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07/19/2022 08:25:55


I sure hope you can find a shady spot today because our hot sun can burn the skin quickly here.  We are trying to get our watering done in the early morning before 8 am or late night after 7 pm.  We set a record of 109 yesterday and today is supposed to be our hottest day.  Fires near Glen Rose are extremely hot and causing evacuations.  Prayers please for them.  


We also try to keep enough water in all the bird baths that are up high or on the ground full for all the animals to get a drink or take a bath.  


It is so much fun to watch them make a splash.  They don't stay long and then you have to be ready to refill their watering hole.  


After all, there are others that might need a drink in this hot weather too.  It is always nice to share!  SMILE!  You might just be on candid camera.  


07/19/2022 01:15:09

Hello my dear friend, may this Tuesday be special for you. Many kisses.

07/18/2022 07:49:15


Gosh I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  Did you have a party or go to one?  Well, I am off to water as we have 3 days of 107° or higher.  


The grass is no longer green.  It is the color of straw and feels like that when you walk on it too.  So no matter how high the water bill is going to be, I must put the sprinkler on in areas with no shade.  


I feel so sorry for the birds and bunnies and all of God's creatures.  So I have to keep bird baths filled with water and bird seed in the feeders.   Hope you can find a cool spot under the trees or in the air conditioner.  


07/17/2022 14:17:42

Hope you're having a good Sunday,
George. *hugs* -di

07/17/2022 12:18:28


Hey there, did you know it was Sunday and the weekend is almost over?  


Are you talking to us?  We are just watching to see what is happening around us and what all the commotion is about.  


I'm still trying to get rid of unwanted company from the party the other night.  That's what is happening here.  


And I am just laying around trying to recover from the party and waiting for cooler weather.  I hope I will find some energy soon.  Now they are saying we will be 107-109 and then drop back to 104° for a few days. 


I am waiting for rain!  Has anybody seen any?  We had 5 minutes of a light sprinkle and it went east of us.  Please send some much needed downpours our way!  Don't forget to invite us to the next party too.  

07/16/2022 07:59:47


I seem to be lost.  Can you tell me the way to the party at the beach house?  


I lost the directions but I know I made it.  Look what I caught!  It was so much fun.  


Yes, we were all there too.  I remember when you showed us your catch of the day.  Horses-swimming

We are just getting home from the party.  It was lots of fun.  I sure hope there is another one soon.   


That's not fair.  I could taste that it was Friday but I couldn't get off work in time to get to the party.  Maybe I will see you at the next one.  

07/15/2022 20:18:13

07/15/2022 18:13:32

07/15/2022 10:36:39


What's sup with you today?  


Friday is here!  Can't you taste it?  We are ready, are you?  


We always start the weekend party on Friday!  Don't you?  


It is too hot to party!  I think I will just lay right here on this bowl of ice and wait for Saturday.  


Everyone is invited to my house at the beach!  Come on in, the water is cool.  I'll see you soon!  

07/15/2022 02:05:18

Good morning my dear friend, have a fantastic Friday! Kisses

07/14/2022 10:33:45


Adulthood sometimes feels like the worst "hood" I have ever lived in.  But then sometimes I remember Childhood and feel the same way about it.  


If the essence of my being has caused a smile upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart, then my mission has been accomplished.  


07/13/2022 21:29:48

07/13/2022 11:13:18


After 2 cups of coffee and pumpkin bread, I have read comments and emails.  We are 92° at 10:15 am.  I have used nose spray and essential oils because I can't breathe.  I have used creams, gels, and sprays on my 6 itching mosquito bites.  I am trying to get energized for the day.  


That is when I realize that it is Wednesday.  What?  The plants in the front yard have been watered by Hubby and the chickens have been checked on already.  We get 5 eggs a day; have 10 and should have 5 more later today.  There is NOTHING as good as fresh eggs.  


As I look at your name, I pray that you will have a blessed day full of beautiful colors!  Please share your smile with others as you never know who needs it the most!   You might just add some sparkle to their day.  


