, to everyone.
I am so excited for Derrick to now have his new best friend and service dog. If you don't have a charity, please consider donating often to Patriot Paws located in Rockwall, Texas who help Veterans everywhere with service dogs. It is a wonderful organization.
Derrick and Bill are best friends. They ride the laid back bicycles and compete in lots of Veteran races over many miles, often taking more than a day.
As Derrick and Bill were riding away from our house, I realized I forgot to take a picture. Really??? Both of them are in that picture.
Please remember to say "Thank you for your Service and Sacrifice.
May you have a glorious spring day. The Monday is starting out with some rain showers as the lilac bushes are starting to bud out more and more around the yard. My my what a breathtaking site to see as one waits for the flowers to show up and smell the lilacs as spring comes in more and more. Smiles Gloria