Wishing you a great day and a wonderful weekend! It's going to be a rainy day here cooling off the temps. The weekend is supposed to be in the upper 70's and sunny which is perfect weather for me!
Bringing you pretty Fall flowers to match your layout:) I thought of you when I saw this tag:) It's rainy here and very gloomy outside, under weather-watch. Dobbie and DH are still piled up in bed. lol Sleeping in is a stretch for me anymore. Have a terrific Thursday, pal! *hugs* 'n headbonks...
hello Pam, we had a nice long weekend here and it rained off and on the whole weekend but we needed it. Hubby mowed and weeded between the showers. Has your weather begun to cool off? Things have gradually returned a little more to normal recently. First day back at church yesterday and it was wonderful. The beaches in my state were packed with people. I'll wait till a weekend that's not a holiday to visit the coast. Have a good new week Pam.
Good evening to you . Such a glorious day I had planting glads and dahlia's . The lawn even got its first hair cut.
Now for the next several days rain will be coming down which wll be nice to hear the pitter patter of the rain drops. I am looking for the rainy weather so I will stay indoors instead in the back yard most of the day and getting very little done in the home. We are to be in the 70's for the daytime and over night temps in the 50's . My my how I am enjoying these spring days. May you have a pleasant day tomorrow .
Hope all is well w/you and yours. What's keeping you busy lately? It's surprising how fast the days go by. I find myself involved w/this 'n that the entire day and before I know it, it's bedtime. Days are longer and "Dark time" is later. Enjoy your days, sweet Pam, and take care! Love 'n hugs...
A very nice evening to you. My what glorious day I have been having up north. I am not getting much done inside the home for I am enjoying the out of doors most of the day watching the flowers coming up out of the flowerbeds and planting glads that will come up later this summer. The tulips are out right now around the yard which bring smiles to my face as I see their beautiful colors of yellow, red and pink.
May you have a nice and pleasant day tomorrow what ever you will be doing.
If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.
Good morning, Pam. Enjoying that cuppa, huh:) Hope you're enjoying this week. Wow, the one before it flew by like a jet plane:) Absotively nothing new here, but wanted to pop in and say "Hi!". Enjoy all you do! Love & *hugs*...