Hi, my friends, I'm back!!!! Thank you all, for all the sweet comments. So sorry to be so long away from here on, The Hill. Wow, It has been a long time. I have been so busy, and then in spring I was out strait, feverishly planting the veggie “container garden”. Then I have to cut down all the trees to make room for sunshine to be on the plants more than 8 hours a day. Early Summer was too hot to work outside all day so I only worked if it cooled morning and evening. Around, mid-June I hurt my knee, walking backward, and falling over a tree, and trapping my foot under another tree. If you watch Pit Bulls & Parolees, I pretty much did the same thing Tia did to her knee. Well, I even have corn in buckets. They are up against the house wall, 'cause corn needs competition to grow tall; so farmers planted sunflowers around the corn field because sunflowers grow faster than corn. Hence, competition. It was too late in the year to start sunflowers from seed. Well, I was flat on my back for 3+ weeks then on crutches a couple months. Only recently, I haven't needed crutches, nor the knee brace, all the time; but I'm still not steady on my feet, so I walk very carefully. I have been scrambling to catch up on all the things that I haven't been able to do around here; but the painful knee is so exhausting. Still can't work on trees with chain-saw. I only mowed once early June; planned to mow, but wrecked knee the day before I had planned to. The yard is a wild savanna; So, I have ordered an industrial weed wacker that has a saw blade, metal lawnmower like blades, and stiff plastic blades, self propelled over-sized wheels, 2- 24v-4.0H, Lith'. Batteries, even though it only uses 1 at a time, and a 30 min., quick charger. With cash back and coupons I got all for $82, so I think I “done good” on the intensive research. My friend Tony can't believe I found that deal. I'll let you know if I have trouble with it. So, that has been my summer adventure. And, I am a 70 yr old diabetic with a heart condition, so I'm still quarantined since last June 2020... 2020. I also, haven't been able to do much with replacing the siding on my house. Started to prep the underlay, then hurt the knee. Hopefully my knee will be able to let me work on that within the next week. I also want to saw up the trees that are down, for heat wood this winter. If not, I can tarp the wall, buy wood, and use those trees next winter. I also have to replace my deck this fall. Just need to complete, in front of the door. It is 4 days on the siding and 4 days on the deck, that absolutely, has to be done before snow. The rest can wait until spring. But, I should be able to get a lot more done, before snow. I hope to be here (I know, I say this every time) a whole lot more often. I'll catch up, eventually. Thank you again for being my friend. I hope all are well, and I hope everyone made it through the horrible weather we just had. My heart goes out to any who have been harmed, by that &/or the evacuation from Afghanistan &/or Covid-Delta &/or all the chaos, that we have been plagued by this past year plus. Well, time to go to bed. Hugs to all, TP