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09/03/2020 11:20:12

A toasty Thursday in my area so I will spend my day indoors. Not much on my to-do list today so it looks like I'll be crocheting. Making pumpkins for my girls and I. Have a terrific day, whatever you may be doing. Cheryl, I have done my household chores and am ready for a relaxing afternoon now. Just a load of wash to go into the dryer once it's done. Whew!

Many hugs~


09/01/2020 15:08:25

How is your Tuesday? Mine has been fun and slightly expensive. You see, I went to Hobby Lobby this morning. Need I say more? Yarn was on sale. Fall decor was also on sale. And I had a cart that needed filled, you understand. Now I have some projects to do and two new decorations for the fall months. I had run completely out of yarn and, if you know me well enough, you know that just can't fly! LOL Enjoy the rest of your day and have a peaceful evening, Cheryl.

Satisfied shopper~


09/01/2020 05:24:30

08/31/2020 13:40:52

I could stand some temps in the 70s but no lower than that!  HA!  Guess you can tell I'm not a cold weather person. 

Wishing you a wonderful week - Hugs, Maria


Hi there. Its another week. And it looks like a good one. Going to only be in the low 80's this week and a chance for rain. Yeah, I've had enough of the heat. Ready for a cool down. Need to get started on some housework but I'm lazy today. Hope you have a great day and take care my friend.



08/31/2020 13:04:26

Good afternoon,

Its going to be a very hot week here but by this weekend it will get down to 80 so that is something to look forward to! It was a busy mowing weekend and then just relaxing yesterday.
After helping out my dad this morning i spent a few min at my daughters watching my grandsons run around the yard and play on the swing set until we were all way to hot to take the heat anymore.
Hope you have a great day. Hugs,Rhonda

08/31/2020 11:23:32

08/31/2020 10:37:52

A brand new week has arrived and it brought us the last day of August. I am so excited for the "ber" months. The promise of less humidity, cooler temps, changing leaves, pumpkin EVERYTHING....I am definitely a fall kind of girl. I hope your Monday is good and you get done all you set out to do, Cheryl. 

Soggy smiles~

Drippy Darci

08/29/2020 17:02:01

We had rain, rain, and more rain earlier today - the remains of hurricane Laura on its way out to sea, but the sun is shining now and it is beautiful outside. 

Wishing you a lovely week coming, Hugs, Maria

Hi there. I hope this finds you doing well. I'm doing good. Ready for the fall weather to be here.  I'm tired of this heat and tomorrow is supposed to get up to 100F. yuck. Well have a good afternoon and take care.



08/29/2020 00:02:31

He is ready for Fall too ;)

08/28/2020 23:58:48

CherylWright54 wrote:

Hi there. I hope this finds you doing well. I'm doing good. Ready for the fall weather to be here.  I'm tired of this heat and tomorrow is supposed to get up to 100F. yuck. Well have a good afternoon and take care.


Thank you for your note and yes I am counting the days until Fall myself.  It has been a very hot and dry summer here in Western NY.  The yards are all brown and no one is having to mow.  I guess that is the trade off of having very little rain.  Sure hope you will not have many more 100 degree days this year.  Have a nice weekend :)  Hugs,  Jackie 

08/28/2020 13:53:38

Are you having a fabulous Friday, Cheryl? My day is going great. I've gotten plenty done and just a little more to go. Tomorrow, or at least part of it, is to be rainy and, since we need the rain, I'll be happy to see it arrive. That is, of course, if the weatherman's predictions are correct. We know how that goes, don't we? Enjoy your day and be safe!

Still smiling~


08/27/2020 11:38:21

And August is almost over. Hope you are doing well despite heat and/or a rainy deluge. Cooler autumn weather cannot come fast enough!

08/24/2020 13:34:37

08/22/2020 15:10:23

How is your Saturday going, Cheryl? It's an overcast day here and rather sticky. Been doing this and that around the house and, in just a bit, will order a pizza for supper. Speaking of pizza, do you like pizza and, if so, what do you prefer on it? I either like a veggie pizza or a pepperoni and veggie pizza myself. Have a great rest of the afternoon and a relaxing evening.

