good morning, wanted to stop by and wish you a peaceful tuesday. going to be in the 90's here today. did all my running around yesterday, so staying inside with the ac today, hope your day goes
Today would be an ideal day for a beach, a pool, river, lake....anything to cool us off. Going to be 90* so needless to say, only going outside long enough to "feed the farm", gather eggs, and pick the garden. How's your day so far? Hoping we both have a great day as we finish out the weekend.
A happy weekend to you and wishing many blessings. Getting some of the Sahara dust here with humidity. Going to do the same thing I did yesterday....nothing . Not taking any chances in getting in crowds. We can sit on the porch and interact with neighbors walking down the street and kids. Stay safe my friend....George
Are you having a wonderful Wednesday, I hope? It's a sunny, warm day in the mid-80s here. I need to go out and feed my goldfish; I got busy earlier and forgot! I have two loaves of bread rising and will bake them in about an hour. Our house will smell good enough to eat! Have a super afternoon and evening!
Wishing you a good day and hope the week is doing fine for you. Having the typical hot summer weather here with some scattered showers this week. Take care and keep safe.....George