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10/02/2021 04:49:27

Good morning, wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with love and smiles.

Mountain Sunrise View - Landscapes Paint By Number - Numeral Paint
Blessed Be

09/30/2021 03:59:01

Good morning, it's the last day of the month already. Where does all the time go?

Landscape painting, art, cottage, painting, nature, river, sunrise, HD  wallpaper | Peakpx
Blessed Be

09/26/2021 16:31:51

Have A Beautiful Day

09/25/2021 15:16:08

See the source image

09/12/2021 04:38:50

Good morning, wishing you a day of rest and relaxation.

Paint Nite: Sunrise on the Farm - Painting Classes New York | CourseHorse -  Yaymaker
Blessed Be

09/11/2021 09:48:36

09/06/2021 23:50:20

my friends, I'm back!!!! Thank you all, for all the sweet comments.
So sorry to be so long away from here on, The Hill. Wow, It has been
a long time. I have been so busy, and then in spring I was out
strait, feverishly planting the veggie “container garden”. Then I
have to cut down all the trees to make room for sunshine to be on the
plants more than 8 hours a day. Early Summer was too hot to work
outside all day so I only worked if it cooled morning and evening.
Around, mid-June I hurt my knee, walking backward, and falling over a
tree, and trapping my foot under another tree. If you watch Pit Bulls
& Parolees, I pretty much did the same thing Tia did to her knee.
Well, I even have corn in buckets. They are up against the house
wall, 'cause corn needs competition to grow tall; so farmers planted
sunflowers around the corn field because sunflowers grow faster than
corn. Hence, competition. It was too late in the year to start
sunflowers from seed. Well, I was flat on my back for 3+ weeks then
on crutches a couple months. Only recently, I haven't needed
crutches, nor the knee brace, all the time; but I'm still not steady
on my feet, so I walk very carefully. I have been scrambling to catch
up on all the things that I haven't been able to do around here; but
the painful knee is so exhausting. Still can't work on trees with
chain-saw. I only mowed once early June; planned to mow, but wrecked
knee the day before I had planned to. The yard is a wild savanna; So,
I have ordered an industrial weed wacker that has a saw blade, metal
lawnmower like blades, and stiff plastic blades, self propelled
over-sized wheels, 2- 24v-4.0H, Lith'. Batteries, even though it
only uses 1 at a time, and a 30 min., quick charger. With cash back
and coupons I got all for $82, so I think I “done good” on the
intensive research. My friend Tony can't believe I found that deal.
I'll let you know if I have trouble with it. So, that has been my
summer adventure. And, I am a 70 yr old diabetic with a heart
condition, so I'm still quarantined since last June 2020... 2020. I
also, haven't been able to do much with replacing the siding on my
house. Started to prep the underlay, then hurt the knee. Hopefully my
knee will be able to let me work on that within the next week. I also
want to saw up the trees that are down, for heat wood this winter. If
not, I can tarp the wall, buy wood, and use those trees next winter.
I also have to replace my deck this fall. Just need to complete, in
front of the door. It is 4 days on the siding and 4 days on the deck,
that absolutely, has to be done before snow. The rest can wait until
spring. But, I should be able to get a lot more done, before snow. I
hope to be here (I know, I say this every time) a whole lot more
often. I'll catch up, eventually. Thank you again for being my
friend. I hope all are well, and I hope everyone made it through the
horrible weather we just had. My heart goes out to any who have been
harmed, by that &/or the evacuation from Afghanistan &/or
Covid-Delta &/or all the chaos, that we have been plagued by this
past year plus. Well, time to go to bed. Hugs to all, TP

09/01/2021 05:02:15

Good morning, say hello to September. New beginnings. Fill your day with smiles.

Nature Landscape Sunrise Canvas Art Morning light Large Painting Nature  Wall Decor Sunrise Painting Landscape Painting Forest Sunrise Painting Art  & Collectibles saherflow.com
Blessed Be

08/06/2021 04:56:13

Good morning, we made it! Friday is here! Wishing you a Fab one filled with smiles.

