Good morning. Movie Day. Attendance in about 4 hours, give or take 4 minutes. Plans are to attend. Have a good day, on this the eve of the weekend. Still working on a surreptitious plan of getting rid of the TV. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
hello, hope things are going well for you, it's been raining here for the last 3 days...we really did need rain, hard to beleive considering all the snow we got this winter. wishing you a nice day, and if you have some spare sunshine send it my way...hugs
Good morning. Garbage Day (not participating). Uncertain of my agenda. Trying to give away a television is difficult. No one wants the tube type, even for nothing. I know how to get rid of it surreptitiously but hate to throw something away that works good. Not many miles on it. I used to take these things down to a certain area of my city and leave it on the curb with a sign saying for sale. Then someone would steal it. Whatever! Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
good morning, i've been really busy outside lately got it almost done, and ready to plant flowers..hope your week-end was nice and wishing you a lovely start to this new week...hugs
Good morning on this Monday morning. Expecting rain today, as a matter of fact, hear it right now on the side of the house. Nice walk yesterday in the sun though somewhat cold. Success was mine this morning in throwing the water out. As I wish you a good day, this writer is drinking the good coffee. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning on this Friday morning. It is MOVIE DAY and I shall be attending an early session. I think I'm going to the showing at 7:00 AM. This is the end of the series. I have heard good reviews of people who have attended showings by invitation only. I have not attended the theater in the last two weeks due to a lack of anything I wanted to see. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
I'm Just popping by to say 'Good Night' I hope you had a great day. I sure did, My physical Therapy is finally finished! Yeah! lol I'm feeling a lot better & so is my hubby. Things are really looking up around here. Keep smiling and know that I'm always here for you sweet friend. Love N Hugs; Always, Judi
Good Afternoon. I thought I would pop in to wish you a wonderful week, before I go do some much needed grocery shopping, it seems as though my company last week was mighty hungry! lol... Much love and Many Hugs, Judi xoxo
Hello my friend. I hope you've had a wonderful Easter Week & weekend. It's been great here. Next to Christmas, Easter is our most celebrated family holiday. Today, was especially beautiful ...sunny & 70 degree's. Well it's time to get some rest, take care; I'll be back tomorrow. Love N Hugs, Judi