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Donna Harvey

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03/03/2025 10:46:52

I hope this week is kind to you. 🫖

03/03/2025 10:22:28

Spring is in the air even though we are to have snow falling down tomorrow. The month of March always has surprises as winter is trying to stay in and spring is coming in the back door. Smiles Gloria

03/01/2025 14:48:48

Well my friend

It’s March 1st…

Will the weather be more kind to us?


Don’t forget to turn your clocks

ahead next weekend!


I’m much better after my fall.

Have a good weekend!

Love Augie​

03/01/2025 10:53:45

The wind is cold in Wonderland, but the robins & red-winged blackbirds are making appearances. Spring will follow!
Have a great week! 🌱

03/01/2025 07:15:23


02/26/2025 09:16:56

Donna, have courage & seek out your destiny. Cinderella didn't wait around; she got into the carriage & went!🩰

02/25/2025 08:01:32

Thank you Donna.

Take good care of yourself 🙏❤️

augiedoggie wrote:

Hello my dear friend…
I hope things are well with you.
Sorry it’s been awhile.
A week ago I did something foolish.
Walking down steps from upstairs to
downstairs while carrying things in my
left arm and being on the phone with
a friend-was holding onto railing with
right hand-but missed the last step and
went flying forward.
Landed on my knees and palms.
Nothing broken but had to walk very slow
those first days.
Improving each day now and thankful
it wasn’t worse!
Wishing you a good day…
Love, Augie

  I'm glad you didn't break anything.  My balance isn't very good & the last three times I fell I broke bones & doc says my walker will be my shadow for the rest of my days.  Be careful. Loads of Love,     Donna


02/25/2025 06:06:59

Hello my dear friend…
I hope things are well with you.
Sorry it’s been awhile.
A week ago I did something foolish.
Walking down steps from upstairs to
downstairs while carrying things in my
left arm and being on the phone with
a friend-was holding onto railing with
right hand-but missed the last step and
went flying forward.
Landed on my knees and palms.
Nothing broken but had to walk very slow
those first days.
Improving each day now and thankful
it wasn’t worse!
Wishing you a good day…
Love, Augie

02/24/2025 10:40:42

Dancing thru this last week of February. Hope your Monday is off to a great start. ❤️

02/23/2025 08:40:18


02/22/2025 10:56:43

Hope your weekend is Wonder-filled. 'We may not be able to help everyone, but we can help someone. Scintillate kindness.'✨

02/20/2025 09:26:33

While I can enjoy the comforts of my home, I shall make the most of it. Snowy & sunny in Wonderland; weather here can't decide what to do! 🥬

02/17/2025 08:45:11


Good morning my dear friend…
So windy here today.
Many without power.
I hope things are well with you.
I wanted to stop by and wish you
a good week ahead.
Love Augie

02/17/2025 08:27:27

Hope your week is off to a good start. Trying to enjoy 4 inches of snow & knowing that spring is nearing.🌿

02/15/2025 05:28:48

02/14/2025 07:52:08

02/14/2025 07:51:53


02/13/2025 10:31:22

Donna, sharing some Valentine cheer from my home to yours! 💝

02/12/2025 09:33:38

Your friendship is a wonderful treat!🍭

02/09/2025 21:33:33

Bouncing into Monday! (fyi Valais Blacknose sheep) 🐑

02/08/2025 12:14:41

Have an awesome weekend. Feb. 9 is my father's birthday (he passed in 2022), so we do remembrance. My son is coming over & this year we're going to the restaurant chain that my parents went to for their first date in 1960, a Big Boy drive-in (or rather carry-out nowadays). 🌼

02/07/2025 21:01:23


02/07/2025 14:00:50

Just stopped in to say hello..You have a nice page..Hope you are finding things to smile about...take care Wanda

02/06/2025 08:52:07

It takes imagination to create & to build-none needed to destroy & to ruin.

May your Thursday soar. And keep warm!🪽

02/04/2025 21:01:21


letting u know how  im doing from the surgery .my arm is still hurting
.but it getting  better. thinking about my friends on here .i took
some days off of work . i try to go back on sunday just hurt a lot .
love u and miss u all. from miss whisler.

02/04/2025 09:13:04

Have a terrific Tuesday. 🩵

02/02/2025 11:54:05

"Away is good but home is best." (Swedish proverb).
Groundhog says there are 6 more weeks of winter-good reason for me to stay home & be cozy. Feeling grateful I have a home; help those who do not.💗

01/31/2025 10:41:50

What else can we do but offer comfort & care to those around us. And appreciate those who give the same to us. Have a Wonder-filled weekend!🌹

01/31/2025 08:25:39


Good morning my dear friend…
Just wanted to stop by and wish you
a nice weekend.
Do what makes you happy.
Sending you a big hug!
Love, Augie

01/28/2025 09:37:18

May good fortune be yours! 🥠

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