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Donna Harvey

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01/26/2025 20:37:08

Donna, leave some ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:* wherever you go this week! 💎

01/25/2025 12:55:55

Happy Weekend Glitter Graphics and Comments


01/25/2025 08:44:38

01/24/2025 22:23:45


Hello my dear friend…
I hope things are well with you.
I’m happy our temps are finally going up a bit
this weekend. It’s been so cold but I shouldn’t
complain to our friends in Canada!
I hope things improve for you, too.
We’ve been watching a lot of tennis and also
looking forward to football playoffs on Sunday.
Please be careful as Covid, the flu and a nasty
stomach bug is going around.
Sending big hugs to you!
Love Augie

01/24/2025 10:43:33

Wishing you tranquility as you head into the weekend. A bit of snow & 20F (-6C) temps is just right for January in Wonderland. ✨

01/22/2025 07:56:36

The rich do not need admiration nor succor. Help the oppressed, which in these times means to come to the aid of society's marginalized. “Again, I observed all the oppression that takes place under the sun. I saw the tears of the oppressed, with no one to comfort them. The oppressors have great power, and their victims are helpless.” Ecclesiastes 4:1 NLT

01/20/2025 13:16:50

Stopping by to say hello ...

01/19/2025 22:14:28

Donna, hope you're having a marvelous Monday. I'm just sitting out this extremely bitter weather.🍿

01/18/2025 09:01:09

A polar vortex is supposed to hit Wonderland tonite, bringing wind chills of -20. It's Michigan--so these temps don't last long. Glad I don't have to go out in it. 🌬️

01/18/2025 08:49:25


Good morning my dear friend…
Did you know I love birds?
Cloudy here with several inches of
snow coming tomorrow and next
week we’re going to get an “arctic blast”!
Watching a lot of Australian Open tennis
and NFL football playoffs.
Hoping our Philadelphia Eagles do well
tomorrow-in the snow!
Wishing you a good weekend.
Love Augie

01/17/2025 13:11:45

Wintery windy day  and sub  zero temps for the next several days. 

I plan to stay toasty warm indoors putting a fun  winter puzzle together as I do my daily duties off and on.  

Every so pretty outside with  snow on the ground and the birds are coming  to the feeder off and on during the day. 

May your winter days bring  joy to your heart and if you have time  throw a snowball my way or if your snow is angel snow instead have fun making one in your yard for all to see. 


Be happy, and a reason will come along. ~Robert Brault   Enjoy  your moments , so precious. Smiles coming your way from me. Gloria

01/15/2025 08:32:45

We've made it to mid-week & mid-January already! ~Underneath the snow, plants wait to bloom; after adversity, hope springs eternal.~💗

01/13/2025 08:53:38

Drama on the deck. Let my dog Jasper out on the deck & noticed about 40 blackbirds in the bare maple tree. They were eyeing the hawk sitting atop the evergreen next to them.  Hope your week is off to a good start!🌲

01/11/2025 04:06:37

Hello, friend, happy saturday, and  a lovely

WEEKEND,rest, enjoy, have fun, and be very

happy, enjoy every minute of your life

Have a GREAT day, full of LOVE,

and joy, rest to the fullest, your weekend

as you like, live each day with the

strength of God, and may He bless you,

as I do with my good feelings,

great, kisses, take care, Maria.....

01/10/2025 19:38:51


Be kind to yourself
and one another…
Love Augie

01/10/2025 15:34:11

Snow is finally falling so this weekend it will be a Winter Wonderland! 2-4 inches is fairly normal for this area.🦌

01/08/2025 10:07:45

Happy mid-week. 🐱

01/05/2025 16:05:02

-Percy Bysshe Shelley

No snow here, but I'm sure before the end of January that Wonderland will have a few inches. Hope your week is off to a great start! 🐻‍❄️

01/04/2025 10:22:33


Hello my dear friend…
Many of you are about to have
a nasty snow event!
Take care and be ready.
This one isn’t going to affect
NE Pennsylvania very much.
Going to visit our g-daughters
Sunday and take their presents.
Illness is finally out of their house.
Wishing you a good weekend ❤️

01/02/2025 20:48:21

Hope this finds you enjoying a fresh new year! Still exhausted from having a small NYE party. Too old for hosting duties. Not like even like 5 yrs ago when I still had stamina. Fun but too much work. 🌟

12/30/2024 15:30:25

Cheers to the upcoming year Donna! Make your world better by caring and sharing. Blessings to you and yours.🥂🍾

12/30/2024 14:26:35


12/29/2024 11:35:14

Too rainy for December in my part of Wonderland. But happy to be cozy inside no matter the weather. 💛

12/28/2024 08:19:41


Good morning my dear friend…
Christmas is over.
I hope you had a merry one.
We were to go visit our g-daughters
Christmas evening and give them
their presents but it seems the flu
is going through their house so we
will have to wait awhile.
I pray you are well.
We’re on to a new year.
Love, Augie

12/26/2024 19:36:31

Hope your Christmas was merry & bright Donna. I do leave my decor up thru our New Year's Eve party & take the tree down the first weekend of the new year. Old tradition that the "12" days of Christmas begins on Christmas day & runs to Jan 6. 🐇

12/26/2024 07:17:03


12/23/2024 14:05:32

From my home to yours-peace & joy🕊️

12/23/2024 11:34:12


12/22/2024 09:25:49


Hello my dear friend…
Days are flying by now and I’m sure
there are still things to do.
I’m going to make cookies tonight or
tomorrow with my sons help.
Find a bit of time to relax and listen
to some Christmas songs.
And may we all take time to reflect
on the real reason for the season.
Love Augie

12/22/2024 08:38:29

To you & your loved ones ~ Warmest wishes for a cozy Christmas. ☕

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