Is your Christmas tree inside or outside or both? If you love to decorate and DIY, here is a cute decoration for Christmas, seperated or stacked up with a hat on top. Cat lover or Dog lover, we all have our upside down clowns in the family. Wishing you and your family the merriest of Christmas with family and friends. Thank you Jesus for all my friends as you shower them with Blessings.
WELL... I know we are not the coldest place right now but our temperature dropped 25° in 10 minutes. We started at above 50° this morning and we are now 14° feels like -4°. We have had 40-50 MPH winds with a steady 25 mph or higher. And bubba, for Texas, this is extra cold for December as we are usually 50° to about 82° on Christmas. Even in late January and February we are not this cold. In Mexico City it is 72° right now, as it is just about year round! Did I mention that I don't like cold weather? When I got home from work today, we took warm water to the chickens next door (babysitting them) as their water is FROZEN and will be until sometime hopefully on Sunday. At least I am off until Tuesday. Only 87 days, 6 hours, 44 minutes and 21 seconds until SPRING... but who's counting.
Hi there. Is it ever cold here.Its 0* and fells like -22*. Its warmed up some. lol It was -2 and felt like -26. Brrrr. My house is very drafty and this wind is awful from the north. I feel like I need to hang up some blankets. I may do that in our bedroom and at the window in the living room where the air conditioner is. I have a small cover the covers up the air conditioner but it hasn't helped much with the strong wind. I hope you are having a good day. Mine isn't to bad. Just trying to stay warm. Well take care my friend and many hugs from me to you. Cheryl