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12/03/2020 11:14:50

What a beautiful day it is here at my home. Sunny and 50*, going up to almost 60* says the weatherman. Been doing some household stuff and plan to bake a batch of cookies this afternoon to freeze for Christmas. If only every day chores didn't interfere with my baking fun! LOL Have a terrific day, whatever you're up to. Cheryl, your snow pics are so pretty. Now can you please send some snow over my way? I'd sure appreciate it.

Warm and happy hugs~


12/03/2020 10:04:49

i just love christmas..have a nice day..mk

12/03/2020 09:27:22

Today is annual teeth cleaning day.  I am excited!  Nothing like the feeling after it is completed!   Did you get snow?  0osqjh62adg  

Tomorrow I work and we will have 2 couples over for pizza dinner.  Always an exciting time with LOTS of conversation.  So it may be Saturday before I get here again.  But know that I am thinking of you with lots of...


12/02/2020 12:47:32

FRIENDSHIP improves happiness and reduces sadness,

 because through friendship, JOYS are doubled,

and PAINS are divided. I value your pretty, friendship, may

your Wednesday be, happy, and pretty,

Take care,kisses,maria

12/02/2020 11:00:16

Marvelous midweek to you! It sure does feel like Christmas. Got down into the 20s last night and going up to around 50 this afternoon. Very festive feeling. I will get my cleaning done and sit down later this afternoon to watch the Steelers game that has been postponed twice now due to the opposing team having Covid. Enjoy your day! Cheryl, your page is beautiful. I love the snow.

Warm hugs~


12/02/2020 09:30:30

Finally the Wonderland snow is sticking to the branches of the evergreens out back! ❄

12/02/2020 08:55:32


Here we are in the middle of the week.  This morning it is not too cold, not raining, sun not shining, just blah.  And yes, tomorrow is going to be a different weather story.  But thanks to the Lord, we are here enjoying every minute that he has blessed us with today.  And I know that I am loved and you are loved.  What a beautiful day God has created for us to share with others.  



12/02/2020 07:26:30

happy mid-week, i hope all is well with you and you are enjoying this holiday season, take care and be safe if you are out and about..lots of love marykay

12/01/2020 20:51:58

A cold front blew through here today - temps tonight in low 30s but in low 50s tomorrow, I believe.  Windy today, too, and I don't do wind!  Somehow it doesn't seem to care.  HA! 

Hugs, Maria


Hi there. Its a nice and sunny morning here in Forgan, Oklahoma.But tomorrow is going to be downright cold. Only going to be in the thirties with wind and a chance of snow. Good day to stay inside by the heater. I hope you have a great Tuesday morning and a lovely afternoon. Take care my friend.


12/01/2020 12:04:00

Let yourself go and LIVE LIFE, because the best

moments come without planning them.

Whatever you decide, do be sure, make you HAPPY.

I wish you a nice Tuesday, happy, take care

of yourself, a lot kisses,maria

12/01/2020 11:13:29


Good Tuesday Morning!  And a Happy December to you!  We had 2 nights of freeze but it is beginning to warm up here nearing 50.  I've already been to Wal-Mart for Hubby who has a sick stomach.  The sun is shining and I'm sharing one of my ten or so orchids with you today. Christmas-Coffee-Beans 

Better throw in some coffee too.  So please share your smile with everyone you encounter today as it means so much to so many.


12/01/2020 09:29:32

A glorius December day to you. We are having a sunny day which helps for it is abit cold outside today. Need to run afew errands  and  go to the post office to mail afew Christmas gifts and  my goodness must not forget to get some more stamps.

  Enjoying some  maple pecan flavored coffee from green mountain while I am chit chatting with you in  one of many  snowman coffee cups  I have given to me from friends and family thoughout these many years.

At the moment though I am sending you a smile your way and wishing you a peaceful day.   May your day be ever so kind to you. Smiles  Gloria

11/30/2020 18:27:12

We track in dead grass, too - royal pain!  We had threat of tornadoes this afternoon but cold front is moving in now and moon is beautiful. 