Loads of hugs~


08/22/2020 14:39:17

Good afternoon to you,
I hope you are having a great weekend. Its been a mostly cloudy day here but that was nice since it was mowing day and it kept it from getting really hot.
Now the rest of the weekend is free, hopefully!
Take care and have a great weekend. Hugs,Rhonda

08/22/2020 06:02:48

Cheryl, hope your weekend is a treat!

08/21/2020 13:23:57

Good afternoon Cheryl,
Hope you have had a good day so far. Its been raining off and on today, which seems good to get some rain.
Hopefully i will get some time to crochet this afternoon!
Have a great afternoon. Hugs,Rhonda

08/21/2020 10:08:09

08/20/2020 14:10:02

Happy Friday Eve! How is your day going? I've been doing my every-day chores and now I can enjoy my afternoon, work free! I took my dog, Maddy, outside and brushed a small dog's worth of fur from her. Fur that is not being left on my floors now. HAHA I bought a bunch of books online that came in the mail a couple days ago so I hope to spend at least part of my afternoon doing some reading. As well as crocheting. Have a perfect day, Cheryl! I know you enjoyed your lunch with Tony and Trey!



08/19/2020 13:54:52

Loving the cooler nights; hope your evening is a bit of paradise.

08/19/2020 09:07:47

08/18/2020 12:51:05

 Good afternoon to you,

I hope you are having a great day and a good start to the new week. Its slowly cooling down here even though its still in the high 80's, least its not quite so humid.
About done with my work and i can find some time to crochet.
Have a great day. Hugs,Rhonda

08/18/2020 09:55:53

The best thing about summer is the fresh, homegrown fruits and vegetables!  I always miss that when the garden fades, Cheryl. I won't be sad to see the extreme heat and suffocating humidity go away in a  month or so but I will miss other things about summer! Fall is my favorite season and I always feel revived when it finally arrives. Do you have a favorite season? I hope your Tuesday is terrific and we both get done what we set out to do before we sit down and relax later on. 

Hugs n happiness~


08/18/2020 09:53:50

08/17/2020 13:58:20

It's a new week and I hope it's a good one for us both! Do you have a busy week planned, Cheryl? Nothing happening here but for the usual. Dave carried in an armful of tomatoes s0 we had BLTs for lunch today. 

Summer smiles~


08/17/2020 12:58:59

The sun is shining here today, too, Cheryl - HOORAY! 

Hugs, Maria


Hi there. Had a nice day yesterday. It rained most of the day and some of the evening. But we needed the rain. Its a sunny Monday here. Going to be warm but not to bad. Hope you have a nice Monday and take care.

your friend,



08/16/2020 17:01:36

Nothing better than having lunch with your child - no matter their age! 

We are hoping for sunshine tomorrow, as it rained here all weekend, and we are a soggy mess. 

Hugs, Maria


Hi there. How are you? I'm doing good. Went up to see Trey my son, this morning and we went out and ate lunch then I came back home and did laundry and dishes and took a nap. Not much else going on just taking it easy. Hope you are having a good afternoon. Take care,



08/16/2020 16:57:41

It poured rain here all weekend - hoping the sun will shine tomorrow! 

Hugs, Maria


Its Friday finally. Seems like this week has slowly went by. I hope you have a great day and a even better weekend. Take care.



08/15/2020 14:14:59

Happy weekend. Hope yours is going great so far. Been a busy day for me so this is a quick hello, good bye, and catch you tomorrow, I hope Cheryl. 

Hugs and smiles~


08/15/2020 12:55:22

Good afternoon,
I hope you are doing good and having a great weekend.
its been a cloudy day with peeks of sun now and then. waiting for the rain to move in later and hopefully it will cool it down enough to open up some windows and let a little fresh air in.
Have a great weekend! Hugs,Rhonda

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