"Minden helyzetben élni kell. És megélni mindent, amit csak lehet. Hiszen a ma ma van, nem várhatunk a holnapra, a jövő hétre, hónapra, évre. Csak az a miénk, ami elmúlt, és amit éppen megélünk."
Csitáry-Hock Tamás
Üdvözöllek! A ma reggeli esős időt napsütés és kellemes, kora őszi hőmérséklet követte.Nagyon szeszélyes lett az idő, kiszámíthatatlan. Maradj biztonságban, további boldog napokat kívánok. Estére jó pihenést, majd szép álmokat. Ölelésem, Éva
It is not often, very rare, that I have a tough day. However, today is one of those. It is a weepy day for me. We have a friend who lives in Tampa and told us they were not leaving.
I saw this post from Brad Barton and I am sharing it.
Every hour at the top of the hour please take a moment to Pray:
Father God, we humble ourselves before you & ask that you see to it that the schemes & plans of the enemy are cancelled . That no attempts by the forces of darkness to harm your precious creation, your children, your planet shall succeed.
We ask that you surround the State of Florida with a hedge of protection & that you expose all the plans & doers of wickedness and that only YOUR will and the agenda of Heaven be done on earth.
Good morning. Everything went well yesterday. Not certain of today as I have no plans. I may get out to church in a couple of hours. Yesterday I went to the Cathedral as it was the day off for the priest in my parish. The weather: 43*/72*, with sun. I am still fighting the good fight of not activating the furnace despite being cold lying around the house. Starting the furnace would be General Lee at Gettysburg! Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Monday, first day of a new week and the first Monday of October.
The sun is softly peeking in on most of you this morning. Flowers are still blooming this time of year.
Share some flowers with someone today. Do something wonderful for someone everyday.
It is all about loving each and every person just like God loves you.
Life is about finding joy in the simple actions and seeing joy all around you.
At the end of the day, can you look back and smile and not only count your blessings but the blessings you gave to others? Thank you for being my blessing!
"Mivel mindenki a maga módján látja a világot, a maga módján éli meg nehézségeit és a sikereit. Tanítani annyi, mint megmutatni a lehetőséget. Tanulni annyi, mint élni a lehetőséggel.”
Paulo Coelho
Szerencsésen hazaértünk délután.Az idő nem volt mindíg kedvező, de jól éreztük magunkat. Remélem jól vagy és minden terved szerint alakul....? Péntek estére kellemes időtöltést majd szép álmokat, hétvégére sok örömöt, vidám napokat kívánok! Ölelésem, Éva