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03/24/2024 05:05:47

Good morning.  Happy PALM SUNDAY. I looked out my window this morning at about 4:00 AM.  Much to my chagrin I notice snow on lawns and cars.  I forgot there was a forecast of some light snow.  Now I am completely devastated by reading the forecast of 2 to 4 inches of snow with high winds later today.  The concrete is warm and so consequently a shovel is not needed.  At least I hope not.  I most likely would protest and not shovel anyway.  Usually Palm Sunday comes in April and so it is not the everyday weather like we are getting this year.  As they like to say on Vulcan, the weather is the weather, what can be done? Of course they say air instead of weather. In either case, have a reasonable day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of cat

03/23/2024 05:17:19

May be an image of text that says 'lor FARMS Broccoli Florets FRESH VEGETABLES THOROUGHLY WASHED 02011 907G'

03/23/2024 04:41:54

Happy Saturday. The key to good broccoli is to get it cut up in a bag and not overcook it. Cool this morning. 19*F heading to 38*. Nothing planned for today but church. Maybe a walk later. I hate walking on the weekend during the day. You meet people you know. Church will be a long one. Palm Sunday services. You have to ride an ass (onager) around the parking lot. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of vulture

03/22/2024 10:17:45

we got about 3 or 4 inches. Fortunately the ground is warm so no shoveling.

No photo description available.

03/22/2024 04:37:30

Good morning. 28*; snow until 10 AM; going to 40* later so maybe it will melt; more of a nuisance than anything; we usually get snow into April; fortunately I have gotten the bike out already to keep the streak intact of being on the road by April 1stmy entire life; got to the store yesterday for a couple of necessities so nothing planned today; today is considered the Friday of Sorrows in some places. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

No photo description available.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Carol Burnett stars in Palm Royale. APPLETV+ PHOTOS caro!! Burnett's back in new series 'Palm Royale''


May be an image of 1 person

03/21/2024 04:18:17

Good morning. We have a winter advisory for tonight and into Friday. Snow with accumulations of 2 to 4 inches. Not unusual. Last year, we had snow on April 16th so I was expecting this. Yesterday I had trouble with the car and took it into the repair shop and they told me it was nothing major and did not even charge me. Just some inconvenience and trauma. Whenever something like this happens, I have to use context and think of people with real problems. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an illustration of castle

03/20/2024 03:57:02

Good morning. 31* heading to 35*. Spring has sprung. Nothing on the agenda. Maybe church and a walk but that would be about it. Sometimes on the walk, now that I do daylight, I run into one of the neighbors who says hello or gives me the finger. I did the Walmart yesterday for chocolate milk and a couple of other things only to find out the regular milk in the refrigerator was bad. So now what!!!! I shall contemplate.

May be a black-and-white image of 8 people, street and text that says 'BURTS SHOES OPEN'

May be an image of 2 people and people smiling

03/19/2024 05:04:46

Happy Spring Equinox. About 10 tonight, depending where in the universe you are.

May be an illustration of flower

03/19/2024 04:40:27

Good morning. I will have to make it to Walmart, either at 6, or 8, depending on the fates. I miss the 24/7. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be a doodle of coffee cup

May be an image of coffee cup and text that says 'everybody should believe in something. I believe I'll have another coffee. Coffee'

03/18/2024 05:00:27

Good morning. Monday, a time of exuberance. Weekend over and back to reality and real life. 25* this morning, but I do not hear the wind. During my walk yesterday, the wind and cold were so bad I was glad to get it over with. Some guy was walking down the street with a blanket on to protect his face. Last night before retiring, I had an imaginary cough, the cough was real but I thought it was the end of the world. It wasn't. In either case,I may pass on the walk today, at least until later. Have a reasonable day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 2 people

03/17/2024 13:39:36

03/17/2024 10:04:17

Hot Take.  Low rise jeans should make a comeback

May be an image of 1 person and blonde hair

May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair and miniskirt

May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair and text

03/17/2024 09:47:42

Cold with a lot of wind this morning. Almost made a coward of me on the walk. And a trace of snow.

