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Donna Harvey

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08/09/2024 08:04:15

What have you been up to? I have been watching & enjoying the Olympics. Following rhythmic gymnastics right now. 🦄

08/07/2024 08:51:03


Hello my dear friend…
Here in the Northeast we’re getting a lot of rain from that tropical storm.
I hope things are well where you live.
Take good care of yourself!
Love, Augie

08/07/2024 08:31:35

Got thru almost 24 hrs of rainfall in Wonderland. Today temps are in the 60s F (16sC). Feels so refreshing but strange for early August. Hope your mid-week is going well. 🌺

08/05/2024 07:17:22

My hubby just got a box of 200 family photos dated 1880s up to the 50s. About half he doesn't know who they are even with identification on the back. And he has no one to leave them to. We'll cherish them while we are alive. 🐚

08/03/2024 08:27:05

Thanks for being a friend!🐈

08/02/2024 09:10:21

The last golden days of summer . . . though it's overcast here in Wonderland. August blessings to you. Sharing some sunflowers and honey and a wish for a great weekend! 🍯

08/02/2024 06:52:15


07/31/2024 13:02:53

Here giving you a mid-week hello Donna! Meanwhile, July is saying farewell as we metamorphose into August! 💙

07/29/2024 08:40:38

And so begins a new week! Have a good one as we slide into August. Getting a back shot tomorrow; the last one I had was back in March. I'll be able to sleep better for awhile. 🍄

07/29/2024 06:47:30


Good Monday morning my dear friend…
Hazy atmosphere and skies starting
today in the northeast from fires
out west?! 😳
I’m up early this morning awaiting
our new sofa to be delivered.
Will be an earlier nap time for me today!
Wishing you a good week ahead.
Love, Augie

07/25/2024 21:23:56

It's the height of summer in Wonderland. I love to eat outdoors; since it's been a rainy summer, I have only been able to do that for about half the time. August can be pretty dry here. Perhaps I will be able to go out more on the patio. Have a great weekend!🪅

07/25/2024 08:04:24


07/22/2024 09:12:53

It's Monday, so here are some beachy vibes for you! 🌴

07/20/2024 08:41:21

Hope you are able to rest & relax this weekend! 🐈

07/20/2024 08:17:43


Hello my dear friend…
We’re having a few days relief from
the nasty heat and humidity.
I wish you a good weekend that
brings you joy.
Love, Augie

07/19/2024 13:24:22

07/18/2024 10:10:35

Every day share a kind deed, a smile, a laugh then your troubles will be halved. 🍭

07/17/2024 17:09:23

07/16/2024 22:27:34

Appreciating your friendship Donna! A lot of rain hasn't made temps or humidity lower in Wonderland. Have a whimsical Wednesday. 🌷

07/16/2024 09:46:51


Hello my dear friend…
Going to be the hottest day of the
year in Northeast PA today.
I hope this greeting finds you well.
Take good care of yourself!
Love, Augie

07/14/2024 08:49:12

Greet the week ahead with enthusiasm!🦩

07/13/2024 10:41:02

What's wild is I don't live in a hurricane area, but the remnants of Beryl made it all the way to Michigan and gave my area almost 24 hrs of continual rain! 💧

Donna-Harvey wrote:

I would not want to live in a hurricane area so I hope you keep safe.

07/12/2024 08:59:46

Appreciating the simple things leads to a life of delight. Have a joyful weekend! 🌼

07/10/2024 13:24:18

Rainy Wednesday in Wonderland! Remnants of Hurrican Beryl delivered an overnight drenching & is still going on--until 8 pm tonite. While flooding is always a concern, we did need rain. ☔

07/10/2024 07:40:30



07/07/2024 11:15:27

Dropping by to say HI! Have a wonder-filled week. 🧁

07/06/2024 08:13:40


Hello my dear friend…
I hope this greeting finds you well.
Thanks to 6 days of oral prednisone tablets I was recently able to go visit my granddaughters and my niece.
It stopped my sciatica and I was so happy!
The heat is back on here again.
I wish you a good weekend.
Love, Augie

07/05/2024 13:43:38

Donna, may your weekend be exhilarating! 🍏

07/02/2024 11:13:34

Your friendship & your sharing a bit of your time brightens my world. Thanks! 🌞

07/01/2024 06:26:57

Happy Canada Day!


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