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11/24/2020 14:59:35

Hope you've been having a terrific Tuesday, Cheryl. It looks like it may be nice enough to have our Thanksgiving meal outside Thursday...providing we don't get a soaking of rain prior! Supposed to be around 70*.We have a picnic table, a bistro table and several places for seating on the porch so I hope the weather holds.  

Happy hugs~


11/24/2020 13:19:27

Food Thanksgiving picture from commentshaven.com
Wishing you a lovely day. Hugs

11/24/2020 11:13:12

Hello, step, to leave you my best wishes,

for this Tuesday, I wish you the best for you, 

and that you take care of yourself, life is hard, and 

more, with this epidemic, that we are, ruined, with

so much poverty , Take care,maria

11/23/2020 20:25:32

My mother used to make the best peanut butter fudge!  Yumm! 

Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving - Hugs, Maria


Hi there. Well its a windy and chilly Monday here. We have a chance for rain later today. Hope you are having a good day and not to busy already making things for Thursday. I only have one thing that I'm making to take on Thursday and that is Peanut Butter Fudge. Its very good. Well have a great day and take care.


11/23/2020 18:32:32


Hope you had a good weekend. The temps were nice here during the afternoon after chilly mornings.
Going to be busy tomorrow making pumpkin pies and then doing a turkey Wednesday since my daughter is going to her in laws Thursday. She will grab some leftovers here and i will have a plate for dad for Thursday. Will just have left overs Thursday and watch the Macys parade. This year will be different for so many. I am thankful to have wonderful friends here on the hill. Thank you for your sweet friendship. Have a great night. Hugs,Rhonda

11/23/2020 10:41:30

These turkeys better do more than saunter casually down this path if they hope to escape the Thanksgiving table! It is a beautiful, cool Monday at my house with plenty of sunshine. Getting some things done so I can "play" later. Maybe throw on a sweater and sit on the porch swing? Enjoy your day even if it IS Monday!

Warm hugs~


11/23/2020 10:14:04

have a really nice start to this thanksgiving week...lots of love..mk

11/23/2020 09:14:49

All year long I decorate a small holiday tree--sharing the harvest version. Have a great week!

11/22/2020 12:35:44

I hope you are having a relaxing Sunday as many of us prepare to head into Thanksgiving week. 

With hugs~


11/22/2020 12:21:38

hello, pass friend. to wish you, a good Sunday,

and a good start. During the week, my spirits are not 

good, and I am thinking about leaving the page,

since I am not concentrated, I have many problems, 

like the others, we all have something, and I wish

you the best, take care,kisses,maria

11/21/2020 11:30:51

You create your THOUGHTS, your thoughts create

 your IDEAS. and your ideas create your

REALITY. Have a nice Saturday, very special,

full of happiness, take care,kisses,maria

11/21/2020 09:16:22

Have a safe and fun weekend, Cheryl. Doing anything special? We will be putting our outdoor Christmas lights up today and hanging the outdoor wreaths. It will be a warm, sunny day and perfect for doing things outside. 

Many hugs~


11/20/2020 13:37:22

All our DREAMS can be REALIZED, if we believe

that we can achieve them and we work hard to

achieve them, I wish you all the prettiest that you

can for this weekend, that you enjoy it, and take care

 of yourself kisses,maria

11/20/2020 08:41:55

It's been quite windy here in Wonderland; we even had a first light snow on Monday. Hope you're cozy and safe!

11/20/2020 05:48:00

Wkend picture from commentshaven.com

Hi Cheryl. Wishing you a good day and weekend. Hope that all is well. Take care. Hugs, Dianne

11/19/2020 13:49:56

Enjoy LIFE, because it is a GIFT that you are

only going to receive once. The true BEAUTY

is not in the face, where most look for it, but in 

the HEART, I wish you a happy Thursday,

 ideal take care,kisses,maria

11/19/2020 13:35:57


How has your day been? It sure started off down right cold here this morning, it was 37. Will be lucky to see 60 today but the sun is shining and trying to warm things up. Looks like the weekend will be warmer and that means mowing up the last of the leaves and then the mower can sit for awhile!
Today was grocery pick up day at walmart and a quick stop into Aldis for a few things.
Hope the rest of the day is a happy one for you and you find time to do something fun!
Take care,Hugs,Rhonda

11/19/2020 11:11:09

It is a sunny, chilly Thursday and I've accomplished my to-do list and am now ready to "play". What's happening with you today? Whatever you're up to, just have a great one! We can celebrate because it's Thursday. And Thursday means it's almost Friday. And Friday means the weekend is almost here! Start the party!

Hugs and happiness~


11/19/2020 10:31:53

a little puppy cuteness for you

have a nice day..hugs..mk

11/18/2020 15:26:07

There is nothing more PRETTY than a person,

who knows how to get a SMILE when you NEED

it most, than your smile, continue each day, 

better and that your new day, have more joys, in the times,

that we are going through, take care ,Happy

Wednesday, kisses,maria

11/18/2020 09:16:27

It's a beautiful November Wednesday and I'm feeling inspired. Will get my housework done and then enjoy a do-what-I-want afternoon. Think I'll put on some Christmas music while I clean. If you hear a strange sound, don't be alarmed. It's just me singing along. And I use the term "singing" lightly, believe me, Cheryl!

Hugs and smiles~


11/17/2020 12:25:38

There is nothing IMPOSSIBLE, because DREAMS,

 yesterday are HOPES, today and can become

REALITY tomorrow.Have a nice Tuesday,

 happy, take care,kisses,maria

11/17/2020 11:22:52

Hello from the sunny, chilly south! Beautiful day with the sun shining brightly and a cool breeze making "tree snow". That's what I call the falling leaves. I just love to watch them dance to the ground. I know, I know....I'm easily amused. LOL I hope your Tuesday is terrific and we both get done all we set out to. Getting ready to make a double batch of crescent rolls for Thanksgiving. I'll pop them in the freezer. I swear if I don't make a slew of these rolls, my family would disown me. HAHA

Happy hugs~


11/16/2020 12:37:34

The most BEAUTIFUL THINGS in life are FREE:

hugs, beautiful words, kisses, smiles, 

and more in these difficult moments that we

have, take care,kisses,maria 

thanks for your friendship,

11/16/2020 10:02:14

good morning, boy this month is sure flying by. finished my christmas shopping yesterday..(had to do it all online) just hope i get everything on time. hope you enjoy your start to this new week..hugs..mk

11/15/2020 22:34:43

Hope you have a great new week ahead my friend. Big hugs, Jackie

11/15/2020 14:18:57

Hi there,

Hope you have been doing good. its been a cool cloudy day today so its been inside for me today which is ok since i had a couple projects to get done and i was able to accomplish them!
Take care and hope you have a great start to the new week. hugs,Rhonda

11/15/2020 12:10:33

You should never lose your way of being,

 your essence, the humility of your soul

 the voice of your heart, your respect for yourself and 

your love for life.May EVERYTHING happen to you today,

and may everything be BEAUTIFUL. Happy

start of the week, take care,kisses,maria

11/15/2020 07:10:07

Make sure to treat yourself to some fun this week! You deserve it.

11/13/2020 15:37:57

Wishing you a lovely weekend, Cheryl! 

Hugs, Maria


Hi there. Its a lovely morning here. A little cool but its supposed to warm up in the low 50's today and be partly cloudy. Not a lot going on here. Just doing the laundry and other things this morning. I hope you have a great Friday and a good weekend my friend. Take care.



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