May be an image of car and text that says 'Lax 3/17 2024'

May be an image of 1 person, kayak and body of water

May be an image of wallaby, big cat and snow leopard

03/17/2024 05:16:39

Happy Saint Patrick's Day.  It is rather cool this morning.  30° heading for 35°.  It was a windy night so I imagine it made it cooler outside with the windchill.  In either case, the day moves on.  I have discovered that Saint Patrick was not Irish.  I always hate it when people claim a citizenship they are not entitled to.  I suspect that he was actually a citizen of New York City.  At one time I saw a picture of him wearing New York Yankees attire. I would like to test him through Ancestry.  Have a good day.  Drink some green milk.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 5 people

03/16/2024 05:35:43

Happy Saturday. 49* and this is it for the high. I am planning on going for a walk at about 7 AM and church later. Outside of that, things are fluid. At times, when lying in bed in the darkness, I wonder what would have happened to Italy if some nutcases did not kill Julius. How would the world be today? Have a reasonable day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

No photo description available.

03/15/2024 05:37:24

Happy Friday.

No photo description available.

May be a doodle of elephant and text that says 'God does not give you what you can HANDLE, God what you are given. helps you HANDLE'

03/14/2024 09:38:42

eat a piece of Pi.

May be a doodle of pie and text that says 'HAPPY π BOOK BOOK 3.14 PI DAY MARCH 14'

03/14/2024 04:08:01

Good morning.  I'm expecting rain at approximately 6:00 AM.  The temperature is 54° heading for a high of 55°.  It is not going to be as nice as this writer has had but acceptable for this time of year.  My carpal tunnel is not being defeated as I hoped for with meditation.  It is not horrific, just a nagging ache.  I hear about all the problems other people have and I realize I have to persevere.  I don't have any agenda etched in stone. I would like to get to church this morning but that will be a game time decision.  It says we're going to have rain so I'm not certain of my exercise protocol for today.  Since I do not go at 3:00 AM any longer, my schedule is not as pleasant as it was.  In either case, I leave you to your schedule for today.  I would just caution you to put out the garbage as it is GARBAGE DAY in my alley.  Have a reasonable day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 1 person and practicing yoga

May be an image of 1 person, practicing yoga and activewear

03/13/2024 04:56:44

Happy Hump Day. This is the last really nice day for a while and then back to the reality of my planet. I conquered my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome yesterday and got the bike out. I thought I would never be able to ride that again. I was even wondering if I could install the battery. The clinic told me to use meditation and so that helped. We are moving toward St. Pat's Day and so I shall have to work on the page, maybe. Have a reasonable day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair and hair dryer

03/12/2024 05:00:00


May be pop art

03/11/2024 06:23:12

Celebrating the FLAT WHITE.

Flat White vs Latte: A Breakdown! – A Couple Cooks

03/11/2024 06:03:37

Happy Monday. Starting off at 40*, 20* warmer than yesterday at this time. Heading to 69*. Considering we have struggled to get to 50* lately, an improvement. I may even see about a battery for the motorcycle. It is Monday so that is difficult as Harley shop is closed. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of coffee cup and coffee

03/11/2024 00:04:39

03/10/2024 16:12:37

03/10/2024 11:32:06

it was 20* this morning but once the sun touched the frost..........

May be an image of car

03/10/2024 04:56:11

Good morning. Happy Sunday and a new time in the New World. I shall have to wait for the light for an additional hour but that is the only difference between this writer and the rest of the world. Nothing planned for today. Have a reasonable day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of slow loris

No photo description available.

03/09/2024 17:34:52

Have a beautiful weekend

03/09/2024 09:57:50


03/09/2024 05:44:07

Good morning.  Saturday in the city and all is well.  27° going to 43° later.  I would imagine I am going to go for my walk in about 1/2 hour.  Since the accident of eating concrete, I have been waiting for daylight to go for the walk.  I miss the walk at 3:00 AM however the accident has convinced me to wait for daylight.  Maybe someday I will enjoy it as well as I did in the middle of night.  Nothing really planned for today except church at 4:00 PM.  Have a good day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!  

May be a cartoon

May be an image of coffee cup, coffee and coffee maker

03/08/2024 04:25:47

Happy WOMEN'S DAY. I am supposed to get rain today so my good weather is gone for a couple of days. I did not sleep well last night thinking of my ailing lawn mower. I don't need it until June but I fear the worst. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be a doodle of one or more people, people standing, poster and text that says 'WOMEN'S DAY'

May be an image of 1 person and text that says '

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