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07/02/2022 13:35:31

Y'all know I can't decide.  So please pick your favorite and share it.    











07/02/2022 01:47:18

May the weekend be special and beautiful for you, okay? I wish it for you with all my heart. Many kisses

07/01/2022 10:42:00

Celebrate:)  Be Safe!  *hugs* -di

07/01/2022 09:15:14


Have you ever seen a July 4th butterfly?  I haven't but I sure do love this one!  Let the long weekend begin!  


07/01/2022 08:05:48

06/30/2022 21:48:16

God Bless you and Happy 4Th Of July. :-) 

06/30/2022 11:36:45


Is it fall yet?  I feel like I have a sweater on because I just finished mowing the yard.  I am dripping wet.  At 11 am we feel like 95°!  Now to tell the truth, I love summer but that will be the last time I mow for a long time if we don't get rain, and I mean lots of rain.  


Yesterday I got videos of several birds including the hummingbird above.  The blue jay, mockingbird and dove were all taking baths in 3 of the birdbaths.  The dove was on the ground birdbath and the blue jay and mockingbird were about 6' apart.  


I hope you enjoy my pictures as I love taking and sharing them even if I call a praying mantis a walking stick by mistake.  Thanks for noticing and making me look up both to compare.  


06/29/2022 15:32:13

06/29/2022 14:00:07


06/29/2022 12:24:24


Beautiful sunrise this morning as the dew point was low and so was the humidity.  So we got all of the foundation watered with soaker hoses this morning.  


I don't have a picture of a hummingbird but as I was watering plants, I got a picture and videos of this Walking Stick.  He came up out of the green plant and camouflaged himself as the exact color as the chain.  


Have you seen a real Passion Vine flower?  They are so beautiful even if they only last one day.  There are lots of them though and the butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds are all pollinators that love them.  The leaves are used for feeding by the larvae of a number of butterflies.  So take some time today to look closely for unusual insects and to stop and smell the flowers.  


06/29/2022 03:52:24

Good morning my friend, I hope you have a Wednesday  full of health, and hope for a better future. Many kisses

06/28/2022 15:03:36


Do you smell that?  Last night I went outside to take some pictures and Oh! What a difference 10-12° cooler makes.  It was only 82° at 8:30pm and the air felt so nice.  


Again this morning, can you smell that?  I went out before 7 am to take a picture of the morning sky that had a little bit of color in it and it was 70° instead of our usual 80° to start the day.  This is from last night...


We had to run a few errands this morning and pick up our Tuesday Taco Salad from Rosa's.  It was a short night and already been a busy day.  But I finally made it to The Hill.  I can't wait to see what you have been up to already.  


Then you know where I will be heading since it is only 90° right now.  I also have to put Milkweed seeds and some variegated AirPlane plant cuttings in the mailbox for my sweet mail carrier for tomorrow.  Even with cooler temps the plants are VERY thirsty.  And I saw the hummingbirds late yesterday and early this morning!  


06/28/2022 09:50:00

I am sure missing your posts. 


i still keep yor in my prayers.

06/27/2022 18:51:51

06/27/2022 08:48:35

06/27/2022 07:31:24


06/27/2022 07:24:05

Hello  my dear friend, I hope you have a great week. Happy Monday! Kisses for you. 

06/26/2022 15:17:12

Have a beautiful day my friend from Florida.. Big hugs, Yvette xoxo 

I hope you are feeling better my friend. 

06/26/2022 12:37:16

06/25/2022 15:05:47

[url=https://www.dreamies.de] [/url]

I'm trying to make a comment as I don't remember how or which code to use. Hugs.❤

06/25/2022 09:23:19


I have already watered all plants in the back as they were completely wilted.  I was almost wilted by the time I finished.  At 8:30, we are 84° feels like 88° and Hubby is weedeating.    


As I walked outside at 6:30 am, I saw a hummingbird.  It has been too hot to sit on the patio to watch for them but their feeders are fresh and full.  The Turks Cap, dark purple Salvia and other plants are blooming and just waiting for them too.  