Nature Landscape Sunrise Canvas Art Morning light Large Painting Nature  Wall Decor Sunrise Painting Landscape Painting Forest Sunrise Painting Art  & Collectibles saherflow.com
Blessed Be

07/31/2021 05:05:14

Good morning, wishing you the best Saturday ever. 3 cheers for the weekend!

Sunrise on the Beach - Painting is my Passion - Paintings & Prints,  Landscapes & Nature, Beach & Ocean, Shorelines, Tropical Shorelines - ArtPal
Blessed Be

07/26/2021 04:27:57

Good morning, wishing you a wonderful start to your week.

34 Sunrise painting ideas | sunrise painting, sunrise, painting
Blessed Be

07/23/2021 04:37:17

Good morning, have a Fab Friday and a beautiful weekend.

Haena beach Sunrise – MICHAL ART STUDIO HAWAII
Blessed Be

07/09/2021 09:59:39

happy friday, hope your day

is peaceful..hugs..mk

07/06/2021 04:21:06

Good morning, hope your week is off to a wonderful start. Wishing you a terrific Tuesday.

Sunrise Sunset Colors Reflecting in water Watercolor Pen and | Etsy
Blessed Be

07/02/2021 03:49:38

Good morning, TGIF! Wishing you a Fab one and a wonderful weekend.

Why Do We Celebrate July 4 With Fireworks? - HISTORY
Stay safe. Blessed Be

06/18/2021 03:48:33

I pray all is well.

06/11/2021 03:47:34

Good morning, TGIF! Wishing you a Fab Friday and a wonderful weekend!

Thomas Kinkade landscape art painting reproduction cottage in spring garden  canvas prints any size accepted|thomas kinkade|painting reproductionart  painting - AliExpress
Blessed Be

06/04/2021 04:44:10

Good morning, wishing you a Fab Friday and a wonderful weekend.

14 Inspirational Landscape Paintings - OutdoorPainter
Blessed Be

05/30/2021 04:07:44

Good morning, have a beautiful Sunday.

Fayston Elementary Art: Inspired by Peter Max | Peter max art, Peter max,  Art
Happy Memorial Day

05/25/2021 10:35:49

05/24/2021 04:20:18

Good morning, wishing you a wonderful start to the new week. 

Colorful Abstract Art Captures the Dappled Sunlight of Canadian Forests
Blessed Be

05/22/2021 09:10:46

05/21/2021 04:18:00

Good morning, wishing you a Fab Friday and a wonderful weekend with many smiles.

Abstract art & abstract paintings including contemporary oil paintings -  Original Art from West Country Galleries
Blessed Be

05/17/2021 04:18:04

Good morning, where did the weekend go? Wishing you a wonderful start to your week.

The Mystery and Allure of the Abstract Landscape | Widewalls
Blessed Be

05/15/2021 10:02:47

have a relaxing week-end


05/15/2021 03:27:48

Good morning, wishing you a happy weekend filled with love and smiles.

File:Sunrise on the Beach.jpg - Wikiquote
Blessed Be

05/14/2021 04:24:29

Good morning, wishing you a Fab Friday and wonderful weekend filled with lots of smiles.

The Most Beautiful Waterfalls in the World
Blessed Be

05/09/2021 03:52:06

To all the moms, wishing you a Happy Mother's Day! Blessed Be

Rose definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

05/07/2021 04:34:23

Good morning, may you have a Fantastic Friday and a Wonderful weekend of rest and relaxation.

6 Best + Free Abstract Art Courses & Classes [2021 MAY]
Blessed Be

05/03/2021 04:50:30

Good morning, wishing you a wonderful start to your week.

Spring Fever: Outside and in Your Home — ArtCorner: A Blog by  overstockArt.com
Blessed Be

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