Good morning Donna… I’m seeing some buds on old big trees just beyond my back yard today! I also saw robins, a bunny, a groundhog and could hear a woodpecker. Maybe Spring will arrive soon. I sure hope so. Have a good day. Love, Augie
Good morning my dear friend… Well, it’s raining again. Hopefully things will improve as the forecast is for a few sunny days next week and warmer temps! On another note… My older son turned 50 this past week and my youngest son turns 46 on Monday. I told them both they weren’t allowed to turn 40! Kids! They just don’t listen! Have a nice weekend. Love, Augie
On Thursday my part of Wonderland got about 1/8 of an inch of little snow crystals-though it got quite cold & windy. This weekend I hope you have sunshine & rainbows in Manitoba, Donna! 🌈
I have spring in my heart even though winter is trying to bring down some more snow flakes for our area this weekend. May you have a nice Wed. and ever so kind days for the rest of week. Smiles Gloria
Hope you have a fabulous Friday. As you can guess, I 💚 St. Patrick's Day! I also play cribbage. I mainly play with my husband or online. My parents taught me when I was 9 & my husband's family played it at his childhood family reunions. When we met, we had never met anyone else in our lives who played. So coming across someone like you who plays is cool!