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Donna Harvey

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10/12/2021 13:33:48

Hello, friend, how are you doing, I hope your day was nice,

next month at the end, they operate on me, I will treat these

days, conestar, my pains, they are getting worse, and I have it,

complicated, happy, Wednesday, take care -------------

hola,amigo, como vas espero que tu dia,fue lindo,el mes

que viene al final,me operan,tratare en estos dias,

 conestar,mis dolores,van a peor,y lo tengo,complicado,


10/12/2021 10:17:18

 I am so enjoying fall and all of its beauty. We even had  our 1st frost on the roof tops this morning. A smile came on my face and a twinkle in my eyes. October is always full of surprises.

I am enjoying at the moment some , yes your reading it right, some eggnog flavored New England Coffee that is a holiday edition.  A new flavor for me and I must say this is going to be a  keeper. 

May you have a nice day.  Smiles  Gloria

10/09/2021 10:55:21

10/04/2021 13:58:50

have a good, start, of the week, happy, for you

and your loved ones, I leave you my best wishes,

take care,kisses,maria----------------------

09/29/2021 13:38:10

hello, I'm sorry, I can't communicate, as before I have

days, bad With my pains, and movements,

of the arm, I never forget, my friends, who greet me,

have a happy, day, and take care of yourself, kisses,maria

09/23/2021 13:03:53

Hello, thank you, everyone who has congratulated me 

on my birthday,Have a wonderful Thursday,

for me a day, Nolmar, like everyone I do not celebrate, 

take care ,kisses,maria---------------

09/22/2021 09:36:17

A glorious Wed. day to you.  Fall is in the air!  Enjoying some pumpkin spice flavored coffee on this day while doing the household duties. Smiles  Gloria

Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com

09/20/2021 12:34:30

Hope you have a wonderful Autumn season ... I love Autumn

09/20/2021 09:18:15

May you have a pleasant autumn week watching the leaves change on the trees. Such a beautiful site to enjoy. Puts a smile on my face  and a twinkle in my eye seeing the beauty of the season of fall entering in as summer starts to fade out.  My , my how I enjoy all the four seasons. Smiles  Gloria

09/17/2021 10:28:17

My goodness this week sure went by fast while enjoying ones moments of life. May you have a glorious day and peaceful weekend that is coming up.

I am at the moment having some Green Mountain seasonal  Maple Pecan flavored coffee to make my day abit more special.  I believe I need to head to the store and find some of the maple cookies   to go along with the coffee.  I can taste them right now , one of my favorite cookies as fall  comes in and shows it beauty. Smiles Gloria

08/23/2021 10:04:18

With fall in the air and back to cooler days and nights I just had to brew up some  New England Coffee flavored  caramel apple to brighten up ones day even more than it is now.

May you have a  nice Monday sharing your smile .  Smiles  Gloria

08/09/2021 10:41:43


Good Morning.  Have a very good Monday.  Smiles, Nancy

07/26/2021 09:46:02

Wow where did this month go to for it is the last week of the month and will be soon into August.  Each month has it beauty, so exciting to see and enjoy.  I am sipping on some honey's bon from the Donut Shop flavored coffee as I do my daily duties of the day. Just received this flavor the other day . Very tasty! May you have a lovely week enjoying these summer days that are flying by so fast.   Smiles   Gloria

I get up on a glorious summer morning and gaze out at the new day. With all the strongest and deepest instincts of my nature I long to go out into the green beauty of the world, to fling myself down in some sloping meadow and feel the sunshine envelop me and the warm winds pass over me, to see them tossing the grasses and tugging at the trees and driving the white clouds across the blue, and to feel the great earth revolving under me — for if you lie long enough you can really get the sense of sailing through space. ~Elisabeth Woodbridge, "On Taking One's Dessert First," The Jonathan Papers, 1912

07/26/2021 09:45:56

Such a pretty page.

07/21/2021 11:33:18

A cloudy day with temps in the 70's and maybe afew rain drops might fall from the sky. A very nice day I would say.

Enjoying a nice cup of Folgers Vanilla Biscotti flavored coffee at the moment.  My how I like having any type of biscotti  to dip in my coffee.  Such a treat anytime. Our nice and friendly family grocery store  makes them fresh almost every day. Do have a glorious Wed in your area and will do the same here in my neck of the woods. Smiles  Gloria


        Coffee is a hug in a mug. ~Author unknown

07/20/2021 10:26:09

No sunshine for we have fog today. Crazy weather! Wonderful though for we did get some rain yesterday morning for  awhile. Wow what a sight that was to see and smell the rain coming down .  It was wonderful standing in it for abit.  Yes I am a kid at heart even at my special age.

I am enjoying some Island coconit coffee from Green Mountain along with some coconut creamer from Coffee Mate on this beautiful Tuesday. Gee I sure do know how to spoil myself dont I. Ha Ha  and why not!  Do have a special day  doing the same, please. Smiles  Gloria

07/16/2021 11:32:57

Just made up some Caribou  Lakeshore flavored coffee on this beautiful Friday day. Another glorious summer day  being not too cool or not too hot but just right.  My my how I enjoy the lazy days of summer doing abit of this and that and  loving the moments of life.

I don't think you can feel a sense of entitlement and still be happy. Happiness always comes from feeling that you've been blessed. ~Robert Brault,rbrault.blogspot.com

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