Good day to you and wishing you a great weekend. Unusually warm here but the cold front will be here soon. My computer has been acting goofy on me but managing to work around it so far but that's the tech we live with. Enjoy your day and keep your feet warm.....George
Hello happy weekend. Pleasant weather here . Got my new IPad in this week and my grandson came to get it set up for me. He drove round trip about 120 miles and only took him about 20 minutes to do it. He downloaded the stuff in the old one to the cloud then put it in the new one. Sure is nice to have your own in house tech support. The old one was about 13 years old, kept crashing and running very slow. Enjoy your day and stay happy.....George
Hello happy weekend for you. Cool nights here then warming up into the 50's and 60's. Went the other day for the Corona 19 vaccination and had no adverse affects at all then go back first of February for the second. have a great weekend and start for the new week.....George
Running late today having a lot of busy things going on. Did manage to get my covid 19 vaccination though. Hope all is doing well for you so take care and enjoy the rest of the week....George
Good day to you and wishing you a great weekend. Been warm here but going to have to put the plants under cover as we have some freezing temps coming in.Wife is still in hospital but may get to go to rehab Monday.Poor girl fell Tuesday and has hairline fracture on right shoulder and hip. You enjoy your weekend and keep the feet warm....George
a very good day to you and hoping all is well . Been having unusual warm weather here being short sleeve type. We really don't have but an occasional freeze like some of you with the snow. Enjoy the rest of the week and stay safe....George
Top of the morning to you and hope all and hope all is well with you and yours. A beautiful cool day for starting the new year here . Great football games happening if your into it to enjoy. enjoy your weekend and have a safe week....Gorge