My goodness this week just flew by so fast. May you have a nice day and a pleasant weekend. A windy March day today . Glad I did my errands this morning. Smiles Gloria
Not much longer now til Spring! I'm getting my seeds started and my garden ready to plant. I figure 3-4 weeks and I'll be ready to go, I'm so excited! I hope you have a good day and a wonderful weekend!
Blessed St. Patrick's day to you. A beautiful cloudy day. Sunshine within my heart as I sing some Irish songs throughout the day. For now I am going to make up a fresh cup of coffee to make my day even brighter. May your day be kind to you. Smiles Gloria
Life is a song. Love is the music. ~Author Unknown
A beautiful Monday day to you. I don't know why but I am thinking of pussywillows on this special day as one starts the week. Enjoying the memories of past days when the children were at home and they would bring back from the woods pussywillows for the family to enjoy during the first part of spring. Treasured memories!
I am busy doing the daily household duties off and on and think I need to have another cup of coffee and or tea to enjoy my day even more.Smiles Gloria
Smile, it lets your teeth breathe. ~Author unknown
May you have a pleasant Saturday day doing whatever you would like to do as you share your smile and enjoy your day the best you can and I will do the same up north. Smiles Gloria
If you didn't start out the day with a smile, it's not too late to start practicing for tomorrow. ~Author unknown
A bit of a cooler day so better put on my warmer sweater and warm myself with another cup of coffee and or tea. My goodness this week did go by fast for some reason. May you have a nice day and a glorious weekend at what ever you will be doing with your moments and I will do the same. Smiles Gloria
Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. ~Henry James
Beautiful Monday day to you. I just had to run afew errands for it is such a nice spring day. The air is so refreshing. More and more of the snow has melted and now there are puddles in its place. Puts a smile on my face and I just want to splash in these puddles.
May you have a lovely evening thinking of your day. Hope it has been most kind to you. Smiles Gloria