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07/23/2023 01:58:39

Hello Today is a perfect day to enjoy those little things

in life that give us so much happiness.

 Happy Sunday! Be happy here and now, live for today

intensely because tomorrow, who knows what will

happen Smile at life, take care of this heat,

 kisses, Maria

07/22/2023 09:21:09

07/22/2023 07:46:16

A sense of harmony, a sense of humor & a sense of hope are yours for keeping and for giving. 🐇

07/22/2023 02:18:40


hello, LIFE has many beautiful SURPRISES in store for you,

you just have to LIVE them day by day. have a

excellent SATURDAY. Live with enthusiasm this new

day with a big SMILE on your face. take care, I leave you

kisses, and a big hug, Maria

07/21/2023 14:26:47


07/21/2023 09:00:30

07/21/2023 04:37:58

Hola como estas?  Por aquí, deseando que se vaya éste calor insopórtable...Espero que disfrutes de éste viernes!    Muchos besos

07/21/2023 01:44:12

Hello, Enjoy today Friday because life is short and

 it flies by. Happy Friday and good weekend!

Live your life your way, do what makes  you happy,

regardless of the opinions of others. Have a great 

 day kisses, and a big hug, Maria take care

07/20/2023 09:22:57

original 70s poster

Sending positive vibes your way!😸

07/20/2023 04:11:35

How about my sweet friend? Hope you enjoy this Thursday! I send you kisses

07/20/2023 01:22:28

hello, CHEER UP, we are already THURSDAY, and

while FRIDAY arrives...ENJOY a nice THURSDAY AMIG@S!

TODAY you can be a GREAT DAY, it all depends on

YOU. Happy THURSDAY FRIEND. Don't leave your

 SMILE, take care, Maria kisses

07/19/2023 07:50:00

Hello my dear friend...Horrible heat wave! I hope you have a fantastic Wednesday! Many kisses

07/19/2023 02:19:35

Hello, Happy WEDNESDAY midweek. May GOD surround

your house with LOVE, your mind with PEACE

and HARMONY and your LIFE with BLESSINGS.

If you wake up with JOY you will feel HAPPIER every 


07/17/2023 08:47:18

07/17/2023 07:37:57

Happy Monday to you! Sharing some outside & inside summer green. Need a bit of sunshine after all the rain. Amazing what one can do with some window boxes; got some grape tomatoes, basil, cinnamon basil, sage, curly parsley, oregano, thyme, strawberry mint . . .🪴

07/17/2023 01:34:16

hello, Enjoy the HERE and NOW because LIFE is an eternal 


Let's forget the negative things of the past and look

to the future with HOPE. kisses, AND LIMDOS,

hugs, take care, Maria

07/16/2023 22:38:15

07/16/2023 03:42:02

hello, enjoy SUNDAY in the company of your loved ones, because a day surrounded by your FAMILY is worth more than all the GOLD in the WORLD. have a lot of fun, kisses, maria, take care

07/15/2023 23:19:21

Bettymac wrote:

went to go see the movie sound of Freedom it is a must see movie

That is awesome Betty.  I have heard and read so much about it.  I want to see it too. 

07/15/2023 10:23:53

07/15/2023 06:31:44

Apart in distance but close in heart. Thinking of you Betty & sending blessings!🌺

07/15/2023 02:27:00

Hello, have a good Saturday. Health, peace, love,

abundance for your life on this beautiful day. God bless you.

I wish you an excellent Saturday. May your heart

be full of hope, your life of health and your day of rest

and beautiful moments.kisses, maria, take care

07/14/2023 08:31:20

07/14/2023 02:32:46

Hello, Enjoy today Friday because life is short and it flies by. Happy Friday and good weekend!

Live your life your way, do what makes you happy, regardless of the opinions of others. Have a great day

kisses and hugs, bigs TAKE CARE,MARIA

07/13/2023 10:29:21

This contains an image of:

07/13/2023 08:48:03

07/12/2023 10:14:27

Merry Mid-week to you! Here in Wonderland outside temps have cooled to 73 so having no A/C is not a problem. Installers due tomorrow. Myself & the dog will head over to friend's house to get through the day while the hubby deals with things. 🌬️

07/12/2023 08:51:36

07/11/2023 09:22:08

07/10/2023 08:32:17

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