There is a difference between dogs and cats. Dogs will lovingly pose for pictures and let you dress them up. Cats get scared when the Christmas tree just falls down and they want to show you love.
Hello there. How are you? I'm doing good. Its a cold 30 and feels like 25. That isn't bad compared to what its going to be the next few days. Thursday is going to be awful with a temperature of 8 all day and wiind chill making it worse. I won't be getting out that day at all. I hope everyone stays warm where you live if it even gets that cold. Well take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Many hugs, Cheryl
Dear friends, may this Christmas time brings you peace, laughter and much love to your family and friends. Thank you so much for being my sweet online friend. You're friendship means so much to me.
Hello dear friend, I will be away for a few days... May you be immensely happy this Christmas, and may the new year fill you with blessings! Hugs and kisses
. If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time – not tomorrow, nor next year, nor in some future life after we have died. The best preparation for a better life next year is a full, complete, harmonious, joyous life this year. Our beliefs in a rich future life are of little importance unless we coin them into a rich present life. Today should always be our most wonderful day.