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10/27/2019 10:45:34

special sunday angel photo angel_1.jpg

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today...

How is the weather your way.Its raining here in Maine.

Halloween is almost here. Im working it.

I wasnt intersted in a Halloween party last night so i stayed home.

I have been going through depression friday.

Im doing ok today. Resting on a sunday before tomorrow work day.

I hope you have a Beautiful Sunday. God bless you. :-)

10/26/2019 18:54:55

Have a blessed weekend -:)

10/26/2019 15:57:30

Happy Weekend to You! Hugs!

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10/25/2019 16:27:56

Wishing you a very Happy and Blessed Day and have a Happy and Safe Halloween

Love and hugs Connie

10/19/2019 22:39:05

Hello my sweet friends. How are you today...

All is going ok for me in maine so far from the bad storm.

The storm was so bad.Winds was 60 miles an hr

with pooring rain.So far i didnt lose power but i feel bad

for others. So much branches and twigs everywhere and

power lines down.It was a bad one for sure.

Just found out another one will be hear tuesday and weds.

Same bad weather. Its the season. Lucky its not snow. 

I hope your weather is good to you. Ill keep in touch for next week storm.

Hope i wont lose power. Its going to be a round two storm.

Your in my prayers and i hope you have a wonderful night. 

Enjoy your weekend. God bless you. :-)

10/06/2019 17:03:10

Just dropping by to say hello..enjoy the week.

10/05/2019 20:56:09

Hello my sweet friend. Stopping by to see how you are doing

I have been having a rough time to find layouts for my page.

I also was trying to find places were i can get comment pictures

to share on everyones page.

Tinypictures.com is gone and photobucket is giving me problems.

Im doing my best. Im also working alot every week and im home

on the weekends so i can be here to visit you.

I thank you so much for your pationts and sending beautiful comments.

I also thank you for your friendship. 

You are in my prayers and may god bless you. Take care. :-)

09/02/2019 15:00:13

Hello My Friend! Been gone for a while due to some serious real life stuff! Glad to be back and I hope you are doing well! Enjoy your Day! Many Hugs! :)

Hosted on Fotki

08/26/2019 18:29:46

Hi my dearest friend. thankyou so much for dropping by, I always love to hear from you and what you are doing. wow, a motorcycle, how great is that. I bet you just love to ride around on that. can see you with your hair flying out and you laughing away. Good for you and so happy to hear that you will be seeing your boys come Thanksgiving. that will be wonderful for you Kathie and for the boys too. I am sure they have missed you . I was thinking of you on the 15th of August, ( I do not forget) and so happy to hear you are starting to live again. I am sure the world seems different, very hard to explain. -- I am doing fine since the heart attack, have slowed down a lot and legs don't let me go like I used to. Very discouraging to be honest. But I plug along and do only what I can without discomfort. Think of you so often Kathie, do drop round anytime you can. I surely love to hear from you. with many blessings of love right from the heart. Love MoeXX

08/25/2019 19:59:51

Hello my sweet friends and family. I thought I share you what I bought and set up for Fall season. I had a hard time with the ribbon so my mom helped me with this. I had this on my mind for 2 days and thought I have a vace here at home and decided to decorate it. I love fall. I could live in fall weather all year round. Fall is beautiful. I love the colors. I'll be doing more craft stuff soon. I'm still learning. I hope you enjoy this. This is for you. I love you all and hope you have a bless sunday. God bless you. :-) photo fall flowers_1.jpg

08/24/2019 19:51:32

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Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.

Sorry i was away. Been working and Family gathering.

Its a beautiful night tonight.

Nice and cool air.

Hope all is well with you.

Have a good night.

God bless you. 

08/11/2019 19:39:15

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Happy Sunday. I hope its a good day for you. 

Lots of angel hugs and Gods Blessings. :-)

08/04/2019 20:22:41

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Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.Hope all is well.

I have been working hard. Its been so hot,humid,hazy. 

Been cleaning and getting things ready for school.

 Cleaning desk,chairs,walls,doors,windows,lots of bathrooms.

What a job. Its looking like a new school.

Was thinking of you today and hope your weekend was good to you.

I hope you have a good night. God bless you. :-)

07/20/2019 14:00:03

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.

Its very hot and humid hear in maine.

Am staying home with the ac on.

I hope all is well with you and hope you

have a Bless and Beautiful saturday. God bless you.

This prayer is for you. :-)

07/16/2019 08:53:36

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Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.

Thought i stop by before i leave for work.

