Good Saturday Morning from nice warm sunny Texas, at least this past week. Carly decided the shade was the perfect place to watch the entire backyard.
As I was mowing, I had to stop and go get my camera to capture videos of a beautiful butterfly on a Dandelion (not weed) plant.
The plants all over our yard are just popping with gorgeous colors.
Yes, the Yellow Rose of Texas is one of my favorites and I have about 5 different ones. I do have red and orange roses too.
Of course, I have to include the first Iris to bloom this year. A friend of mine had a neighbor that was in the Irish society club and she had show irises all over her yard. She was getting rid of some years ago to thin them out and to add new ones and I was lucky enough to get some of her bulbs.
Yes, I am blessed! As I walked up to my hubby with these two Hydrangeas in the Costco cart, he shook his head and said, "You already have more plants than you can take care of." as he was paying for them. Mine from last year don't have blooms yet.
Happy Saturday! Today is the day kids love to hunt for Easter eggs to fill their beautiful baskets.
You have better keep all the dogs inside though.
Do you still dye eggs with your grands or are they too grown up now. If you have a "daughter" that brings you eggs ike these, you don't have to dye them.
I do hope you have a fun filled Saturday with all the beautiful colors of Easter.
Share love and memories. I got 90 pictures and videos on Good Friday. We watched over 5 hours of pictures and videos from Michelle’s & Nicole’s trip to the Galápagos Islands and from Evelyn’s and Wayne’s trip to Aruba. Lots of stories and laughter from Evelyn and Wayne to go with their trip.
I am wishing that your Good Friday is a true Blessing!
After all, we know how the story ends.
My son has been to Israel a couple of times and I have watched all of Granger & Amber Smith videos of their recent trip. So this picture speaks volumes after seeing so many pictures of the city and knowing that many have walked where Jesus walked.
I hope you can feel my peace as I share it with you.
May this weekend hold a special place in your heart!
Here we go, the start of the last week in March. I don't know if we will have any April Showers because we got them all in March.
We are supposed to get more rain tonight and through the morning tomorrow. The weeds are growing like crazy but when they get mowed, the yard looks green.
When we get lots of rain and often, the yard is too wet to mow so the dogs just have to put on their rain boots to go outside.
Then there are times when other areas get all the rain and we don't get any because they forgot to refill the water can.
Now I am off to find the sunshine today before the clouds take over and the rain begins again.
The weekend has begun. What is your weather like this Spring weekend?
Spring isn't supposed to look like this!!! We had over 1-1/2" of rain and the temperature dropped again.
My flower seeds are never going to get warm enough to germinate even if I pour coffee on them. Don't worry, I am NOT sharing my coffee.
It is Caturday and the month of March is almost gone. Let's curl up, stay inside and read a book and maybe watch college girls basketball, volleyball, softball or boys baseball.
It is Friday after all and the weekend is in sight! What are you looking at today?
Do something today that you need to do, just for yourself. After all, you have to take care of yourself in order to take care of others.
Have you ever been to Leavenworth, Washington? The entire town center is modeled after a German Bavarian village as part of a civic initiative that began in the 1960's. It is really a fun place to visit.
Have you ever driven all the way around Lake Tahoe? Now that is a beautiful drive. It has been many years since I have been there.
If you take a drive, be on the lookout for something magnificent. There is so much beauty all around us. So if you get out or just reminisce looking at pictures, enjoy and be thankful for all that God created.
I'll see you tonight as we both are gazing up at the same stars!
However, Coffee makes every day a happy day! Do you drink it?
Friends for life make me happy and are such a Blessing! Near or far away, daily or once in a while, in person or on-line, I thank you for being my friend.
Some friends we won't meet in person until we meet in Heaven.
I hope you have a Happy Day today! Blessings & Hugs! Pam
Here we are on Friday. Are you ready for Sunday? Do you have any fun things planned for this weekend?
We only had 4/10" of rain in the middle of the night. Earlier yesterday NW of us had lots of big hail up to baseball size. Praying for Ohio, Indiana and all people that were in the path of these storms.