A happy new year to you and wishing a healthy one also ! The wife finished her chemo and radiation , got home from the hospital Christmas day and I started my radiation Monday so we're ready for a great new year. Adios 2020 at last. Here we go, here we go....George
A beautiful day to you and hoping your staying comfortable. May you have a great weekend to enjoy and set for Christmas week. Stay safe and a very merry and blessed Christmas.........George
A beautiful good day to you. We have had some beautiful weather that is about to change to colder but not as bad as some of you have now. May you have an enjoyable and safe weekend.....George
A good day to you and hope all is well with you and yours.We are having beautiful weather here so far to be able to sit on the porch and enjoy being lazy. Several of the residents have gotten together and have made a walkway of lights on the sidewalk in front of their homes. Looks beautiful at night. Enjoy the rest of the week and take care.....George
Great day for you and hope the week is doing good for you. Had our cold front come in and got the plants put up and covered up but going to warm up again for a bit. Have a happy week and take care.....George
May you have a enjoyable weekend with happiness. Beautiful fall weather here and so pleasant. Going to start putting up Christmas decorations today. Stay safe my friend......George
Good day to you and we made it half way in the week. Having real nice cool nights and pleasant warm days to enjoy. Have yourself a great week and stay safe.....George