We are praying for rain Sunday night and Monday along with some cooler temperatures.  The area is already 7" below "normal" (do we know normal anymore) for this year and adding an additional 3" below from last year.  Fires have just started breaking out again.  


But for now the birdbaths are all full of water for the butterflies, birds, and bugs.  And the plants, like the milkweed above, are all watered.  Love you George, I hope you have a beautiful day and weekend. 


06/24/2022 18:50:12

Wishing you a wonderful weekend George...

06/24/2022 01:37:55

06/23/2022 14:55:34


I know I can't top my story from yesterday, so I will just ask if you have something wonderful to share.  My blessing today is my Hubby.  He dusted and vacuumed... while


I ran a few errands this morning.  I am trying to get caught up since I will be working on Friday and Monday.  And Hubby will pick up something for lunch tomorrow and eat at the office with me.  So it will probably be over the weekend when I will catch up with you.  


06/22/2022 18:27:50

06/22/2022 14:12:39


By now, most of you really know me.  I am so very BLESSED and I love sharing SMILES.  So I have a story for you.  Yesterday, we went to Valvoline to get the car inspected because we enjoy being able to stay in the car while they do it and /or while they change the oil.  Well, after 40 minutes of waiting, we pulled in and they said their computer or machine for inspections was down.  


We didn't get flustered as we really have more time than we do money!  We just smiled and told them not to worry, we have until the end of the month.  So we called a local, very trustworthy place we used to use a lot and they could do the inspection in about 20 minutes.  It takes almost that long to get halfway through Rockwall especially with the traffic.  We went inside to sit when they took our car.  We began talking to a young man who came in behind us about his Dodge SRT.  We love fast cars!!!  Hubby asked if it was around 800 horsepower (most cars are 200-250, Kelly's vet is around 600) and he said no... it is 1000 horsepower !!!  So we teased him about the cost of gas to drive it now.  He told us that the best thing he ever did was to buy his mom a house in Fate.  Then he looked at me and told us that he had recently given his life to Christ.  What a blessed conversation we had with him.  His name is Rashard Higgins and he was a Wide Receiver for the Cleveland Browns for about 5 years and now he is with the Carolina Panthers.  As I was writing a "Be Uniquely You" note card to mail to him, I looked down at my Christian T-Shirt (I have about 30 to choose from that I wear daily), I realized why he shared his love for God.  What a blessing it is to share a smile, start up a conversation, and send a card to others and also of the blessing I received in return.  Now I know why God delayed our inspection 40 minutes and had us go to a different location!  


06/21/2022 09:04:31


It feels like summer has been here since late May and here it is the first day!  A few years ago in 2011 we had 71 days of 100° weather in the DFW area.  But in 1980 they had 42 consecutive 100° days.  I hope we don't break either of those records.  I am getting too old for this stuff.  


I am thinking about, and trying to motivate myself to run errands.  I need my car inspected and registration sticker before the month is done.  And of course, it is Taco Salad Tuesday for us at Rosa's.  Besides, I really need to get out and share a smile with others.  Hope you will do the same.  


Thanks for that!  Blessings & Hugs to you!  

06/20/2022 15:37:32

... and the new week, too, George:)

06/20/2022 12:05:44


Even though it is a Federal Holiday, it is the start of another week and for us ten days of over 100° with as high as 105°coming our way.   


I finally got nails put on as I guess I was letting them rest!  I decided on my favorite color as I will change them again before the 4th of July.  


We ate BBQ with the kids and lots of wonderful cold salads, (pea salad, spiral pasta salad, potato salad) and spent time with the girls.  Michelle showed me her garden, SunFlower, cucumber, watermelon, lettuce, and spinach... and her growing chickens too.  


Then last night, when I went out to check out the sunset to take a picture, I spotted our Jack Rabbit.  I got four videos over 30 seconds of each of him in our carport area.  I hope your Father's Day Sunday was a blessed one too!  Enjoy this last day of Spring.  


06/18/2022 13:02:09

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