Good morning. Starting at 38*F and going to 61* later. The weekend is here but for me, it means more people in the stores and other places. However, I do remember in the distant past when I greeted the weekend with joy. Have a reasonable day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Yesterday's birthday. Thankfully he did not have it on the weekend.
Happy Friday. Friday is here and so are the people of no meat. Starting off at 39* this morning which is great compared to the last few mornings. Topping at 52* later. I am still fighting the internal battle of going to the appointment to see about my wrist next week. It costs about $85 to find out what I already suspect. Humbug! Have a reasonable day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
When a person dies, people usually say he went to a better place. That will not be said about Hef
Greetings. The temps are starting at 12* this morning but going to 50*F. A vast improvement over yesterday. I think I shall cancel the appointment at the clinic and concentrate on meditation for my wrist or whatever. If it works for the Vulcans............ Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Down to 10* at 8 AM. Might get to 20*F later but then down to 12* tonight. Then we will get reasonable for this colony. We have been spoiled this year and that is why this seems bad. Live long and prosper.
Hello. I hope you are having a reasonable HUMP DAY. What a difference in the weather of 9 hours. 13*F with a wind chill of -7*...... and some snow. Not a lot. Just to remind me I am not in Kansas anymore. Odd thing yesterday. I went out for a walk to some little park with a pond and such. Took some pics. I got home to find out the second half of the shoot was gone. This never happened before. And it is too bad because that was the best of them. I will never get those pics again as the weather was perfect. Sixty and sunny. And now this! Now one could say this is the last day of February, but it isn't! They gave us one extra day of winter this year. I suppose it could be worse. I could be on Jupiter. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. Heading to 61* by 1 PM and then it starts dropping to 13* by tomorrow morning with some snow, not much by early tonight. It must still be winter. The weather has gone crazy including what the Atlantic Ocean could do. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
this was Stallone's Oscar appearance in 1976. Notice, no tie!!
Good morning. Good to get the weekend over with and get on with reality. 20* now and heading to the 60s later. However, going back to cold weather later in the week. Comparatively speaking, this has been a warm winter with not many days at zero. Someone down the street told me we are going to zero in the next ten days but I do not see it. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. Warmer today. Starting off at 37* heading for 54*, or something like that. The Moon is really bright but it looks so far away. I wonder if that company was able to get the lunar vehicle back on its right side after falling. I wonder if it happened like what happened to this writer. Probably not. No sidewalks up there........ nor trees. I miss my walk in the middle of the night. Nothing planned for today except a walk later. Yesterday the walk was cold into the wind. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Happy Saturday. Agenda today: Walmart at 6 AM, chocolate milk and a couple of other things. Church in the late afternoon. Other than that, I like to call it playing it by ear. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Happy Hump Day. I completed all of the mind numbing stuff yesterday with the bank and government. I then got my mind straight with a nice walk in the sunshine. About 5 miles which did tire me out. When I did it at night it did not seem tiring. I must be a night person. Nothing planned for today, maybe church. I do have an oddity with my printer/scanner. In two of my computers, I can not get them to recognize the printer. I only use it for scanning so not a major loss. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. I am planning a day dealing with the banks and something the government wants me to do, their way. I am hoping I can do it my way. So be it! At least it will be a nice day with temps rising to 50* and people who make their living with winter suffering. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Happy Presidents Day. No mail or banks in colonies today. To top this off, it seems I get letters for something on Friday and Saturdays where I have to wait until Monday to do something. And now another delay. Humbug! Now I have another day to be bothered waiting to see what I can do about something official! Once again I say to you, HUMBUG! Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. Warmer this morning, 28*F, heading to 40 today. Nothing to do today. Maybe a walk but who knows! Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. Cool one this morning. 11*F feeling like zero. However, going to 33* later. I think I will wait to throw out the water. Church is later in the day so nothing for early this morning. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. Friday is here and so is this writer. A day of abstinence and waiting for spring. Burlap is the choice of clothing for today. I may go to church but that is 4 hours away and so the choice is in the distance and one does not have to choose now. Have a day of penance. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Alice Cooper photographed with his daughter and wife by the pool,