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Donna Harvey

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09/27/2024 18:42:46

Have a wonder-filled weekend Donna! 💙

09/27/2024 09:59:27


Prayers going up for my friends
in the path of the storm…💜

09/26/2024 09:30:04

May your life be as sparkling as your wine! Cheers to you on a Thirsty Thursday.🍁

09/24/2024 10:23:19

Hope you're having a great day! Left a window open overnite here in Wonderland. Woke up to a chill of 64F (18C). Just closed the window & my inside temp returned to normal. We try not to turn the heat on until Oct.1.🏮

09/22/2024 08:06:20

Have a blessed Sunday! 🍁

09/21/2024 04:44:04


It’s hard to believe October is just
around the corner.
I was glad to see our temps will
be dropping into the 60’s next week!
I’m so ready for that.
I’ll still be wearing shorts then.
Has to get colder than that for me
to start wearing pants.
A bit of color changes starting
In the trees.
Have a good weekend my friend…
Love and hugs, Augie

09/18/2024 09:44:30

Happy mid-week to you. Make time for a well-deserved break. ☕

09/17/2024 09:32:39


Good morning my dear friend….
I hope things are well with you.
I’ve been enjoying NFL football and the end of the MLB games.
Warmish days and cooler nights but I’m
looking for a bit cooler days to come.
Haven’t seen any leaves change color yet.
Take good care of yourself.
Love, Augie

09/16/2024 11:16:56


09/16/2024 09:37:26

Warm days, cool nights-it's been pleasant here in Wonderland.🍁

09/14/2024 09:26:10

As a retired person, the way I know it's the weekend is the TV daytime show scehdule is different (yes I still have regular cable! lol). 🎁

09/12/2024 07:07:23


09/11/2024 21:02:20

Donna, thanks for taking the time to share a happy thought, a bit of your life, a moment of your time. Happy Thursday!🍁

09/09/2024 06:45:23

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. -Albert Einstein

Hope you have a magical Monday.🪄

09/06/2024 15:00:39

Love getting honeycomb, apples & donuts at the cider mill at this time of year. And putting up fall decor feels like coming home after a vacation. Have a wonder-filled weekend.🍯

09/06/2024 07:34:33


Good morning my dear friend….
I hope this greeting finds you well.
Our weather has been beautiful.
Warm days in the low 70’s and
cool nights.
I love it!
Take good care of yourself.
Love Augie

09/05/2024 09:34:55

09/04/2024 08:34:40

Half-way to the weekend! The world is your garden. Water with happiness & it will flourish!🪅

09/01/2024 20:42:21

It will be awhile before leaves change & fall, but September always seems like the first day of autumn in Wonderland. May this month be a breath of fresh air for you! 🍂

09/01/2024 08:55:15


September is here! Yeah!
Fall is my favorite time of year.
I love the cooler weather and
the beautiful colors of the
leaves changing.
And I love that NFL football
is back! 🏈
Have a good week my friend…
Love Augie

08/29/2024 09:43:56


08/25/2024 08:05:56

Take care of yourself & enjoy this week! In Wonderland there are predictions of 3 days of 90F/33C degrees; a shock after a month of mostly low 80sF/27C🤎

08/23/2024 08:34:08


Good morning my dear friend!
I hope this greeting finds you well.
Be sure to take time for yourself
this weekend and do something
you enjoy.
Love, Augie

08/21/2024 09:57:39

Make a wish. Hope it comes true! 🎂

08/18/2024 20:57:30

Have an amazing Monday! 🦦

08/17/2024 08:13:37


08/16/2024 10:13:20

Donna, hope all is well with you and yours! The weekend is upon us!🌼

08/13/2024 12:17:00

I will miss the sweet slowness of green summer, but autumn is my fav season! 🕊️

08/13/2024 09:07:37


Wishing you a good day.
Thank you for being my friend, Donna!
Love, Augie

08/11/2024 13:53:13

While there's almost a month of Wonderland summer left, it feels like summer is fading. Any high temps won't last long. It's time to cut & dry some of my herbs: chives, oregano, sweet basil, sage, rosemary, parsley. Luckily, I will still have at least a month to continue enjoying them freshly cut. Hope your week is off to a grand start!🪻

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