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03/05/2021 08:59:27

good morning! hope your week went well. wishing you a happy friday..hugs..marykay

03/05/2021 05:12:23

Good morning, wishing you a Fab Friday full of smiles.

These Are the 10 Most Popular Tourist Attractions to See in the Spring |  Travel + Leisure
Blessed Be

03/04/2021 04:29:23

morning, it was a beautiful day in the 50's and sunny. Now we're back to
freezing for the rest of the week. Go figure! Wishing you a Thoughtful

SPRING MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL* for our LASER Pain Treatment! - BW Primary Care
One day closer

03/03/2021 08:28:21

good morning! the sun is shining the birds are singing...hope your day is happy and peaceful...marykay

03/03/2021 04:57:10

Good morning, we're halfway through the week already. Wishing you wonderful Wednesday.

Spring Cleaning; Diet and Lifestyle for the Spring Season – Dr. Lia Andrews
Blessed Be

03/02/2021 04:05:34

Good morning, another chilly start this a.m. Wishing you a Terrific Tuesday.

It's Spring By John Foster - Lessons - Blendspace
One Day Closer

03/01/2021 04:25:06

Good morning, say hello to March. Have a wonderful start to your week.

400+ Best Springtime Photos · 100% Free Download · Pexels Stock PhotosOne Day Closer

02/28/2021 12:01:23

That is hot, i think better than winter. Its wet and foggy here,

02/28/2021 03:44:07

morning, I'm doing well. How are you? Can you believe it's the last day of February? Time rolls on
like the train going near and far. Have a Blessed Sunday.

35 Winter Wonderlands Around the World | Condé Nast Traveler
Peace, Love and Happiness

02/27/2021 19:20:24


02/27/2021 04:43:08

Good morning, one day closer to Spring! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

12 Winter Birds Myths and Facts - Birds and Blooms
Blessed Be

02/24/2021 04:12:22

Good morning, can you believe it is midweek already? The weekend is in view! Have a wonderful Wednesday with lots of smiles.

10 Great Winter Poems Everyone Should Read – Interesting Literature
Peace, Love and Happiness

02/22/2021 11:33:44

we got another 5 inches of snow last night, and still snowing. sending these cuties to say happy monday...mk

02/22/2021 04:27:35

Good morning, yay finally got above freezing. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

Image result for winter pictures
Blessed Be

02/20/2021 09:36:26

good morning...hope all is well in your world. sun is shining bright here today, the birds are singing...and not so cold. hopefully that's a sign all of this really bad winter weather is done reaking havok on this country. my thoughts and prayers go out to people in texas who are suffering . i wish you a day of happiness and peace...mk

02/20/2021 04:48:04

Good morning, another dusting overnight. Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of smiles.

Image result for winter pictures
Peace, Love and Happiness

02/19/2021 04:22:02

Good morning, waking to another dusting of snow. TGIF! Wishing you a Friday full of smiles.

Image result for winter pictures
Blessed Be

02/18/2021 05:19:24

Good morning, yay it's Friday Eve! The weekend is in view! Wishing you a day full of smiles.

Image result for winter pictures
Blessed Be

02/17/2021 03:49:01

Good morning, another frosty day. All aboard! Let's take the train to the weekend. Many smiles for your Wednesday.

Image result for winter pictures
Peace, Love and Happiness

02/16/2021 16:32:21

02/15/2021 10:40:38

Have a beautiful Day

02/15/2021 04:17:32

Good morning, the calm before the storm. Big snow coming about everywhere. Wishing you a wonderful start to your week. 

Image result for winter pictures
Blessed Be

02/14/2021 17:39:03

my friends, thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your wonderful
comments. They have lifted my spirits. I do hope you are healthy and
happy, and doing fun things.

my gosh, it has been so long since I have been able to spend any time
here on The Hill. I'm quarantined/out of work since March and I am
busier than I have ever been. I started replacing rotten siding last
November and a freak snowstorm dropped almost 2 feet of extremely
soaking wet/heavy snow. So, there sits the bottom of my front wall
all torn off and waiting until Spring for me to finish, along with my
porch, torn off the house listing/sinking backward. There are buckets
under it to keep it solid/sturdy.

September refer died so I had to have a new one installed. It was on
it's last leg and not cooling, and at the bottom was freezing
veggies. Well, the delivery guys were kids and couldn't grasp the
basic fundamentals of the mechanics of the mask, so I ended up
catching the common cold (rhinovirus). I wore 2 masks, so that pretty
much proves to me what they are saying about: my mask protects others
not so much me; but others masks are what protect me more than
mine does. I do have N-95 left over from working construction the
last 45 years, with a double bandanna on top of that.

the holidays have been quiet 'cause I can't go anywhere & no one
can visit. The virus has been wicked spiking here in NH; and now we
have the variants. So I am so careful, washing anything and
everything as it is brought into the house, and lots of hand-washing.

on taxes now, and getting rid of clutter, and
sorting/sprucing-up/repairs/maintenance/deep cleaning. Oiy!!! Then
with what's been going on since all of 2020 with that putrid,
fly-infested, steaming, orange pile of pig diarrhea, desecrating our
Democracy and the Capital. I can't even process any of it any more.
I'm in the Twilight Zone!!!!

have a great Valentine's and Winter, I'm still planning on getting
here on The Hill a whole lot more often. Stay happy and healthy and
have fun.

you... Hugs, T P

02/14/2021 16:43:02

02/14/2021 12:54:40

See the source image

02/13/2021 11:52:13

wishing you a happy week-end..mk

02/12/2021 20:19:23


02/12/2021 03:33:02

Good morning, another frosty day here. Wishing you a Fab Friday filled with lots of smiles.

Image result for winter pictures
Blessed Be

02/09/2021 19:46:20


thank you

02/05/2021 08:44:28

a cold and wintery day here. have a lovely friday..hugs..mk

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