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10/24/2020 15:18:35

Isn't it awful when the temp drops so dramatically!  Hope you're having a wonderful time with family. 

Hugs, Maria


Hi there. This week has gone by fast. Can't believe its already Thursday. We are going to be gone tomorrow and the weekend. Going to go and see the grandsons and my daughters. We will be back sometime on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it. Been packing but that is done. Doesn't take long to pack for two people. Today is supposed to be windy and in the 80's here. And then a cold front will come through in the night and it will be cloudy and in the 40's tomorrow. Well have a great day and take care.



10/24/2020 09:59:32

"It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."--Alice

10/24/2020 08:24:55

wishing you a lovely week-end...meows & puuurs..mk

10/23/2020 10:06:35

happy friday...hoping your day is pleasant..hugs..mk

10/22/2020 10:50:29

How is your Thursday? I've been getting my work done so I can have my afternoon free for ME. How do two people have so much laundry? We are either the cleanest people I know or we're downright filthy! LOL Have a terrific afternoon and make some time for yourself. Cheryl, travel safely and enjoy your visits! Take pics!

Many hugs~


10/22/2020 07:10:13

10/21/2020 19:01:16


How are you doing this week? The weather has been beautiful here getting up in the high 70's and looks like that will be the weather here for another week.
The leaves are changing and slowly falling everywhere.
Hope you have a great night and a terrific Thursday! Hugs,Rhonda

10/21/2020 10:55:09

a rainy day here, made banana bread this morning, later i plan on rearranging my living room..i get bored with it the same way all the time...what's your plan for the day? hugs..mk

10/20/2020 10:50:25

10/19/2020 23:21:14

Hope you have a happy Tuesday my friend :) Big hugs, Jackie

10/19/2020 14:42:18

How is the start of the new week going for you? It's a beautiful day in my area and we have been on errands. We had to get chicken feed at the feed store, paint at Lowe's, more yarn at Hobby Lobby, and we voted as well. Wearing our masks each place we went. I hope your day is being kind to you and that we both have a great week ahead.

Peace and pumpkins~


10/19/2020 08:16:50

good morning, hope you had a nice week-end. i got to spend sunday with my grand-babies...sure was nice to have them over, they grow up so fast. wishing you a lovely fall monday..hugs..mk

10/17/2020 17:42:24

I hope this finds you doing ok and having a great weekend. the weather has really cooled down here but the temps will be warming up as the week goes on.
Take care and have a good night. Hugs,Rhonda

10/17/2020 10:35:41

have a nice week-end..mk

10/16/2020 11:04:57

It's Friday! And I hope yours is fabulous, Cheryl. We had rain in the night but that seems to have passed b/c now the sun is shining and it's beautiful. Getting my work done so I can spend time outside later on. Can't let this gorgeous autumn weather be wasted, right? Happy almost weekend!

Many hugs~


10/15/2020 13:43:19

Pleasant day to you.  We are having a cloudy fall day and we are still in the 30's temps. I don't know if we will even reach  to the 40 mark.    Wow we may have snow falling for the weekend.  A smile is on my face.  It is so much fun to see all the 4 seasons and all of its beauty.  

Enjoying some flavored  Island Coconut coffee from Green Mountain at the moment.  Such a treat!  Think I need to head over to our friendly library and get afew books to have for the weekend as I enjoy seeing the snow falling down.  Take care and stay safe.  Smiles   Gloria

10/15/2020 10:53:08

Fall picture from commentshaven.com

Hello Cheryl. Wishing you a good day. Hugs, Dianne

10/15/2020 09:53:37

Chilly and rainy in Wonderland!

10/14/2020 18:14:48

Laundry is never ending, Cheryl! 

Hugs, Maria


Hi there. Its a cool morning here but supposed to get up to 80 here. So it should be a nice day. Kind of chilly right now in the house. Doing my laundry right now. Its a never ending chore. But not as much as there was when I had three kids at home. That was alot of laundry. Well have a great day. Take care.



10/13/2020 19:21:47

Hey Cheryl..dropping by to say hello. Welcome to the Hill..I'm sn oldie member here..since mid 2008. Wishing you a wonderful week -:)  Lisa

10/13/2020 17:31:34

Hi there!

How is the week going for you so far? Its been warming up here and its been stuffy the last couple days but it will cool right down by this weekend. that will feel good. the leaves are changing and some have fallen so will be doing some mowing tomorrow. looking forward to mowing season to be over!
Had a nice visit with my oldest daughter and 2 grandsons today. They love to be outside its so much fun carrying on a conversation with my 4 year old grandson. so precious.
Hope you have a great evening/night. Take care and i am thankful for your friendship.

10/13/2020 16:30:30

Stopping by to say hello and to thank everyone on my friends
list for just being there and for understanding that I do not always get the
time to leave a note, but just know that I am thinking of you. Thanks again ...

10/13/2020 11:27:40

How is your Tuesday going? Mine is great so far. Laundry is going and supper is planned. Dave planted some flower bulbs we had ordered and just received a couple days ago. Candy Cane Sorrel. Gosh, I hope they grow because they are beautiful flowers. We will see come springtime, I suppose. Have a great afternoon! Cheryl, we both had the same idea today; LAUNDRY!

Hugs and friendship~


10/12/2020 23:28:31

Hope you have a happy Tuesday :) Big hugs, Jackie

10/11/2020 17:24:46

CherylWright54 wrote:


Well its Friday and going to be a warm and windy one here. I always look forward to the weekend cause my husband is home. Don't have anything planned for the weekend just going to be lazy tomorrow and then have the regular washing of clothes and dishes to do on Sunday. Take care and have a good weekend my friend.


`Hope your Sunday has been peaceful~Enjoy your New Week~ Hugs Lorri

10/11/2020 11:55:36

Slow color change here; one tree has turned (the one that gets an abundance of sun) on the back berm.

10/11/2020 10:11:45

Have a restful, do-nothing Sunday, Cheryl. It's a rainy day here so that will make for a very relaxing afternoon.

Soggy smiles~


10/09/2020 23:01:30

10/09/2020 23:00:53

CherylWright54 wrote:


Hi there. Its going to be a warm Tuesday but nothing like it was this Summer. Not going to do much today. Got laundry going and dishes to do. Going to do some coloring later on. I enjoy that it takes away my anxiety that I get. Have a great day and take care.


Coloring is very relaxing and the smell of crayons takes me back to my childhood.  So glad they have now realized coloring is good for all ages and it gets one off the computer for  bit:)  Yes, they do have online coloring pages but they are definitely not the same.  Hope you have a very nice weekend.  Hugs,  Jackie 

10/09/2020 12:52:31

Hi There,

Hope you had a good week. Looks like it will be a rainy weekend here. Hopefully it wont be a total washout.
Got my cleaning done and have the afternoon to catch up on surveys and eventually pick up my crocheting!
Its been a warm week but not hot and humid thankfully. the leaves are changing and slowly falling so i will be getting the mower out a few times to get them mulched.
Have a great afternoon. Hugs,Rhonda

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