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06/02/2022 03:22:24

Hello my beautiful friend, I hope you have a special Thursday! Kisses


06/01/2022 15:37:40

I pray for you each night. Hope you are doing better. Miss your comments.

06/01/2022 09:10:54

05/31/2022 14:38:10


Where does the time go?  Half the year is almost gone!  And here I am to share my Blessings with you again.  I know you are grabbing some!  


Last Friday I drove an hour to a mall in Frisco just to see my girls and to spend some quality time with my precious DIL, Evelyn.  Nicole # 4 in gold top and Michelle # 6 in flowered top.  After lunch at the CheeseCake Factory, they all went off in their own groups and I went with Evelyn to return the 2 dresses that Nicole didn't keep.  


I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such an AWESOME husband.  That sly grin turns into a beautiful smile and the most wonderful laugh!  


Thank you for prayers for Kyle Kid, George!  He called earlier today and is home from the hospital after the aFib episode.  I looked for his picture from several years ago where he won an award from the school but haven't found it yet.  Besides, I thought this was a great picture of how much fun he had as a crossing guard.  The newspaper went to the school and took a bunch of pictures of him for a special story they did.  Please continue to keep him in your prayers as he will find out about continuing the radiation treatments and the chemo pill he is taking that is affecting his vision which is why he isn't on The Hill very much right now. 

Here comes the Blessings dust... 


05/31/2022 12:34:45

The last day of May... can you believe it?
I hope June is filled w/good things, George:)
Continued prayerful thoughts your way...
*hugs* -di

05/30/2022 10:37:15


Just want to say "Thank you for your sacrifice and service!" to all, especially those that gave their life.  Many people do things everyday that affect us in one way or another and they don't even realize it.  And thanks to all those in other countries that support our Memorial Day.  All of them have  family and friends that have served.  


Quick update on Kyle Kid... I talked to George on the phone just a bit ago.  He is still in the hospital because of the AFib episode.  But he sounded much stronger than he did last week.  Thanks for your prayers!  

05/29/2022 16:21:02

Sorry it has been so long since i havent been here.

I hope all is well with you.I have been going through so much.

My daughter was diployed 4 days ago.

It was hard on my to see her leave. 

My brother got in to a bad accident. It was a hit and run.

He is in bad shape. We are looking into see who run him over.

Its a Beautiful day today. No that i was thinking of you

and hope your safe . You are in my prayers. 

I hope you have a Beautiful Memorial Day.

God Bless you.

 Take care.

05/29/2022 12:41:18

05/29/2022 03:58:58

 Good morning .

05/29/2022 02:50:45

May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS HAPPY WEEKEND REMINDERS -Be patient -Do what you love -Be kind -Love life -BE YOUrself -Be humble -Give back -Take it ONE day at a time. Breathe and enjoy. ~Babz inspireu Sositioe sensations SS'

05/28/2022 13:19:53

Enjoy your weekend, friend. *hugs*

05/28/2022 11:52:05


It is a long weekend for a reason.  Please remember what it is all about.  Talk about it to your kids, to everyone.  


I am so excited for Derrick to now have his new best friend and service dog.  If you don't have a charity, please consider donating often to Patriot Paws located in Rockwall, Texas who help Veterans everywhere with service dogs.  It is a wonderful organization.  


Derrick and Bill are best friends.  They ride the laid back bicycles and compete in lots of Veteran races over many miles, often taking more than a day. IMG-1715IMG-1716

As Derrick and Bill were riding away from our house, I realized I forgot to take a picture.  Really???  Both of them are in that picture.  


Please remember to say "Thank you for your Service and Sacrifice.  


05/28/2022 09:09:25

05/28/2022 01:34:54

Hello my dear friend, I hope you have a nice weekend! Enjoy it! Kisses.

05/27/2022 10:05:53


Are you ready to celebrate Memorial Day weekend?  What a sacrifice so many families have given for each of us.  I hope you have your Red, White & Blue on and are sharing your smile with everyone!  


05/27/2022 05:10:09




05/27/2022 01:42:30

Hello my friend, may this Friday be special for you, enjoy it! Kisses

05/26/2022 14:49:59


I awoke to such beautiful colors in the sky.  I had to hurry to catch the rays before the colors disappeared.  The cooler temperatures seem to make such a difference.  


I even went out to the front today to get a different view of God's painting.  I noticed a limb on the tree near the mailbox was broken at the base of the tree because of all our high winds.  


So a combination of the cooler temperatures and a broken limb lead to trimming the tallest tree in our yard.  We hate to have to duck when cutting the yard on the riding mower.  


As we keep cutting off the lower limbs, we have to keep using a taller ladder.  Glad our grands keep growing taller so they can still reach a limb to climb the trees.  It is always nice to have tall friends and family too.  Thanks for being my life long friend, George.  I hope you will be done with radiation very soon.


05/26/2022 10:30:56

Thankful for needed rain the past 3 days, and
even thunder-bumpers that come along w/it:)
Happy today, friend! -di

05/25/2022 13:23:26


I know it is after NooN but what a good morning we had.  First was last night, rain was predicted for us the last 3 days and lots of areas around DFW got 3" or more of rain before we even got one drop.  But after 10 pm the rain started and we ended up with just over 1".  I don't have to water today and my buckets are full of runoff rain.  


Yes, this morning I have a big smile on my face.  Texas Longhorns baseball won the first game of the Big 12 Playoff.  Now if we can just keep up the great pitching and batting!  And tomorrow the Texas Longhorns girls softball start Regional Playoffs as the boys will have another game too.  


Of course I am also kind of sad today.  It is Nicole's last day of middle school.  This afternoon she will be a High Schooler.  Oh no!  However, we are so proud of her and her sister this year for all their awards and achievements.  

Now it's time for a Tea Party!  


05/25/2022 09:11:30

05/25/2022 01:47:05

05/24/2022 13:46:03


Hubby trimmed plants (yaupon) and I trimmed the low branches on a crape myrtle tree and a juniper tree.  We are still waiting on the promised 95% chance of rain, it is getting closer to us.  


As soon as I get my shower, I think I will read my Romantic Comedy by Emma St. Clair, "the Buy-In".  Laughter is good for the soul and this book about a small town is funny.  So...


05/24/2022 07:06:40

Hello my dear friend...happy tuesday.  Take care.  Kisses for you.

05/24/2022 01:27:35

05/23/2022 14:04:42

Have a merry one, friend:) *hugs* -di

05/23/2022 11:06:05

05/23/2022 10:57:04


After several weeks of very high and gusty winds (my hair looked worse than that), it is a calm, cloudy, foggy, overcast morning again here for the second day in a row.  I know in the middle of summer, we will miss the wind but for right now it is a welcome change since we are only at 63° at 10 am.  We are hoping for some soaking rains for all of Texas that is still in the drought stage.  


So rain or shine (or cloudy), cool or warm, whatever your day is like today, may Blessings and Hugs be in store for you.  I hope you will share your smile and make others really wonder what is going on in your head.  


05/23/2022 01:51:16

05/22/2022 12:59:56


What a difference a day makes!  What a blessing from God! We were 97 yesterday after lunch, then it dropped to 74 mid afternoon.  Today we started at 60 today and at noon we were only 62!  We only got 1/10" of rain but we lost electricity from 10pm until 11:30 pm just as the storms got near us.  


It will sure make watering the plants this week much more enjoyable with 4 days below 80°.  So I am sharing my Blessings and Hugs with you.  Grab them!  


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