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Viewing 451 - 480 out of 546 Comments

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02/05/2022 18:43:33

hola,siento no poder conectar tube una cirujia,y al poco a mi mama, le salio dos tumores, cancerosos,y tanbien la operaron,se me junto muchas cosas. y deje internet por motivos,estoy casi cada momento,en el hospistal.siento, mi ausencia,no me olvido,de mis amigos,siempre con cariƱo,maria,cuidese,

Hello, I'm sorry I can't connect, I had a surgery, and soon my mom got two tumors, cancerous, and they also operated on her, I got a lot of things together. and I left the internet for reasons, I am almost every moment, in the hospital. I feel, my absence, I do not forget, my friends, always with love, Maria, take care, 

01/06/2022 19:40:45

nice    jacob  

12/31/2021 14:41:34

12/26/2021 16:16:32

12/22/2021 06:53:02

very nic e   my friend 

12/20/2021 20:33:37

looks good   my friend

12/18/2021 12:34:01

Hello, I have been more than a month, that I do not connect, due to problems, health,

I wish you a Christmas, special with all your family, and that you enjoy it, life is hard, and sometimes you have to value, the days, good, I hope to improve, and be able to vorvel, thank you, everyone, for your good wishes, greetings, see you soon, take care, kisses,maria--------------

hola,llevo mas de un mes,que no conecto,por problemas,de salud,

te deseo unas navidades,especial con toda tu familia,y que las disfrutes,la vida es dura, y en ocasiones hay que valorar,los dias,buenos,espero mejorar,y poder vorvel,gracias,ha todos, por buestros, saludos,hasta, pronto cuidate, besos,maria

12/14/2021 20:11:10

12/12/2021 23:04:00


11/14/2021 19:39:57


11/12/2021 10:06:36

11/05/2021 12:26:09

Hello, I leave you my best wishes, and have a good weekend,

I'm still in pain, and I don't connect, I'm sorry, take care, 

I am again, with rehabilitation, from the shoulder,

to the hand, kisses,maria--------

11/02/2021 20:05:41


10/14/2021 16:20:10

 li like  it

09/29/2021 10:02:16

09/13/2021 11:19:10

Hello, if on Mondays, you are sleepy, accompany him, have a good 

coffee, and you will see, how you will have more energy, 

Happy start of the week, enjoy your day, with many joys, 

take care of yourself, kisses,maria------------

08/30/2021 21:27:31

08/26/2021 18:42:46

I just wanted to say Hi.

08/09/2021 11:08:49

Hello, I leave you my best wishes, for this new week,

 have a good time, full of joys, and peace,

and much happiness, take care, kisses,maria

07/31/2021 11:58:22

Hello, friend, With much affection, I wish you a HAPPY,

 Saturday, Live life, with JOY, because behind 

a SMILE, LIFE, looks much BETTER, take care ,kisses,maria

07/28/2021 11:48:13

07/27/2021 12:52:26

Hello, I leave you my best wishes for this Tuesday

have a good time and enjoy your day, as you wish, and take care

of yourself  kisses,maria--------------

07/22/2021 16:19:41

Hello, I wish you, a nice weekend, ideal

and have a good time, very happy, take care,


07/20/2021 16:15:12
Thinking Of You Comments Pictures

Tuesday Comments Pictures

07/17/2021 11:48:54


Hello, I am sorry, my absences, I continue with the rehabilitation

of my arm, and I do not improve, 

 I wish you a good weekend, that your Saturday is ideal, have a

good time, and take care, kisses,maria

06/11/2021 02:37:29

05/27/2021 16:02:06

05/22/2021 14:34:23

05/21/2021 23:13:31

Happy weekend my friend and  have a peaceful night. 

May you wake up tomorrow with a smile on your face.

Big Hugs and Kisses.

Eunhye Grace 

05/21/2021 13:55:22

Hello, friend, Dedicate a small space of your day,

for you, exclusively, for you because if there is peace,

and light, in you, your whole life will be illuminated, happy,

weekend, take care of yourself, a lot kisses,maria------------

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