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07/26/2024 01:05:15

Let the games begin and enjoy your weekend!  Hugs

07/25/2024 22:22:03

Happy Friday 😊

07/25/2024 21:17:24

It's the height of summer in Wonderland. I love to eat outdoors; since it's been a rainy summer, I have only been able to do that for about half the time. August can be pretty dry here. Perhaps I will be able to go out more on the patio. Have a great weekend!🪅

07/25/2024 10:22:11

It is a rainy Thursday morning here; kind of a sleepy sort of start to the day. It's been such a blessing to not have to water things and just let nature quench the plants' thirst. What are you up to today? Dave is going to do our grocery pick up and we'll see what the rest of the day brings. Cheryl, I'm glad your eye is getting better. Aren't allergies fun?

Smiles and hugs~


07/24/2024 20:28:58


A flower for you to share with someone you love.  


Don't you just love Chocolate Chip Dough?  


Guys are supposed to wait and Girls are supposed to be fashionably late!  


I can't imagine trying to find the perfect match in today's dating world.  


No matter what your life looks like, eating, waiting, dating or whatever else, remember you are here for a reason... right where you are now.  


Laugh every day!  Share your smile!  Enjoy every minute of life!  


07/24/2024 09:03:26

Hello Cheryl, greeting from steamy FL. Getting rain every day here but it keeps the temps down. HOpe your midweek is good.

07/24/2024 08:33:58


I hope you love flowers as much as I do!  They always put a smile on my face.  


I have never seen a yellow Passion Vine flower.  I do have the common Purple one!  


I also have lots of Coneflowers or Echinacea.  They seem to come up everywhere.  


My first instinct is to run or shoo it away!  I have never considered myself a flower!  


As you look for beautiful flowers today, remember who created and planted them all.  


Always focus on what is most important in life and don't forget to count your Blessings!  


07/24/2024 06:28:13

"Contentedness is a skill. Practice daily"~Javier Mendoza 🧚🏽‍♀️

07/24/2024 00:49:03

Happy Wednesday!  Hugs

07/23/2024 10:59:22

The sun is playing hide and seek today. One minute I look out and it's bright sunshine and a minute later the clouds have taken over. It's a steamer today again but isn't that how summer is for so many? Every season has its worth....but summer pushes it with the humidity. LOL At least I get tomatoes out of it, right?



07/23/2024 09:17:21


I am so happy that Trey is finally getting therapy and that you can help him so much.  Prayers are being answered in God's timing!  Take good care of yourself Cheryl.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

CherylWright54 wrote:


Hi there. Its been a busy Monday for me. I went up and took Trey to his physical therapy appoinment at 11 this morning. He had that for 1 hour. He goes back on Wednesday but he will be taking himself. I went to Walmart while he was at his therapy appointment and got some things. Then we got food at Sonic and went back to his apartment and at that. Then before I came home I went to the thrift store and got a few shirts. Now I have those shirts in the washer and it should be done in a little bit. Have a good rest of your day my friend and take care. Many hugs to you, Cheryl

07/23/2024 08:55:23


Good Tuesday Morning!  As the sun comes up, it casts a shadow on Mount Rainier across the sky.


Remember that each day is a new day with all kinds of new possibilities!  


What beautiful things will cross your path today?  Be sure to keep your eyes working overtime!  


You just never know what will jump up right in front of you!  


Be alert and feel things that are happening around you even before you see them.  



07/23/2024 02:24:28

Hi Cheryl. Those thrift shops are great to browse in. There are always bargains to pick up. We have two here locally in town and they are very popular. I used to do volunteer work at one before Covid Hit. Unfortunately can’t now with my Spinal problem. That’s good Trey is doing so well. Oh, Sonic is a new one to me. We haven’t those here. Plenty of others with “Take Away meals”. Even our Pubs do “Take Aways”. Enjoy you day. Hugs Pat.

07/23/2024 00:10:55

07/22/2024 09:10:41


Monday!  New Week!  Just hang in there!  


Before you know it, Friday afternoon will be here!


Just hang on and the sun will soon be shining on you!  


You are beautiful and others want to be near you.  


The tide will turn and you can always count the blessings of the past and look forward to more!  


07/22/2024 09:08:38

It's Monday, so here are some beachy vibes for you! 🌴

07/22/2024 02:00:15

Hello Cheryl. So pleased you had a safe trip and back home again. I can imagine how tired you must be. It’s nice to be able to relax in your own home environment.

It’s late afternoon here and I’ve just got home from having another blood test. I’m pleased that’s out the way.

After more than a week of dull wet dreary days the sun decided to come out today. It so nice to see and brightens everything up.     Have you any new projects on the go?  You have a pleasant day.  Hugs Pat.

07/22/2024 01:33:33

Put your feet up and enjoy the view this week!  Hugs

07/21/2024 12:51:22

Hi there Cheryl,
I hope this finds you doing well and enjoying a great weekend.
It rained a good bit last night and more moving in for later. For now its mostly cloudy but still so hot.
Going to relax for awhile and enjoy the afternoon! Hope you can too.
Take care, Hugs,Rhonda

07/20/2024 13:01:04

Have a sweet summer Saturday and enjoy the weekend. Have as much fun as you are able.

Fun and friendship~


07/20/2024 09:25:25

Hello Cheryl, have a blessed weekend.

07/20/2024 08:04:02

Hope you are able to rest & relax this weekend! Especially after all the traveling. Still keeping Trey in my thoughts. PT can be hard. I was in an accident way back in 1993. Broke my ankle & fibula. Have a rod & screws keeping everything together. I know the struggle. Your son is brave. 🐈

07/20/2024 06:06:02

07/19/2024 16:20:05


I survived WORK today!  Glad you are home safe & sound!

CherylWright54 wrote:

Good afternoon to you. I'm tired from the travels we made the last two days to Texas and Oklahoma. Just wears me out. Went to see our son this morning. Then went to Walmart and got the things we needed. Now I'm ready for a nap. I hope you have a good weekend. I plan on resting. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs, Cheryl

07/19/2024 11:21:49

We made it to Friday! Aren't we amazing? Currently my immediate area is getting some much needed rain. Where my girls live just across town, no rain. Hoping everyone in our vicinity gets some eventually as we are all very, very dry. How is your day so far? Do your best to make it a good one, Cheryl.

Showers and smiles~

07/19/2024 01:52:02

Stay focused and have a wonderful weekend!  Hugs

07/18/2024 23:00:14

07/18/2024 21:02:41


Friday is here, the week is nearing the end.  Look for beauty all around you.  I am working and we are getting granddogs for another week.  






Hoya blooming  




Have a wonderful Friday!  

07/18/2024 19:22:35

07/18/2024 10:02:24

Every day share a kind deed, a smile, a laugh then your troubles will be halved. 🍭

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