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06/25/2024 08:40:17

Good Morning Cheryl...I hope your sons wife feels better soon...No fun feeling sick!!..Enjoy your day

06/24/2024 09:19:40


Monday is here as we wind down the month of June very HOT!  


We are in our second week of babysitting our granddogs.  This is Molly and she is the youngest of our group.  She loves swimming in their pool for hours.  


This is the oldest in our group, Lily.  She is a "Man Ankle Bitter," all 2 pounds of her, even though now she doesn't have many teeth left.  


Our Carly was treated to some extra love this week when our grandson, Will, came for a visit.  


At 5 pm every day, all our dogs remind Rbt that it is time for a snack.  This also happens each morning when he comes out of the bedroom as they are all there waiting for him and their snack.  Can you say SPOILED?  


Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

06/24/2024 08:34:33

morning Cheryl , here we are on day 3 of dreadful heat.  The heat index
was 104 yesterday.  Our central unit never cuts off.  Hope you're
keeping cool.

06/24/2024 06:32:02

Hopping by to say hi! Hope your week is off to a great start. πŸ‡

06/24/2024 00:58:51

One step at a time this week!  Hugs

06/23/2024 18:19:11

06/23/2024 13:28:41

Happy Sunday to you,

How has your weekend been? It's a very warm stuffy day in the high 90's and next week will be the same with no rain. That means a break from mowing for now.
Spending a quiet day inside relaxing before the busy week begins. My daughter told me about the movie "If" so I am watching that. So far its really cute. I love a good movie!
Have a great afternoon/evening! Hugs,Rhonda

06/23/2024 10:25:26






Enjoy every minute of your Sunday.  It is always a day to rest, relax, and rejuvenate!  Find your peace for the week.  


06/22/2024 13:23:31

A hot and steamy summer Saturday here and I hope where you live you are keeping cool. Been out to water everything earlier and picked more blackberries. My freezer space is filling up nicely. Have a great afternoon, whatever you are doing. 

Hugs and smiles~


06/22/2024 12:01:10

Have a wonderful weekend, friend!
*hugs* -di

06/22/2024 08:07:42


How in the heck did the weekend get here so fast?  One more week and the month is a goner.  


Did you see the month zip by?  The older we get the fasst time seems to move.  


Summer is here in force and the beautiful flowers are blooming and wilting just as fast.  


Yes Violet, I thought of you when I saw this one!  Just look at those green eyes!  


Does this make me look fat?  Maybe if I had a fridge like that I wouldn't open it as often.  hehehe


Let us learn to love each other unconditionally!  Because as different as we all are, we are all the same!  


06/22/2024 04:49:57

πŸ’š the watermelon theme! πŸ‰

06/22/2024 04:49:09

Storms came, blew down trees & caused some power outages but the temps & humidity remain high. Hope your weekend is relaxing & refreshing!🍧

06/21/2024 23:05:07

Wishing you a peaceful summer weekend 😊

06/21/2024 08:38:46


Are you up yet???  I am moving very slowly today but I am also very excited today!  


In fact, I am so excited that I forgot to say, Good Thursday Morning!  Now guess what?  


Today is my day!  Would you like to celebrate it with me?  I certainly hope so!  


Maybe you can take your Grands to the zoo this summer to see me!  


Or maybe you can take them to the park to swing on the swings like my neighbor kids love doing in my yard.  


No matter what or when, just celebrate the day and remember that I love you and our friendship!  


Blessings & Hugs from me to you!  


And KISSES too!  Pam

06/21/2024 07:43:07

Good Morning Cheryl! Hope today brings you many smiles and your looking forward to the weekend! Hugs to you from me...Wanda

06/21/2024 00:29:51

Nature at its best this weekend!  Hugs

06/20/2024 13:59:00

Hi There Cheryl,
Hope you are having a terrific Thursday. It was busy morning with errands/grocery shopping and then some housework but now its time for a break!
Hope you are enjoying the first day of summer! It's a warm one here in the mid 90's.
Take care, Hugs,Rhonda

06/20/2024 13:12:32

I don't think many of us need the solstice to tell us it is astronomical summer now. The weather started it before the calendar did! I emptied my small rain barrel on the porch today when watering my porch plants. We need rain to refill now. Mother Nature, are you listening? I picked a few hydrangeas that were beginning to get "papery" and will continue to pick as they start to fade. I hope to be drying them. I did it once before years ago and have printed out a "how-to' page to ensure I get it right. Well, hopefully. Great page, Cheryl!

Flowers and friendship~


06/20/2024 09:54:34

Good Morning, It's very warm and
breezy here. I don't know where all that wind is coming from each day
but it's keeping it tolerable outside so hope it sticks around. 

06/20/2024 09:16:38

Another cute page!!!

06/20/2024 09:16:18


Thursday and our chances of rain are slim and none.  It is hard to believe that we are now in need of rain.  


Summer is officially here and the ground has BIG cracks in it already.  Feast or Famine!  


So as the sun comes up, let us count our blessings, like for the rain we have already had and for those that are getting it now.  


We have so many things to be thankful for each and every day.  Friends and Family are at the top of the list.  


Now if you will excuse me, I really need to water about a million plants in the front yard and the backyard on the longest day of the year!  


06/20/2024 07:01:27

Hello Cheryl, wishing you a good day. Hugs

06/19/2024 16:46:17

Hello, dear friend. I've been busy tending
to many doc appointments, home health,
and trying to play catch-up here at home
for ignoring my household chores for
weeks. Maybe normal will return soon.
Hope you are doing well and keeping cool
& comfy during this heat. Take care!
*hugs* -di

06/19/2024 08:23:49


Middle of the week with just over a week to go and you know what?  The month of June will be gone!  


Talk about how time flies, the month of June just disappeared!  


Wouldn't it be nice just to put the brakes on and slow down?  


So let's slow down, look around, and do something extra for someone today whether you know them or not.  


Then see what happens in your life!  Blessings will abound in your life!  


At the end of the day sit back and reflect on the wonderful day you had and all that you accomplished!  


06/19/2024 05:25:32

Happy mid-week Cheryl! On this whimsical Wednesday, wishing for some rain & a cool down. Not likely to happen as continued 90F (32C) temps are expected the rest of the week. Heat makes me so sleepy . . . πŸ‡

06/19/2024 00:45:56

06/19/2024 00:28:05

Happy Wednesday!  Hugs

06/18/2024 14:10:56

I assume this photo is of cherry cheesecake parfaits and, if so, I'd like one. Right now! Alas, my frig holds no such delights so I'm forced to dream and drool. How's your day going? Minus the fact I have no delectable goodies my day is great and I hope the same goes for you! Glad Trey is healing and doing better. I know he is so eager for life to return to some sort of normal soon.

Big hugs~


06/18/2024 08:44:02


Tuesday is here!  Let's talk about planting seeds, flowers.  Mine are certainly blooming.  Put just a "few" of my pictures on my home page.  


Amazing how flowers can grow just about anywhere.  


Except where you plant them.  


You will find them popping up and think, "Did I plant that there?"  


Then comes the hard part...

waiting and loving.  



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