Its going to be a very hot day today and for the rest of the week.

They are saying in the 100s and over with humidety.

Im going to take my time and not over doing it at work.

I hope all is well will you and ill see you this weekend. God bless u. :-)

07/13/2019 19:06:59

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Hello my dear friend Kathy, so lovely to hear from you and glad you are coming along so well. there does come a time when we have to get with it all over again. !!! so nice to hear you have a good male friend and enjoy his company. So happy to hear that and that he is kind and most loving too I hope. YOu deserve the best of everything. Such a lovely lady you are and my special friend too.

How awful it is that his kids will not have anything to do with you, Hopefully that will change but we can't rush those things at all. I am just so happy your kids like him because it means  a lot to you.  you just do as you think and I am sure all will be well.

Sounds like you work so hard around your place I am sure it is a real job especially with your back the way it is. good for you Kathy, keep up the good work.

thanks so much for coming by, think of you so often and life moves along, we are fortunate to have met each other and hope our friendship continues .

Love you, with all good wishes toyou dear, blessings and much love from the heart.

Love Moe XXXX

06/30/2019 11:51:16

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Hello my sweet friend. How are you today..

Hope all is well with you and your enjoying your sunday.

I want to thank you so much for all your beautiful comments.

Also for being my dear sweet friend. You are a blessing from god.

I want to thank you for the Featured member comments. 

I appreciate all of them. Im so very happy.

Next weekend i wont be here on the 4th of July and July 5,6,7. 

Spending time away with family.

I hope you have a bless and beautiful 4Th of July weekend.

Ill be back July 12,13. to send you comments.

I hope your weather is beautiful.

Mine is nice and confortable.

Please take care and stay safe on the holiday.

God bless you and your family. :-)

06/22/2019 17:52:30

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Happy Saturday my sweet friend.

How are you today. I hope your weather is good to you.

Its been sunny and rainy all day hear.

Took my jeap to the car wash to get rid of the pollen. 

The pollen is real bad this year.

I hope all is well with you and hope you have a great weekend.

God bless you and keep you. :-)

06/14/2019 15:18:54

Nat3ddesign Graphics
Guardians Tag Ministry</a

Hello. Stopping by to see how u r doing. Sorry was away do to my uncle passing 

and me working a lot and being sick. Its always something.  

I want to thank you so much for stopping over to my page and sending comments.

You are a bless from God. I hope all is well with you and i hope you have a great day.

God Bless you and keep you. :-)

06/10/2019 15:27:17

Hope all is well with you and yours! Hugs!

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05/29/2019 19:15:00

Just popping in to say hello -:)

05/26/2019 18:55:09

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Happy Memorial Day and God Bless you.

05/22/2019 04:52:47

Hugs, Dianne

05/18/2019 20:46:11

Portrait graphics @ crystalcomments.com

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today. Hope all is well. 

Been working alot and keeping my mind on the bright side.

The funural is the 26th next weekend my my cousin. Busy day.

The weather is beautiful today. Sunny and warm. Love it.

My puppy Tito is doing ok so far. He has an appointment this weds.

Its getting late so i thought i let you know im thinking of you today.

Please take care. God bless you. :-)

05/14/2019 07:31:10

Hi Kathie: Sending hugs and love. Enjoy your day. Dianne

05/11/2019 21:24:06

~Have a great Happy Week~end ~To all my friends who are Moms.....Happy Mothers Day Too!!! Hugs Lorri

05/05/2019 09:01:43

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPicGood morning. Happy Sunday. Hope all is well with you and the weather nice.

Its over cast here in maine. Yesterday was a sunny day.

My mom and i took the chihuahuas out for a walk.

Was thinking of you. I hope you have a beautiful sunday. God bless you. :-)

04/28/2019 21:22:25

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Hello. Sorry im late. Been busy with family.

I hope all is well with you and your family.

I hope you had a great weekend.

We had rain all weekend.

My street was flooded out. Couldnt see the sidewalk.

Im getting ready to go to sleep.

Work tomorrow.

Please take care my sweet friend.

Good night and God bless you.

04/20/2019 18:43:28

Easter chicks working in an office - super cute vintage Easter postcards and printables for your spring DIY projects and crafts!

thinking of you on this Easter day. with much love from the heart. always,   Moe

04/20/2019 17:27:18

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Hello my sweet friend. Hope all is well with you. I want to 

wish you and your family a very Happy Easter.

May god bless you and keep you.:-)

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