A fast moving storm came through before midnight last night and the second set is now north of us.
But more rain storms are on the way. It does keep you weather aware and on your toes.
We could use the rain but without the damaging winds and certainly without any hail. However, Spring and Winter are fighting it out.
Today is our 44 Anniversary and I am so very thankful for each and every day we are together. I think we will go stomping rain puddles together today.
Don't forget to change your clocks on Saturday night or you will be late for church on Sunday. Spring forward is the best time of all because we have more daylight in the evenings. I love it.
March is in full swing as we start the day at 64° but like yesterday we have clouds and a steady breeze. It should be another really nice day!
I watered plants yesterday as the strawberries were dry and our neighbor, Livvy, wanted more strawberries from Grandma. So before sunset, I harvested them and took them to her. No more blooms so the next crop will be a while.
These are our 6 biggest potted plants. During the winter, we move them in and out of the garage depending on temperature lows. They will be moved to the backyard after Easter when a freeze is very unlikely. Four of them got new pots on Saturday.
So as we in Texas say goodbye to winter and hello to spring, it is time to be sure the birds have water and food and the plants inside and out are watered a couple of times a week.
Now can you guess where I am going today? Yes, outside to enjoy every minute of every day of our beautiful Texas weather. Blessings & Hugs!
What a wonderful time of year! We hit 80° yesterday and we got 4 very big plants repotted into very big pots.
It is so beautiful to sit outside in the sun and let Vitamin D soak into the body. I can't wait for next Sunday when we Spring Forward and have an extra hour in the evenings of daylight.
We should have at least 4 more days in a row between 50° and 80° before we get another chance of some rain. We always need rain!
Early mornings, right as day breaks, the birds are singing loudly praising God. I love watching the sun peak over the horizon.
Let's enjoy every day of this new week in March. Thank you for being my friend.
Long hard day yesterday shopping and putting stuff away. But today we are going to be working in the yard.
It is so nice to have the best Hubby in the world to help with yard work. We have 3/4 acre with trees and plants. I will mow and he will help empty the bags. We bag in spring and fall when there are lots of weeds.
Then he will spread fertilizer with hopes that Wednesday the North wind will not blow it all away and that on Thursday we will get a little rain on it but not a downpour to wash it away. Soon, beautiful grass will be growing.
Hugs & Kisses from me to you! Hope you have as much fun as we will be having in the warm sunshine working in our yard this Tuesday!
Today we are going to break a record as we will be 93° and tomorrow we will break another record as we hit 88°.
Today we will run errands. Since I was working for 2 weeks the dogs need food and we need several things.
Tomorrow we will work in the yard. I hope it is not too late to put out pre-emergent and fertilizer. Can you believe the harvest of strawberries I got Friday from my 2 plants that have been under the plastic. Lots more ripening now too.
Hard to believe, a week ago our youngest granddaughter turned 15. Michelle ran track Saturday and did really well. Her sister, Nicole, got first in Shot Put.
We enjoyed being at Rainforest Cafe with her to celebrate! So now we are off and running today in this beautiful summer weather!
I don't care if it is Caturday! I don't have to get up at all today! Work is over for the month!
Do you have more coffee? Do you have a whole lot more coffee?
It was near 70 yesterday and only mid 40's today. I think I will go back to bed until Spring arrives.
This is as much energy as I have today. College Softball and Baseball have started as of yesterday and I think I will just rest my head right here and watch it.