A good weekend to you.Sorry for not posting on the hill much but having trouble with blurred vision.Don't know if it's the chemo or what. have appointment with ophthalmologist Wed and hope to find out.Thanks for staying with me.
Hello my dear friend and hope all is well with you. Sorry Ive been away a little more than usual but the chemo I take now has slowed me up quite a bit. Want to wish you a terrific weekend and a comfy one. Prayers for the turmoil happening in the world and Gods comfort and wisdom.....George
Happy valentines day to you. Had another round of chemo Friday and it slowed me down a little but ready to roll again.Wishing you a beautiful week to enjoy......George
hola,siento no poder conectar tube una cirujia,y al poco a mi mama, le salio dos tumores, cancerosos,y tanbien la operaron,se me junto muchas cosas. y deje internet por motivos,estoy casi cada momento,en el hospistal.siento, mi ausencia,no me olvido,de mis amigos,siempre con cariño,maria,cuidese,
Hello, I'm sorry I can't connect, I had a surgery, and soon my mom got two tumors, cancerous, and they also operated on her, I got a lot of things together. and I left the internet for reasons, I am almost every moment, in the hospital. I feel, my absence, I do not forget, my friends, always with love, Maria, take care,
Happy weekend my dear friend and s0rrry for being away this week but started my chemo last week and it really had me feeling terrible this week. Seems it was a mess up on the medicines I should have had. Hopefully it's straightened out now. Wishing you a great week and a warm one in the midst of all the snow. Stay safe and take care.....George