Thiank you Lynne :) Wow, you sure do a great job knitting...the tops I've seen are gorgeous...and I LOVE those colors! I wish I had learned how to knit, especially now that I'm stuck in the house for the next 6 weeks or more, and I'm not capapble of doing much! I hope you're having a wonderful day in my favorite part of the world! x
LadyLynne wrote:
So glad to see you back, you've been missed. Thanks for the photo compliment, Violette. Yes, that lilac vest is my handy work LOL. I only knit with chunky wool as it doesn't take long to do. I got the vest pattern from E-Bay and have knitted the lilac and also a turquoise one. At the moment, in the process of knitting a royal blue one. They go so good with a blouse or long sleeve T-shirt underneath. Great back warmers too and so easy to knit. Keeps me busy while watching tennis. Hugs
Thank you Lynne, it's good to be back :) Did you knit that gorgeous purple top you're wearing in the photo at the top of your page? It's a stunning photo of you x
A little baby bird like that fell in the pool and we rescued him and brought him in the house for the night till he was well enough to leave the next morning,happy Friday and into the weekend,
Glad to hear you are enjoying your budgie Lynne. I'm sure he'll keep you lots of company. Our bird would fly around the hosue when we let him out of his cage and land on your finger when you held it out. He would also eat off your tongue! Can't remember, but I think he died eventually but we weren't there. Have a good weekend and relax. Hope the weather is good. It'll be another 90 degree day for us and will feel like 100. hugs, Wendy
Hi Lynne...I read one of your comments from miss violet and she is spot on...your a very attractive elegant looking woman...and I think your personality makes you even more beautiful..Always enjoy your photos..Have a nice rest of the weekend my friend