"Aki a csendet hallgatja, boldog lesz, elégedett és békesség tölti el, mert a csend hangjai a lélek hangjai."
Őri István
Kedves Barátom! Napsütéses, kissé szeles napunk van.Jó lenne, ha így is maradna a héten, lehetne a kertben dolgozni. Gyönyörűek a fák, a hulló falevelek. Teljenek a hét napjai kedved szerint.Ölelésem, Éva
Good morning. Temps for today: 43/54. I actually saw some people with their furnaces on this morning. It is 62* in my house right now but it is going to go down since it is not going to warm up. I may surrender to winter today and turn the furnace on. I just turned it on. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Guess who is coming to visit you today and spend the whole weekend with you?
The surprise is on you because I'm not home! I am off on a leaf hunt!
Hope your weekend will be full of fun and laughs!
You better enjoy the warm weather and go swimming before a cold front arrives next week. We might set a record of 96° on Sunday. My granddaughter had a pool party last night and they watched a movie on the screen at the end of the pool.
Happy Friday. I went for an excursion yesterday with the nice weather. A lot of people were at the park with their dogs. Today may be the last really nice day for the next decade. I may have to turn the furnace on in a few days. It is supposed to get to 32* by Tuesday. When I was in school, it was believed that 32* was the temp that water would freeze if you lived in the North. I may go for a motorcycle ride today. I prefer to go on a weekday than on the weekend. The same could be said with the stores. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!