Hugs, Maria


Hi there. I sure hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was good. Didn't do much but that's okay. Usually I'm lazy on the weekend. It was a cold start to Monday here. It was only 12 with felt like 7. But its warmed up some, its supposed to get up in the 50's. Not a lot going on here today. Got the laundry going and going to vacuum also. Seems like we track in dead grass for some reason. Well have a great first day of the week my friend and take care.


11/30/2020 13:35:06

good afternoon, a rather gloomy and cold day here..enjoy this last day of november..lots of love..mk

11/30/2020 12:51:07

Take time to do things that make your HEART SMILE.

 we often forget to spend time with ourselves

to do little things that make us feel good) 

 have a good Monday, happy, full of joys, take care


11/30/2020 10:04:53

Welcome to a new week and our last day of November! My decorating is done. Gift buying is completed (every bit of it done online!). Now to do my baking, Christmas cards, and wrapping. A little each day and I'll get it done. I just turn on the Christmas music station and do my thing. 25 more days!

Cookies and carols~


11/30/2020 09:06:40

Have a great week! I have my shopping done--all online or pickup--as well as decorating finished. Just need to get started on addressing cards.

11/29/2020 13:16:07

Hi there!

Its a much cooler day with lots of clouds and rain moving in later on. A good day to curl up with some crocheting!
Wednesday I went to the doctors to find out I have shingles, oh my. thankfully its a mild case but they are very uncomfortable. Seems the meds are starting to dry them up so hopefully i wont have to get a refill.
Have a wonderful afternoon whatever you have planned my friend. Hugs,Rhonda

11/29/2020 12:53:21


When you are having fun you are sharing your smile.  

May God's light shine through you this and every day.  


11/29/2020 10:38:54

There is nothing IMPOSSIBLE, because the DREAMS

of yesterday are the HOPES of today and 

they can become REALITY tomorrow.How nice when that

 person does what you EXPECT without you asking.

Happy Sunday, and good start to the week,

take care,kisses,maria

11/28/2020 11:33:53

The most BEAUTIFUL THINGS in life are FREE: hugs,

 beautiful words, kisses, smiles ...

The only PEOPLE that you need in your life are those who

show you that they need you in theirs.

I wish you a great weekend, special, that you take care

of yourself, and enjoy what you

can with my best wishes, maria,kisses

11/28/2020 08:40:39

sending you a warm hello, and wishing you a lovely day..hugs..mk

11/27/2020 13:42:27

There is nothing IMPOSSIBLE, because DREAMS,

yesterday are HOPES, today and can become

REALITY, tomorrow.I wish you a great weekend,

 special, that you take care of yourself, and 

enjoy what you can with my best

wishes, maria,kisses

11/26/2020 22:24:36

CherylWright54 wrote:


hi there. Going to be busy tomorrow making peanut butter fudge for Thursday. I hope you have a great day today and don't have to much to do tomorrow. Take care.

Peanut butter fudge is a favorite of mine.  When I was a teenager I worked in a candy factory boxing candies and always loved when they made if fresh and of course sampling it haha.  Hope you had a great day :)

11/26/2020 11:43:39

Do not look for the most BEAUTIFUL PERSON of this

world, look for the PERSON, who makes your

 WORLD more BEAUTIFUL. May your Thursday be

special, take care, many kisses,maria

11/25/2020 18:13:49

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Cheryl. 

Hugs, Maria


From my House to Yours, Happy Thanksgiving.



11/25/2020 13:29:42

There is nothing IMPOSSIBLE, because DREAMS,

yesterday are HOPES, today and they can

become REALITY tomorrow.have a great happy,

ideal Wednesday, take care,kisses,maria

11/25/2020 11:22:30

Since I will not be visiting The Hill tomorrow, I want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving now. I've been doing my usual daily chores and have one pie baking. The other pie bakes at a different temperature so will go in after. Are you ready for our day of feasting and thankfulness? Have a great day and thank you so much for your friendship, Cheryl.

Love n hugs~


11/25/2020 09:56:00

Cheryl--a bounty of blessings to you and yours.

11/24/2020 23:00:51

From my home to yours, Hugs, Jackie

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