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Donna Harvey

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06/30/2023 07:21:04

Hope you have great weekend & are faring okay if you are in a place with bad air quality as I am. Strawberries are my favorite fruit, but I have only picked them once in my life. I was in college; I was done after filling one basket, but my friends wanted to stay for hours. Too hot & too backbreaking for me! Have you ever picked strawberries?πŸ“

06/28/2023 08:04:28

Greetings Donna! Whatever adversity you may be encountering, soar above it as the butterfly does.πŸ¦‹

06/26/2023 11:41:43

May you have a glorious day doing this and that and hearing the birds singing. Many nests in the trees this spring so now I am watching the little birds flying around to and fro. It is so cute to watch is off and on as one is doing their daily duties. Smiles Gloria

06/26/2023 08:02:42

Hello friend! June is almost at an end; for many years I taught summer school and only had a break from July 15 to August 25. Can't believe those working summers are a distant memory. πŸ’™

06/24/2023 09:55:30

Irish Proverb

A week of light rain and humidity ahead for Wonderland. Since I'm a homebody, I don't mind-we do need the moisture! 🫧

06/23/2023 10:52:30

A Happy Friday day to you. My goodness this week just flew by enjoying the moments of life. I am so excited for we should receive some rain showers today and for the next days. Looking forward to splash in some puddles while singing a song and giggling!

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author unknown

06/22/2023 21:00:32

Prayers you feel better & are on the mend!πŸ’—πŸ§Έ

06/22/2023 20:54:16

Donna-Harvey wrote:

Petunias are quite nice--large flowers, so many colors to choose from and  blooming spring through late summer/early fall. And easy to maintain! πŸ’œ

I only have twenty petunias under my picture window & we had a heavy rain, no hail but they are all plastered to the ground.  Hope they will bounce back.  If not, both greenhouses in town have their plants on sale now so if I have to replant I may not get what I want but at least there will be some color for the rest of the summer.  still hoping the petunias will bounce back as they usually put a good show all summer.

06/22/2023 08:54:24

06/21/2023 10:14:43

Monet's Garden at Giverny

"Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now." -Roy T. Bennett 🌺

06/20/2023 12:11:32

A glorious Tuesday day to you. Extra warm today so better enjoy some ice tea and or coffee to cool myself and then maybe some refreshing lemonade .  Now to find my book and head outside and enjoy the summer breeze  for awhile.  May you have a very pleasant day.  Smiles  Gloria

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you β€” not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown

06/19/2023 06:52:15

Last Thurs I got pea sized hail. Some nearby areas had golfball sized hail.

Patio fruit & herb gardens are faring just fine! How is your garden doing if you have one? 🌼

06/11/2023 07:02:17

Good morning Donna! Thanks for sharing pieces of your life and offering encouragement to face life's ups and downs. πŸ“

06/07/2023 07:54:20

Midweek already! Been putting off a blood draw for a couple months. I finally will do it on Friday. πŸ‡

06/04/2023 17:26:53

Hope your week is off to an amazing start! Wishing for some rain here in Wonderland; it's been pretty dry for over 3 weeks. πŸ¦„

06/02/2023 07:35:04

The last few days have been 86-90F in Wonderland. Summer has begun! Have a great first weekend in June. πŸ‡

05/30/2023 08:55:33

Just coming by to say HI!🦝

05/24/2023 11:38:24

Find your joy & treasure its presence. 🐢

05/22/2023 08:50:10

Just another Magic Monday! Blessings for the week ahead.🎠

05/18/2023 07:42:18

Take a little break & chill! Frost warning in Wonderland last night; I had to bring in all my plants (except 4 herb boxes). 🌷

05/16/2023 07:27:55

How is your week going? Sharing some patio pics. I don't have much room, but I have a fairy garden & some beefsteak & grape tomatoes & jalapeno & cayenne peppers. There's lavender on the table. Jasper is looking at the geese flying over. And there's the goose family down by the retention pond. Hope all is lovely & well where you are! ✨

05/11/2023 08:06:44

Finally no frost worries; I'm getting this year's chosen patio plants put into containers & out on the patio. 🐌

05/08/2023 17:20:03

Good night Donna! Hope your week is off to a marvelous start. 🌜

05/06/2023 07:48:44

Have a great weekend! πŸ’›

05/04/2023 08:25:54

Happiness is savoring the sweet and simple things in life. 🐈

05/03/2023 09:01:57

Hope you're having a whimsical Wednesday! β€œJust living isn’t enough,” said the butterfly, β€œone must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.”~ Hans Christian AndersonπŸ¦‹

05/01/2023 07:51:09

And so May begins! You deserve a treat! Indulge yourself . . . 🧁

04/27/2023 08:14:33

It's been hard to keep Jasper from jumping up on furniture & running when on a walk. He truly acts like no surgery has happened! Thx for many caring comments.πŸ•

04/25/2023 09:33:38

Taking care of my 9 yr old Jasper who needed neutering to stop an enlarged prostate from getting worse. He wants to jump on couches & run around; he doesn't act like he's had surgery. 13 more days of inactivity & donut collar . . . 🐢

04/21/2023 11:44:36


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