07/13/2022 02:51:22

Hello my dear friend, may this Wednesday be happy for you. Kisses

07/12/2022 14:10:39


Good Afternoon!  We are going to start with beautiful colors and a beautiful scene.  Our day started just after 3am with dogs shrill barking.  So I get up to see what they are after and immediately come back in to get Rbt up.  They had a large possum about the size of Reba.  Back to sleep after that was taken care of by Hubby.  Then about 8am he goes next door to repair the hose with a splicer so we can still give the chickens water. IMG-2030Around 10am it was time for him to brush the dogs when he discovered Carly had a BIG rat.  He gets that away from her and the dogs are still after something... 5 or 6 baby rats.  Carly and Reba are a deadly team.  J Lo is the cheerleader and Kitty can't hear anymore but she can sure smell danger.  


J Lo, Carly Simon, Miss Kitty Wells, & Reba McEntire.  The reason we are babysitting the chickens is because our neighbors are in East Texas at Jellystone Park on vacation.  IMG-2013Today Olivia Jade is one year old.  Isn't she adorable!  So they are all on vacation for a few days enjoying the summer time fishing, especially big brother Bennett.  


I hope you are enjoying your summer and find time for a vacation with family and friends.  


07/12/2022 11:28:09

Off to finish a few chores, then fix lunch.
Hope this afternoon is a good one
for you, George.  *hugs* -di

07/11/2022 09:16:11


Hope you had a wonderful weekend as it is the start of another new week.  Do you have any plans?  


If you started with a great breakfast you are on the right track.  I am still drinking coffee.  Hubby is watering plants and crispy grass in the front.  


My girls are in the Mexico City area for a couple of weeks visiting their other Grandma.  Yesterday they went to a bookstore and bought some books.  


Have you seen a bookstore like this?  It has an upstairs too.  What a big, beautiful place with tons of books!  I guess I just don't get out to shop enough anymore.  


And they have already been to Six Flags Mexico with their friends.  So glad they are having a wonderful summer vacation.  I hope you are enjoying your summer too.  


07/10/2022 14:04:33


Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.  Psalms 37:4  

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.  Psalms 37:23  


A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.  Proverbs 16:9


07/09/2022 13:50:23


Beautiful Season of how many days over 100... 


That's about all we can do... Be happy and enjoy life!  


Thanks for being in my life, my dearest friend.  

07/09/2022 11:28:31

We've been having storms past several days,
and so thankful for the rain. I hear thunder
in the distance. Have a super Saturday
filled w/"happy". Healing thoughts of you, George.

07/09/2022 02:18:30

Hello my dear friend, I hope you have a nice weekend. Many kisses

07/08/2022 21:01:31


Another hot but blessed day is coming to an end.  Sweet Dreams sweet soul.  See you tomorrow!  


07/07/2022 18:33:22

Hope your day has been kind and
your night peaceful, George. *hugs*

07/07/2022 15:32:23


Is there any possibility that August will be cooler?  We watered plants and then went to Costco, had lunch, and bought groceries.  It is just stupid hot!  


However, please let me explain.  I am NOT in any way wishing for winter.  But those of you that like it... enjoy the picture above.  


Now if anybody, anywhere has seen the rain, PLEASE send it my way.  We are already over 12" below normal and with these hot temperatures our grass is dying and large cracks are appearing in the yard and around the foundations.  


07/05/2022 16:34:23

I want you to know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you Get Well Soon. I forgot how to respond to your bulletin as I have been away from here for a few years. Peace and love to you,  Yvette.💙🙏💙

07/05/2022 05:05:39

 Hello my dear friend:   Happy tuesday, have a great time. Many kisses  for you.

07/04/2022 13:17:53

Have a great 4th of July my dear friend❤

07/04/2022 12:08:47

07/04/2022 09:20:04


Yes, it is July and summertime in the ole town the next 10 days in a row and that is NOT the feel like temperatures.  I am having a hard time keeping my plants from wilting.  Can you say, "HOT"???


We have had fireworks over our house for 3 nights in a row now.  The first two nights were short lived, but last night started at 8 pm as I was watering plants in the back at 95°.  At 10 pm we were still 90° and the mosquitos were terrible.  Neighbors on both sides of us were shooting off fireworks over our house.  Yes, I have videos!  


I hope you are celebrating and having a fun day with family and eating delicious food.  I will be celebrating on Tuesday and Wednesday by working so I will check in when I have a minute or two.  


I will also be wearing my new Red, White, and Blue scarfs that a sweet friend sent to me to work to celebrate with my new nails.  I will be sharing lots of smiles too!  


07/04/2022 00:38:18

Hello my dear friend, happy monday!    kisses and hugs for you.

    Happy 4th of July!!!

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